school at a school assembhy Fi afternocn. The letters were awarded to of the upper third of 'each of sixtbi,seventhand eighth grades, , are wron onapoint system basis. ters awarded last Friday represe the girls receiving thé highest r ber of points during, the first mester which closed February 1. DailM. Davis,, Director of1 reation, presided at the assembiy introduced a member of the sc] champion bi volieyballteam of grade, Who gave a short resumE the after-scbool athietics, in wl hrgrade had participateci. Girls were spokesmnen for thieir te were: Eleanor Burpee .f rom eighth grade, Jane Solomon fi the sixth grade, and Jean Cuther fi the seventh grade. Outihue. Point System Mrs. Agnes Jones, art. teacher, the Stolp school, was the speaker the occasion and outlined the gi athietic prograni of the school explained the .point system whe: the girls could receive points cou. ing toward a letter., Mrs. Lester F. Bail, girls' physi training teachet as coach of St4 awarded pennants fo each of three all-school champions in voli bail, which were received by the cý tains of the, winning teanis.,1 seventh and eighth grade -teanis> ceived another pennant in addit to the all-school pennant, whichs nified that they were inter- gra mn schooi -champions, having defeai H*oward al-school champions for ti hororn Following the pennant awar Mrs. Bail presented the letters, sisted by -Miss Trenna Scott fort sixth' grade , Miss Orrel Davisj the sevent h grade, and Miss H-eri ýWyman for -tie eiÉhth grade. G.Iil.Re1ive LoUters The following girls received lettei Sixtlh Grade. Jean 1inayson, points, Lucy Lake, 311 points, 'Do Mayhercy' 306 Points, Barbara Reý 303 points, Joan HaUliwefl, 300 Poin boys ae the Village Green, Mardi 7. 1The twvo classes, junior and senior, wiii inclue the saie grade groups used in previous meets. The third, fourth and fifth grades will be iii- cluded in the junior division wbule. the -sixth, seventh and eighth grades wil furnisb, the entrants for the. senî- ior division. The seniior division promises muenl competitioni, according to Gien W.' Gathercoal, 'recreation 1assistant ,in cha rge of the tournament. Many past champions will compete in the meet, w bich wili develop into a contest to determine the champion of Ithe champions. Harold (Whitey) Borre,, the flrst Wilmette junior marbie. champion wiil be aniong the. contestants. H-e won the championsbip in 1927 whule lie wasý still in the second grade. li iast year's contest be was in se cond place in the junior division; however he mores into the senior division thii; year. ,r f1 In the second ali-ciÎty niarbie coni- iris' test, 'George Green was the viCtor iii and the junior diy~ision with Howard Ruif reinl runner-up. Both boys will compete in-in the March 7 meet, in the senior event. icai The 1929 junior champion was Wii- tOlp,ý lian Wacle who also. graduates into the the senior division this year, In ad- leY-' -dition to these formidable contest- ,ap- ants, Howard Bail, the defending The champion of the senior class will pro- re- tect bis title against ail the past ton champions. However lie wiil also ig- have* to reckon with the junior cham- inar pion of last year, who is Albert An- ýted, derson. hat With sucb stellar entrants, i t is flot 'surprising to find marbie practice ai- *ds, ready begun on the school yards, thc as--. playgrounds, and front lawns al oIeý the the village. foEIntry'blaàks Will be put in ail of na the schools so that boys desiring to enter the annual "mibs" cotest tIhiis y ear may, at once. Emtries wili ý329 be accepted at the Recreation' Board ris office both by telephone or by per-. 'ed, sonal cail. its,. mne 288 hIe 278 P a h te 269 ea, a' me nanas111o me U ý tate iUanK teani ast weelc at Howard gymna sum. The final score was 21 to 23. However, the defeat did not destroV the Schultz and Nord's 1ead over tite rest of the field but it did give. the Biackbawk team, which Wisni second place in that league, a better chiance. at the tule. The Blackhawks lost liast Wednie,.- dayaso, falling before. the 'Sham- i rocks wbo won the game by a two- point m'argin.. The score was 24 to 22. in the Junior basket.baii league. the Bruins IV teath dropped f rom à tic for first place to second place by iosing to the junior A . C. by two points.. In the .third. quarter Bert1 Wiliams, star forward of the Junior A. C. teanm, drew bis full ailotment ý of. personal fouis and was about tor leave the game, when Carl Nordberg, captai,î of the Bruinsrequested' that. be be allowed to remain in ýthé gamef since the, opposing teani didn't bave à substi'tute. His request was granteds althougb it turned out to mean a de- feat for the sporting Bruins. Ir n score was 37,to 39.r Th B league foih ower s sa w a f.1asýt and bard-played gamne Friday nigi't at the Howard gymnaisuni wheml Holisters quintet nosed out the East Siders by a single point, 39-38. Sink- ing free throws are niighty important factors, sometimes. The Brownies and SOM teanîs havre been having a neck-to-neck race for second place in the womnen's basketbaii team league 'fought it out in an overtime period hast TmuesdaN evening and the Brownies .finaily woli 33 to 28. The contest saw some oî the-gamest comebacks ever staged in the women's eagues. Tâe and tue, again one teamn woid pile. up .a >six ,or eigbt point jeadonly to spur.their opponents on. to. faster -passing and more accurate goal shooting untl the score wouid be tied again. Iauncfled March 16 DV tne rmayground and Recreation board, at the Howard ind Stolp gymnasiums. Fach teani entering the tournamient inust hiave its membership of Wil- mette, residents. or members of Wil-, miette churches and. lodges and àny group, of men above 15 years of alze ,Ma%- enter* the tournament ani play 1 ntil eiiminated. Rulesas announced byDirector of Recreation, Daniel M. Davis,* areemucli siniilar to rules governing the re gular basketball lIeagues.. 'Rule* are Listed The important ones are: I. A limitfed to ten, plav'ers., 2. Eacb squad must have a -manager whovouchesfor.t.he eligibiiitv of bis teani members. A teem phaying an ini- elieible member forfeits ail games in which the ineligible member *blas played. 3. A iist of players on each squad must. be filed at the Rec.regtion of- fice before beginning the tournament. ,No plavers mnust be added to any squad after play begins. except those wbo abide bv the regular two-%Neeks rule as specified in the regular league ,ries adopted by tJie Rlecreation board's at*hletic comrnittee. A snmali registration fee is heing. charged %vhich wili he used to pur-. Chase g6ld basketbaiis for the meml- 'érs of the winning teanm and silver basketbails for thewnes of the consolation tournament. Teanis registering this week will be àliowed 'two practice nights in the gymna sium preceding the start of tournament play. Ail of Wednesday evening at the Hbward gymnasium has been reserved for this, beginning eèxt week. The first hour. at Stolp gymnasium ,oni Wednesday evening yul býe siniilariy utilized.. Teanis already registered hâve le.'en èntered. on- the practice schedule. as, follows:1 February. 25 7 P. M.-rWIlmette Lite, Hôwalrd gym-7 8 p. m.-e of C and Shamroéks, How- r'd ,gYxnnaslum. 9 p. nm.-Lymnan's and SCF, Howvard ymnasium, ' athirom last Tuesday toTeda Georg- of this week, each having won O noe t he beginning fti ek 9:5P. M.-43t. Francls and Bruiins. SHoward gymnasium. 1- The first sixteen teanis to pay entry d fees Wil be alowed practice periods iand will be plaêed on the practice >scheduhe as sooni as the fee is re- e ceived. Registrations may be nmade- S with Gien W. Gathercoal or Dudley C. Stone,, recreat.ion assiàtants., id t' ara ; 71 BInt