addition it is urged- that a general "4taxpayers' strike" would jeopardize police, fire and health protection and other vtal publie services, and also ultiniately increase taxes. These bulletins also present esti- ma ted1 rates withiin Chicago governinig 199and,1930 tax bis,,payable under the law in March and November, 1931.. It is predicteci that 1929. tax 1)illS nmay be delayed until siome time af ter- April 1, 1931, the date, flxed by lawl for the interest-penialty to begin *on unpaid bis, but the federation couiisels taxpayers to reserve money set aside for payment of thesebis, as it -will shortly hé needed for that purpose. Bulletin 116 points out that it is espedially dangerous to permit mort- gaged property to be sold for taxes, 4 as it is likely to resuit inimeat * foreclosure under the terms of most * mortgages, and concludes with :thé following advite: "Those who 'can pay their 1929 t'ax-es should inake every effort to do so promptly in their own interest. Those who are unfortunateiysituated should seek the best possible ad4vice and make the best arrangements they cati to pay their taxes as soon as, possible and to protect their:propertyv in the mieantime." Reason for Warniumg- This warniing, say's the federation, 1issued "in the hope of saving miany * property oôwners f romn heeding the dangerou.s advice of, ine,çperienced * persons as to non-payment of tax bills and the so-called 'funding of 1929 taxes.'- Somie people, desiring by an- nulmient or delay of 1929 taxes to ex- tend the period of tax non-paynient, are now talking -of what amounts to 'a taxpayers' strike,' and are creating the impression that people generally should« withhold payment of their tax bis. Suchan impression is extremnely dangerous. It would resuit 'fin ally in a stili' great er incr-eape in >tax bis. "Legai expenses connected with the xvithhol'ding. of taxes are so high that generaily it is cheaper for the aver- age taxpayer to pay his tax than to pay iawyers to fight it. Jif the tax- avaai oorrowiU>A g power5 ierV ~ .i.i purpose, and that the suggestion fi in- 1930 Corporate Trust Sbire. earnéd $1.73 per share--approxi- auately .20% return ou t4e annual average price. For further informatifon GEO. B. WALKEY,. JR. Rou. 5360 Wil.l 4692 Greenebautn Sono Investment Co. la 1 . .Diatribtore OIL DUIINER HEATINO ýSERVICES " Dà ADopnbe ntient" Ed. De Laurier Oliver Hanson 816 Oak Ste Wînnetka ~1~ Is It Cheaper to' Rent, or to Own My Home'? That question has been answered in a simple table of dollars and cents from the experience of Bis, Realty. dealing-in. North Shore ,Homnes, Cost to rent and cost to. own- for a genieration are set down in simple'arîthmetic i n two. parallel columns. Telephone for you-r ~copy. Wilmette 2792 or Wilmette 3740, or Greenleaf 3144. or 15 year ternis.> CODY TRUST COMPANY 105 South La Salle Street Randoph 6M00 CHI1C AGO 2,703 Ashland Ave. Wilmette 2792 1649 Sheridan Road Wilmette 3740 I