Angora Knit Fr>ocks ~nPastel, Colors if wilI scon be'.evidenf fa Most smarf wamen that pastel1 knifs wiIl 'b. warn ail spring and summor. What distinguishes this attractive sport :fashian is the delicate .Ioveliness of ifs' Colors, They look so adorably fragile and, impracfical, withouf being sol in the Ieasf! ANGORA TWEEDS:ý. in several atfher fracks ca pied, fra m 1the a.riginals of certain, French spart swear designers, are bere at- $22.50 and $2 5. Th 0, beautifdiy taitored d re ss picturecl i s of fine,-$ si 1ky Kit Angora . Strawt on Flame Basque Blue: If actually' looks expenîfro -sa it's a surprise ta find it îfonly THE BLACK PURSE REPEATS THE diagonal tucks on the. dreu, $10. OPEN SATURDAY t. EVENI1NG S . iji B