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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1931, p. 55

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cities and villages,~ aprvea A! *1i i oth, 1872, and aIl acts amenda tory thereof andI suppleniental thereto. And it la liereby certified and recited -.1 that ail things, acts and conditions re- (Iuired by the Iaws and constitution of the State of Illinois, ta happen and ie. dlone and performed precedeat ta and ln the .Issuance of this.boid. have happened and been properlyr don& and perfoyrmed in regular and due form as required by law; and that the total indebtedness of .said Village, Iacluding this.bond does flot, exceed anay constitutioflal or statu- tory limitations and that p rovision has beeni made, for-the collection of a direct. annual tax in addition ta al other taxes on ail of the.taxable proprty ln sald * village sufficent la amoi.unt ta .pay the interest hereon as the saine .falîs due and ta discharge the principal'hereof ât înaturity. InT testimony. whereof,' the said Vil- lage- of Wilmette,, by its . Preside nt, and Board of Trustees, bas caused its car- porate seal ta be hereto afllxed and this -i bond ta be slgned by i ts President and attested by its. Cie'rk, and each of the lniterest coupons hereto attached,'ta be executed by the lithograph. facsifnile signatures of said President ànti Village Clerk this first day of Mav, A.*.D: 1931. Presýident Village, Clerk (Form aof Coupon) on - A. D., 19 ,the * Village of Wilm ette, Countv of Cook and *State of llinols iwîll pay ta liearer the sum of $22,50, la lawful, mnoney of the United States of America, at the office of the 'Dreasurer of said. Village of Wilmette, la said Countyk for ,,emi-an- nual lnterest due on that date on its honad dated May let, 19a1. President ATTEST: Village Clerk SECTION 3: Tht each of sald bonds shall be signed by the President, at- testéd by the Village Clerk of said *Village and'imprèssed wlth the corpor- ate seal of said Village; and each of the' lateret coupons shaîl be executed "b-y.the lithograph facsiile signatures * of the said Pre-sident and Village. Clerk, and said officeýrs are hereby authorized and: directed- ta 50 -exectite said bonds and sàid coupons forandf on behalf of ;aid Village. tSECTI ON 4: That the* interest accru- ing on said bonds la the year 1931 shall be paid out of the general fund taxof iaid Village heretofore levied for the year 1930. And that for the purp)ose'of. reîimbursing such gene'ral fuiid on te- count of such interest payments there- *froin and providing -the necessa.ry funds to meet the interest wie-h will accrue -For the year 1943 a tax sufficlent to produce the sum of $8,115.00, being $2,115.00 for Interest and $6,000.00 forf principal. For the year 1944 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $7,845.00, being1 $ 1,845.00 for Interèst and $6,000.00 fort principal. Fo' the year 1945, a tax sufficient ta produce. the sum of- $7,575.00, being $1,575*00 for, interest and $6,000.00 for principal. For the year 1946 a tax sufficient to. produce the sum of $7,3.05.00, being $1,305.00, for interest and M6000-00 for principal. 1For the year 1947 a tax sufficient ta p'roduce the suai of $7,035.000, being ,1,035.00 for interest and $6,000.00 for principal. For the year 1948 a ta*x sufficient'ta produce the suni of $4,765,00, being' $765.00 for interest and. $6,000.00 for principal. For the year 1949, a tax sufficient ta produce the, sum of $7,472.50, being 1$472.50 fo'r interest and $7,000.000 for. principal. For the, year 1950 a tac sufficient ta produce- the. sumi of $7,157.50, being $157.50 for interest 'and $7,000.00 for principal.' Trhat forthwith upon the approval of this ordinince by the voters of this Vilb'ze, the Village Clerk o f'the Village of» Wilniette Ia hereby di.cted fort - with to file a certified copy of this ord- inance vîth .the County Clerk of Cook (rauntN,Illinais, to the end that sald County Clerk ma-y in each of said yAar,, 19,1 tn 1.ý5ü inclusive, ln accordance 1 'th the d1utie.s imposed'upon him by law, ascertain the rate per centum re- etuirepd ta produce the aggregate tax hereinabove levled for each year and extend the saine for collection upon the tax ralis in conriection- with the taxes levied ln such year by sald Village for general village purposes. -And in each of said years, 19211 ta 1950, bath inlusive, the taxes herei-n- above lpvied shah bc collected by the saine officers, at the saine trne, a.nd In the sanie.. manner as the taxes levied by th- said Village for generai purposes for quch yeaYrs'are eollected, and wlien .-olcc hal libe placed in a. spa>cial fund and tised so1ely for the purpose of ibayiig 1-he interest on and principal of the bonds hereby authorized whea and athe sazme mature. SECTION 5 : That -whIen properlv txecute-d as aforesaid. said bonds s hall he. delivered by the Treasure'r of said Village ta the nurchasers of -the.samie f-arn the PreýIÈ1ent of the Board of Trustéee of sald Village, at not less than par, and the proceeds derived therefrain shall he used solely, fr the niurpase for which said- bonds 'recite- tlîev are iqssed. SEC('TION f): Thait ail nrdlnanc-s r marts of ordinances In côflflic't with thé 'irvisonsof this ordimnace be and the and v-. rmaâtioxi The task of compiling this year book, starting f rom nothing, was a1 trernendous one, and too much creditj cannot be given to Jim Barcus, whio liandled the job single handed. Credit is also due, to Stanton, Vanlnwagen and Lea Orr' for their assistance. The, post is now winding Up its annual membersh-ip- round-up. At thc present writing 142 out of last year% 171 memibers have been signed Up. or about 83. percent. Last year at, th is- timfe the post had. 135 members. The post membership goal is 100 percent before Mardi 15. - Every- World war veteranà who. is ntnwaffiliated with the.Legion -is. cordially invited to join Wilmette post. George Leal, 1719 Walnut ave- nue, phone Wilmette 1088, is, vice- commander and chairman ,of the membership -comnmittee. 'The post meets at. St. Augustine's chiirch clb house on the second Tuesdar of eacly ,month, at 8 p. m.- Marion Biser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Biser. of 423 Oreenleaf avenue, wàas hostess- to eighteen. of lier classmates at a Valentine's party on Wednes-day, February 11, cele- brating her eighith birthday. R. Kenneys of 1709 Washington ave- nue, will be host to a group of bis friends at a George Washington. party tomorl'ow in the baliroomn at bis home. Miss Uelen 1{artwell, hier brothers, Kenneth and Donald, of Detroit, Midi., were week-end guests at the- Wilber P.- Robertson. home, 516 Greenleaf avenue. MXr., and_ Mrs'. Warren, R.ý Dyon, 12?29 Maple avenue, entertained a group of fri ends -Monday evening of. last week at their home.on the iocca- sion of Mr.ý Dyon,'s. birthday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carnahan have- returned to their home-at 700 Central avene after spending five weeks ati Miami Beach, FIa. They returned iv, mctor. woric of vilmette Public îîurary ror more than six vears, and the excel- lence of ber service and loyalty to the ideals of library work have meant much to the parents of Wilinette.- "She was the first librarian of the children's library.. Her abi.lityr as a musician, and reader peculiarly fitted bher for this work. Under lier direc- tion the Children'sý Story Hour bas g rown to be- a factor of great influ- ence among the younger readers, and due to her, direction' the childrer- of ourý village are recognized as above the average in.love and use of good books.- "The se well directed reading habits, have contributed to maintaining high, standards in the grade school work of the pupils, and havefitted -the chil- dren.to assume their high sche.ol read- ing and study courses with confidence and understanding. ,."Miss Brieht basserved Wilmette f olk well. We shall miss her. The. lest wislie% of lier library associates and the officiais go with her." Miss Frances Howard, 1055 Wil-, mette avenue,.had several tables of bridge last .Saturday afternoon at the junior auxiliary's bridge tea and fashion show held- at the Woman's club. Miss Jane Burrili, ,Who is attendinig Rockford college, was home -last week-end during the Mid-semester recess. Shie is thie. daughter- of r. and Mrs-. James A. Burrili, ~2 Greenwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Roba and their daugliter, Helen, returned on Monday to their home at 139 Linden avenue after a month's sojourn at. .Miami, Beach. Fia. -o- Mr. and Mrs. F. J.- Schieidenhelm, 804 Forest avenue, and their daugli- teiý, Miss Frances Scheidenhelm, are spending the winter at Coral Gables, Fla. 0o Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson, 821 For the year 1917 a tax sufficient ta produce the sumn of $8,712.50, being- $3,712.50 for lnterest' and $5,000.00 for principal. For the year 1938 a tax suffIient. ta pYoduce the suni of $9,465.00, belng $3,465.00 for interest and $6,000.00 for principal. For the. year 1939 a tax sufficient ta. produce thée suniof.'$9,195.001 betng PUBLITC NOTICE ls hereby given that a Public Hearinig will ho held at- 8 -00 o'clock- P. M. on the 23rd day of February, A. D. 1931, at the Village Hall la the Village of Willmette, Illinois, before the underslgned originally ap- poiated, as* a Zonlag Commission ta hold said Public Heariflg,.,for the pur'- posé of dônsidering anOrdlnnince amend-'. JL 1US D.,' Zonlng. Ç.a AR ococ EYnen MfAN Yrs. C. J. Nylund, 1634 Forest ave-. nue, with-ber -son, Melvin, spent last week-end with ber mother, Mrs. S. L92cE. Rowcliff e of 'Melvin, Ill.

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