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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1931, p. 28

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Dorrance Nygaard Represents School in Oratorical Test Wednedy February 18 during ad- visorý ro, the Sophomore and junior classes were entertained by two talks on "H4ow the: Ideas' of Washington are,1Expressed in Modern Timies." The speakers were Chartes lKrenier and Dorrance, Nygaard, one of these boys being chosen to repre- sen t New Trier tbe f ollowing Friday, ai, Morton. The judgs who were Miss Ullerick, .Miss Hurst. and Mr. land, decidedDorrance shouId be the one ýto compete at Morton . Tii. competition at Morton was ve'ry close; out of about eight high schools wlth one representative each, only one, orator wau selected. The boy whomn the Judges decided upon at.Morton was a atudent from. Oak Park who wîli go to the Union League club. The prise that the Union1League club giveu yearly ela plaque to the winner and an oil painting to the*sehool that he represents. 1 Anoiancement waa imade that the stu- dents mnay soon rry out for the Daily Ne*u oratoricai contest,. Science, Geology Clubs Hold Successful Meeting One of the most successful meet- ings of the year was held on Mon- day, 1Februàry 16, by the combined forces of the Science and Geology ctubs. The program was made up of many features that were of interest to both organizations and that would have been Io outsiders as well.1 movîe on uîrus, mUIns, ana tartn aspects. Tbe next meeting will be held on the first Monday in March. Expect Sixty or Seventy to Take Washington Trip Froni aIl indications there. will be sixty or seventy people on tbe Wash- ington trip this year. Blanks have been signed by students as ta pos- tive, probable, or possible intentions. Girls Are Entertained by. College President On Thursday morning during ad- visor period the senior, junior, and, sophoinore girls were entertained by Miss Warren,' président of :Sarah. Lawrence college. Although'the col- lege is onlya few years ýold,. it basý already m Iade a name for itself in,. educational fields for girls. The pur- pose of the college is to direct the student in lier chosen field and al- low ber to work independently. Entrance examinations are flot re- quired at Sarah Lawrence coll ege. A student is chosen by bier high school record. and> a scholastic aptitude test. The classes are small, averaging ten or fifteen girls. It mets once a week for.a two bour session of discussion and advice. As the energy expended is for personial gain, there is very littie, slacking. One basn't the excuse that the subject is uninteresting because Uic girl 1ierselfhag chôsen ik. .The girl' meets once a week with ber personal advisor to adjust any dif- ficulties and plan for future workç. There are varied-sports for the active girl and numerous clubs to occupy one'.s time. Altogether, it is an ap- pealing plan and well worth trying. Senior Music Club I-as Regular Meeting' Thie Senior Music club held~ its biý- Proceeds of Depression Dance Go to N. T. BÏand Saturday, February 21, was the date of the Tri-Ship's ciub's Depression dance. It was the club's second social. enterprise this year. The trusty mess hall did floti appear in gala regalia due to the ."depression," but a good time was had by -ail, anyway. "Chuck" Eastnian's. syncopators were largely respýonsible for this. Althou gh there was alrg attendance the floor did flot seem at ait crowded and even the usual pests,' the stage, were unobtrusive. Eskimno pies* were sold to those, whom1 the 'iheat" over- whelmed. A log fire wae 1it ini the tire- place and the darkened *est aide of the hall donned ahomnelike appearance. As a bit of varlety "Sis". Gleason and'Mary Jane EIder rendered a very succeseful version of 'T'm Yours," to the immense satisfaction of evel!yone. We can now.expect to seec our band Invading a. few foreigm strongholds as the proceeds of this -dance are to be tùrn.ed. over' to that, organization. TWENITY YEARS HENCE Can't you Just Imagine Ray Newman as the dashing lawyer In the famous case-"Who Killed Kline?" Undoubtedly there would be a lie detector present In the cOuIrt. You know, a lie detector 'la- a little Instrument whbich. records one's, heartbeats In such a -way as to tel whether you are a liraii,' spelledl back- wards. Mr. Newman would probably enter the courtroom dressed to the min- uteè-perhaps to the next minute-wIth spats and we might even go so far'as to imagine a carnation In his button- hole. The program was coniposeci af four,' prpoes'." xinow ±Miss James nas group of electons.achieved great success with. ber *ývioin- groua ofselctios. ng" ln several of the latest talkies. She, Leonard Krupnick' played very ar- has also taken a world tour, filled many, Bconcert engagements, and la well-loved, tistically the "Third Concerta inB by al lier public. 0f course, her hUsband, mninor" býr Gotternman. janet Benson a taîl blond gentleman, Is veryr pr oud, of rendered a very pleasing interpreta- he1r. tion, of ."Masaniiello" by Auber, The neXt group, of solos was. sung by Newv Trier Te 'En tering Enestine Behrens,- soprano, wbo N toa rtrclM e chose for ber numbers "At Dawning" N toa rtrclM e by Cadman, "Ouier ovre toi" by Deli- New Trier., le one *of the fMty-qixý be-sand"To SprnW' y Drnro: j e chools entered in the National Oratori- besand"T Spin" b Da~rd. hecal contest. tah school 1is lluman". Tii.t "ehrtrit~:#b eai béar in mind that, lîke aIl other The «ta it m.cloaad hu finie or honor,. it is purely a buman 1 evaluation. Have patience, readers, 4X3'FI ANQUET MA 12I for we hp ýt eom ay e 1%eTr-hIP club's annual Fatherho e arecgnie and- MMo.- baquet wilI be held March 1? ervsng. students by tbe end of tbe I be me ..haiL.year. 7 :30-Basketball -with Stivers (here) Saturulmy, bMari 8:O-Freshman..Sophomore Play Club Has Dinner for Mothers and Their Daughters The second big Girls club project, the Motber's and Daughtee's dinner,. terminated in a buge succes.s, despite the biard times. After tbe dinner a programi of, mucli var*ety was presented, including- a sbort welconie given. in French, Spanisb and German by 'stu-'. dents. Mrs. Cotton aided the programi witb a. song to the mothers by the glee club afnd another by six girls. Virginia Sprague sang tbree solos. which were enjoyed greatly by aIl present. One of our; teacheérs, Miss Fulton, gave 1 Most: interesting sketch of bier trip around the wonld wbich was followed by somne seélections fromn Miss: Biese- meier's tap -dancers. Sally Kriebel, the president of ourGirls',club, gave a brief report of the club for previons years. Dancing foflowed for tiiose. who cared ta do so. Two odes were written for the occasion and, as these' were not read during tbe planned program, they are printed below. FOR A NOTHER Magie of fainles and elfin folk, Healing bestowed by a ks, Softneesanad sa.fety and comfort, Ail these you gave to our bls. Cookiles for pirate provender, Thousands and thousafids you've. made. Everyknown kind of a. 4011 have yen clothed; Solemn nJldgnlents you've weigbed. The dolîs have passed on , iWlth the buccaneers, They're, rather far fromi the- life From alUthe charms 0f our eanly It's yoù alone we needL .TO> MY IOTHEEk Great glowlng, colora Ulght the western sky. WieEarth receives 'her benediction deep Prom Mather Sun, ,h leaves her chilId to s1eep', As Mothers leave their children wlth a sigh When they must let them go and soar I'o higli That they seerni ree, tho they mauet ever keep Within the orbit's nnth wh1,eh. na@ B*O DJOMIRROI IDEA The II-ShIp repregentatives pieked up the matter of having a mirror for the boys during dances, looked Into It and dropped ILt BOXIrN.* TOURNANT' The p reliîies o.f the Tri- hip. boin turnameT wUfA E hu o Mac 9ad10 h Éfinale are tilonb hegd mach 13.a retob

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