AU Telephoe and C. 0. D. Ovdwrs Camfuly and QmicMy Dlivoere Charge Accounts Sollcited from Ieliabi. e p". Everybody Likes Good Food --and ine pare tood eau be had, et LOW and REASONABLE PRusItS , shouid. be . isterestino. news to, every home on thé ortb Shore that our mnrketà are commended and' recognlzed as> thoroughly SANIITARY and mercitndisers, of'onIy ehole and soIected meats and other provisio.ns. Mèere la where QUALITY Io never sacrillieed a PIE M. MANNEBACH, Proprietor - LEG 0F LAMB Spring-fresh, right, from, the 7/ c mnarket. 7 tô 8 lbo. lb. ........... pot Roast' Teuder, Mr. alcu- ti*e b..!, clkce 22e cuts, lb .. .. Stewisg - f r e h welsht, .31 ta 4, lb.929C SIRLOIN STEAK TENDER, PROPERLY AGEDI 39 . .......3 9 PORK LOINS, FRESH LEAN SMALL PORK LOINS, 1~ Photo by Carlos lintMcf picture, above are sonjc of the members of the Junior.àauxiliary of f lie WVoman's club -of Wihniette who'teiII act as uishers at "Why Men Leave Hine," the eciiliedv whicl i wiIl be givzent March .S, 6, and 7, at ftie clubhouse as -a bene fit f or. the bidllïig fitnidý of flie club.. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED, Ainnouncemennt is miade of the mar- nage on February 5, of. Miss Resuie Trohiatos of .4201 Mozart street, Chii- cago, to Sam Lulias of Wilmette. Mr. and .Mrs. Lulias are occupying their home at 258 Wood court, Wil- mette, following a wedding trip to Detroit and Canada. Miss Alice Van Arsdell, .vho hias been visiting in Dallas. Texas, for, the past montli, returned to lier home ini Kenilworth recently. GIVES MINSTREL SHOW Bethsaida, White Shrine of Evans- ton, :which presented a Minstrel show * in Wilmette recently, gave a. benefit performance on Thursday at the Red Cross hospital, Great Lakes, for the crippled soldliers and sailors. Mrs. Guy Morgan of Wilmette was interlocutor and. director. Mrs, Lilla B. Watkins, also of Wilmette, is. high priestess of Bethsaida shrjne. Mrs. Arthur .Adair, 320 _Meirose, avenue, Kenilworth, entertained, her bridge club on Tuesdav of this week. I Veal Roast Select, bommles, ........l.. 29e 15 Steak, Porterbouse, choce, _____ rytndr. b. ( WImette 464 S4th St. 705 Main Street Grosi..! 2M8 Linden Ave., Wilmette Y I Carlson Building Pharmacy 636 Church St., Evanston Phone Greenleaf 3316