wifh bindeau top . Alo itedhand-made $ .9,5 to.9 A SIa-M a rie Hosiery, Gloves and Under garments. 119 entral AvIe. Wilmette 437 Park Comfortably in Wimee I I >1 i PATRONIZE OUR. ADVERTISERS, Quaý,ly rFoods ; .::Low,,P ie In tèse oodStore,' houseWive, are offered the hilhest quahity loods et loetpossible piees. Tues. ,èreldm true lat which have won the confi- dence of housewives throughout the Middle West. "&Ara QaIue »Drocery (hleed.C Flour MiIU.d and blunded hom the cou Ins - aIwys uiFem d dg 5-lb. c '»' HAZEL _ ALL- PURPOSE Out Lard__21bs. 19C Breakfast, BI0nd Coffet MII<m QaZ 3Z ns23,c 3 'm#59C Qukrat per, n tuQuiclc or B rt. Regular 2 pks. * Jrei J 7rulàrand (Qýegeiars eè YÀ features of direct interest to the cotfl- munity. Local mnerchants are: enahled to 'present their service in a social sort of way, and make one realize how advantageously one nmay shop without leaving the village. An effort is put forth toniake a visift'athe èxhibit a leisurely enter-- t'ainrnent, so, there is ,a. tea roim, to offer rest and' refresbmient, and for- tupestold, in tea leaves, while lunchel- e on and dinner. are" ta be served also. Visitors 'to the boothis and displavs will be registered and drawings made later froi' their. naines.' Members :of .the -club are contributing, to an. un'- uisually'coipreh.ensive bazaar. Each day is ta see a fashion showv under'the direction.0fMadame MarýS- chea, who is featurinig Celanese fah- rics, the showv occurring' at 3 a'ciock Wed.nesdav and at 7 :15, an Tliursd*av and Fridav'. A lecture On beautv culture will b1w given WVednesday at 7 :15, and' a talk an interior 'decorating F~*riday at 3. Sears Roebuck is shoiving a mode! kitchen, in which, 'throughout the ex- hibit., demonistrations in cooking will be nmade Ibv Mrs. Alice B. Mfadc!en, educational' director of the Hain11e' ServicebInstituite. To Display Quits MIrs. Sylyan H'irschberg is, ta have a display of. the quilts.of the WVilkén- son Sisters of Ligonier, hîd., which ýis to include art quilts, bed spreads, chaise t'hrows, pillows. robes and boaudoir accessories. Rev. Dr. GI-ace Pletz, psychologist, will read charac- ters and fortunes. Mrs. :F. L. McGrath is chiairmian of the club hostesses for the çxhibit, the, group including 'Mesdames. A. G Ackerniapî, A. F. Biernee, C., B. Bar- pee. R. W:* Armnstrong, W. W * a-7 wîn,~~ ~~ HrvBrbljohn Barthol- otnew, H.- W., Caldwell, t. J. Codner. 0. G. Dailv, Charles 'Evans,: H. W . GrgshY, O. .E. Kaegelj C. C. Kidd,* Charles, Kraft, Earle Lyon, Herbert L e a cb1,CG.W. 1L'illy, Walter' M\ag-ner, E. EarI'MDl S. Moulding, W\. T. Morgan, R. D. Oiler, WV. H. Rehfeld. W.V W. Rogers, H. E. Rolirer, H. 'E. Ringhiolm, J. W-. ..'Sheddoxn, H.' C. Toeppe*n, 0. Von der Hoff, C. L. W»achs, E. V. Youngberg amd O. A. I heNorth 9 P.MI Marni W- OPen Sundag if ternoona 3 P. M. to 6 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other a'uthorized Christian Science Literature may be read. borrowed or purchased. at the'ý Reading Room. ' THE PULIC IS CORDIALLY INVITETOAEDTH CHURCH SERVICES AND) VISIT THE RERADING ROOM il ,btmwb4we-4 .well into its decenniai anflîversarv season, announces' the third' produc- tiori 'of the yèar will be "A Bit o' Love," a draia in three acts. written I by John' Galsworthy. Striving tu' make the tenth.season oîîe.of par- ticular value. and interest, the Circuit theatre bas selected ihis pla*y as one wbich should prove of great appea! to nortb shore audiences. Galsworthv. is said by great cri.tics 'ta stand alon ,e as master among the contemporary dramatists. of the. broadly '.romantic, medium, and his "A Bit o' Love" is onîe af, bis. greatest plays ai-d 1 at the sanie time one, pf -bis more 'seldoni produced' warks.. Serious 'brama FoIIointg as it does' closelv- upon tbe hilarious *'Nellie the Beautifuil Cloa'k Model" and the. meloôdramatic "Th.e Racket," this verv"dramatjc and enmotional play ill 'provide anat'her unit in tbe -well-balanced and cofi-, pletelv rounéded rpeta towardI "which the Circuit. theatre strives. "A ý it o' Love" -w i 11 appeal partkcularly ta those wbo look ta the organization for an occasion- ai serious ,plav seriouslv. produced, if is stated., M r.. Galsývorthv wvrites inta it a masterlv character rielinea- tion ' delicaten'oods and finer hunan susceptibilities, and he gives the' play a theme wbý-ich lifts t'he storv. ta bieights, af'.dramatic art. Truilv those who look for a fine play will flnd it ini 'A Bit o' 1Love."ý Samnuel S.* Otis of Winnetka', president of the Clircuit theatre 'and well knowr- figure in the, dramatic cireles of the. north shore, is directing "A ]Bit o' Love." The cast is made 'up of north shore' people, several of tbem very well known' for theïr acting' abillty, and s sane- thing unusual and decidedly interes'-tlns. the cast includes a nuniber of children. Production work Is being done ini the s;tudio in Evanston, under trainedCi ir- cuit theatre t(echnlcins,. and no 'e'fort-, is sp<ýred ta mnake the. peLrfotriiances but- standing, in circuit: theatre achievenient. The first performance 'of the produc- tion wil be in Lake Forest on March 13 The. Wilmette performance Ws Saturday, March,14. Oôn the following Tu0sdav thý' play is in Highland Pa'rk, and on Wed- nesday, March 18, in Evanston. The Giencoe performance will be Friday, march 90, and the, final night' wiil be in Winnetka, Saturday, -March 21. M'rs. C. N. Reese of IEvan ston w~as hostessI this week ta ber Tuesday l1uncheon club. which is composed of 'several Wilme'tte memibers. M W-Gm