a grane of 'u4- excellent)i in ettort. Schaefgen, Evelyn Schweitzer, Au- The remaining thirty-three were rica Simion, Jean Small, John Spreng- sixth, seventh.and eighth graders Ofl er, 'Annette Williams. the honor society. Egt rd To b onthe ono . ocieN,,the Shirley Bottof, Elinor Clark, Rus- pupil must have flot only a-grade -ofselCoeRyDe o, icla "E" in -effort, but an average of "E"ý Hawley, Tom Hildebrandt, Mary for al hissubjets. Ii, Cecelia MacKinnon, Billy Rob- Following is -the most recent list 6'U ertson, Dorothy Smythe,,Louise Wat- LJoseph Sears honor pupils: son. *HONOR ROLL HONOR SOCIETY' Th hd <etSixth Grade Mary Barrett,, Scott, Campbell, BararaBel, halote Hck ~Tr-Edith Gillett, Arend. Knoop, Jane * giniaHuck, Bettyr Jordan, Barbara Krause, Behj e McCnoJaet Bueier Kenet Cockr, aryLîRobertson, Billy Stebbins, Donald decker Peggy Marsh, Joan Kîlner, Stilîman Paul Kelly, Mimni Streed, Corine Tor- torello, Nancy McCloud, Elizabeth Sèei.th Grade Simon, Ralph Starrett,. Nancy WVeis- Marjorie Griffesj,ý Doris Heaton, haar. Shiî:ley Herman, Miriani Holmes, Fourth G rades Jane, Holrnby, Marsha Huck, Alice RobrtBa r, 1BesyDav is 'Tom Kelly, Gilbert Mclntosh, Gertrude Robet Bar, BtsyOrvis, Jean Small, John Sprenger, Ellis., Charles Griffes, Martha Hale,AneeWiias Dorothy Henderson, Madelin Jergen- seù, Joan Ketcham, Betty Becker. Eighth Grade Barbara Burch, Biliy Danner, Su- Barbara Clark,- Elinor Clark, 'Shir- zanne Erwin, Rchard Krause, Jatk ley Botthof, Russell Coeke, Roy, Lawson, Mary McIntosh, Bernicé iemron, Priscilla Hawley, Tom Hil- Modine, Eleanor Morrison, Elaine debrandt, Mary Huck, Cecelia Mac- Rothermel, DeWitt Stilînian, Mary Kinnon, Bily Robertson, Dorothy Thonnton, Myrtie Holioway, Shirley Smythe, Louise Watson. Scarratt, Charlotte Schaefgen, Shir- ley Wagner, Phyllis Wheelock. DANCES AT MARDI GRAS î Fifth Gradet Miss Frances Etzbach, daughten of Norman Bemis, Janet Colvin, Kirk- Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Etzbachi, patrick Dilling, Edward Foscue, 481 Eider lane, Winnetka, a studeuit Thomas Kieth, Jane Bigneli, Mar- at the University of Illinois, danced garet Boozer, George Brown, Louise gt the Mardi Gras bail ini New Burkahrd, Carl Buehier, flnedin Orleans on Tuesday of, this week. Burns, Suzanne Fisher,. Patricia -F n0Ms lzaehHuhso Grover, Andrew Kuby, Elizabeth Mattoon, Ill., were winners of tlic Murray, James Olin, Ruth Sprenger. Illinois Union Mardi Gras contest, Marna Wilson,' Melviri Hawley,. Lucy which had been ini progress on tlic Huck, Harriet Imus, Warren Knauer, Illinois campus last month. On their. Seeiey Lodwick, June Toops, James return to -the University the girls WVaring, Mary Wolf. will Visit Biloxi and Gufport, Miss. I'1L The test-that's whb* COUDts! Ail the taIkluf ln the worid woa't make p u warui- Ton need fuel of proven dejendabiity. That's the only ki the WIlmette Ceai unir Xaterial'iTard wouid think of àupPlylUtg te tbi homes of wilmettee tte Coal & Material 1301 Lake -Avre -- À Peim~1 L o'~ti~ Martiaa Jacobseni il03 Cental Avenue Tel. WIlmette 3 Orrington at Davis Evauiston, Illinois