quiet and dignified affair, in contrast to other meetings of the board held thus far this year. An audience that filled the council room of the Vilhige hall, apparently expecting...the boar d to take some action on the Major Street plan, went away disappointed but orderly. 1Petitions protesting, agàinst the plan and asking for its immediate repeal were read by VillageClerk Iea J. Orr.. These petitioôns bore in the aggregate thesignatures of ýsome 230 property owners. Streets on.which objecting property, owners live. include. Ashland avenue. Michigan, avenue, . Prairie avenue, Maple. avenue,..Wood court., Central avenue, Washington avenue, Lake avenue, Forest avenue, Elm- 1Wood avenue, Walnut avenue, Fif- teenth street, Wilrnette avenue, Iro- uisroad,. Thornwood, avenue, I11h- .nois road, Twenty-fourth street, Ken- ilivorth avenue, Greenlèaf avenue, Ridge road, Sheridan road,.,Glen%-iewv road and cothers. Cazel in Expisuation Village, Trustee Ernest C. Cazel assur.ed the property owners thatthe. Village board. is not purposely delaY - jng action on. the Major Street plan b)ut is mer-ely awaiting a recomnien-, dation from the 'Vilmette Plan coin-. mission. In addition to the petitions, Village 41trk Orr read a iengthy communication troîn William C. Reinhold, 1005 Ashland avenue, demanding the imimediate re- peal of the Major Street plan and îstat- *ing bis, reasons .the'refor. Mr. Reinhoid ga\e' his. reasons as foliows: WaInts lunmedigte. tepeal '41. The width -of extitng- streets in. hu.ilit-up portions of Wilmette, 1 amrn l- formed, lias already been established by nrdinances prevlously adopted. If that is niue It does flot seem necessary to enact another oldinance concerning thèse ave- *nues that mnerely 'repeats thé. older pro- visions. "2. 'The Major Street Plan ordinance s'ns to 'amphasize the matter of street eidth fromin testandpoint of accommo- Pdating trafflc. Ieut property owners whose interests are affected do flot re- ga'rýd the accommodation of traffic In *residential sections as necessary or de- sirable. 1'.- Prneýtvwnevr reidinz onAshlnnd The aineunts, received f rom the vani-.1 ous villages thus f ar and their quotas are as f ollows : Wininetka, received' $5,- 033, quota $10,850; Lake Forest, re-, ceived $2,040, quota $10,000; Highland Park, received $7,097, quota .$9,960; Wilmette, received $3,562,, uota $7,800; Kenilworth, received $1,248, -quo ta $2- 980; Glencoe, received $4,472, 1quota $7,- 000; Libertyvilie. received $1,222,, quota $V,450;' Genview,.1 re ceived $378, quota. j$800;Deerfield, re.ceived $759. quota $1, 600; HighWood,. received $657. quota $650, and Northbrook, rec ived $627, quota',$430. Highwood Ow;er thé Top Highwood %yept over the toi) Tues- day night, and- Northbrook went over the top several days 'previûus to th at. A contribution of $1,000 was received f rom the' Public Service Company of Northern Illinois to b e divided among the different towns of the area. Every district chairman expressed bis belief at the meeting of the Central committee Tuesday night that- his dis- trièt would go, over the top 1by Tues- day, February 24. 'The return of, Cen. Robert E. Wood on Wednesday night wvas expected to add f resh impetus to the catupaign. Honor emiblems w111 be awarded to memnbers of the teain which obtains, the largest numnber of subscriptions, to the team vhich obtains the larges.t numn- ber of subscriptions of fifteen dollars or miIore, and to the teai which obtains the largest total amount of subscriptions. R. Arthur Wood, chairman of the Central comamittee ini charge. of the campaign, announçces. Prediet Slash ini Cost of Sewer Connection Job Material -reduction -in the cost of installing bouse sewer and water connections in the northwest sec- tion'of the village was predicted this week. as the result of . conferences held last Friday and Saturday be- tween -a group of -property owners residing ini the area wýest of Ridge road and Lake avenue,and President Orner. The. jZroup in question conferred ago. At its regular meeting January 20 the Villa e board instructed Village Attorney Jackson to take the necessary steps t o bring about tbe conidemnationi of tbis building as a public nuisance. A motion *as, made by Trustee Ernest C. Cazel and.seconded by Trus- tee Stanton VanInwagen at the board, meeting Tuesday night of this week that the building be.tom downby the vil- lage. Village ;President Earl E. Orner remarked that if such a step is taken the Village wi11 have a law suit on its hauds, -and -this opinion Was- confirmed by Vill age Attorney Jjickson. Trustec Cazel's motion was withidrawn, and the matter was referred to the streets and alleys committee, of wvhich Mr. Cazel is chairman, for investigation and. a report. Realtors Choose -Dixon, to Atten d Tax Meeting George F. Hurley, attorniey-at-haw anid lecturer at the DePatil ufiversity; Herbert U. Nelson,, executive secre-. tary of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, and Donald Rid- die, advertising man ager of the Na- tional Association of Real Estate Boards ' addressed thirty-one mem- bers and guests of the North Shore Real Estate board, at their regular monthly meeting, held at Week's Dining room, 1137 Wilmette avenue, Winmette, Monday evening, Febru.- ary 16. In addition to listening to' re- ports and. conducting the regular business, the Real Estate board .voted to send its president. jules Dixon, to Springfield, as 'a delegate to attend, the meeting of the 11hi- niois State 'Vax commission.. CONCLAVE PARTY FER. 27 Lake Shore conclave> will holId its February1 card party :at the;home of Mr s. Grace- Hilîs. 2750 Prairie avenue, ,Evanston, Friday e, vening, Eebruary 27. Members and friends, are invited to attend, Laura Wilsonis chairman of the event. Wîlmette to the amount ot iIUU for the purpose of obtaining funds to be used in improving the present water works system of the village will be submitted to Wilmette Voters at the regular annual election on; ,April..21. The Wilmette Village board, at its:, regular mùeeting Tuiesday night, ad-i' opted an ordinance Iproviding for' the- issuance of such. bonds. The ordin ance provides for the -levy of a direct anùual tax to, pay the, interest and principal, of these bonds. This' action of the Village board was deemed necessary because of the fact that the present water supplyof the village is inadequate for domes- tic use "and for protection from fire. A proposed.bond issue fer the instal- lation of aý municipal water works system, waà defeated by the voters at the election last November 4, and some st eps mustr *be taken,, it was, pointed out, to increase the village's. water supply f rom Evanston. Nego- tiatiion- are now under way with the clty of Evanston. Improvements contemnplated in the $100,000 bond issue to be submitted to Wilmette voters April 21 include the erèction. of a booster pumping plant and installation of mains, hy- drants. meters, valves. pumping equiprnent and housing. The Village board proposes to is- suie one hundred bonds of the de.- nomination of one thousand dollars,' each, to bear interest from May 1, 1931, at the rate of four and one- interest accruing on inese bondOs shail be paid out of the general. fund of the Village and that in order to reimburse the general fund of such interest payments. a direct tax shal .be levied on aIl taxable property in the village suficient to raise the de- sired -amount., Ordinance Fixes Ra~tes for Removal of Refuse west side sewage treatment worics: New iTrier uiign couan ri $~,00,00for the Calu*met sewage mar schools in aIl of the N'ew Trier treatment. works; $3,100,000 for the villages-Wilmette, Winnetka, Kenil- soutb-west side sewage treatment works worth and Glencoe-will be closed and site;. $1,600,000 for the enlargement on Monday, February 23, in obser- of the north side sewage, treatment vance of Washin.gtons birthday, wors.wliich falîs 'on Sunday this year. L CAIL WILMETTE 4300 ad taker er to enter into sucn a mexucIuuça The matter was referred to the publie servce commîttee of the board.