The public hcarug lheld Mondày night of this week betore the Wilmette Zoning commission on the auiended zoning ordinance whicb is to be submitted to the Village board in the near future was adjourned to Monday night, March 2,.at 8 o'cdock ini the Yillage hall.- Robert, Stoddard, presidenxt of the Zoning, comfmission presided at the hearing last Monday night. Mr. Stod- dard is also president of the Wilmette Plan commission. He announced at the beginning 6f the hearinig. on the 'new, zoning ordinance thatthe Plan commis-I sion will recommendtfo, the 'Villýage board at the regular* meeting of the board née Tuesday night that'certain streets designated as major streets i il the Major Street Plan èoinance passed, by the board two year s ago be struck f rom the plan. Leugthy Ordinane The amended zoning -ordiniance is lengthy and. comprehlensive. Consider- able time ivas spent Monday night ini a discussion of definitions of t ermis used in the. ordinanice. Fûrty-seven suc li teris are defined, as for. examiple "apartment bouse," "boardiitg bouse," "building Iinie," "family," "filling station," "home occupation," "hlotel," "lodging house," "ipublic garage," "private garage" and "single f amily dweling.", Unlder the proposed new zoning or- dinance the village ofý Wilmette is di- .vided into four districts-"A" residenti- ai, "'A-2" utility, "B" commercial and "C" industrial. The "A-2" classifica- tion is a new one and includes onl' a small section of the village oit which the new garbage incinerator is located between theSkokie Valley Iine of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee ra ilroad and Lai-amie avenue at the in- tersection of. Highland avenue. The boundaries of the "C" industrial district remain the same under the pro-, posed newv zoning ordinance as under the present zoning ordinance. The niew ail of the property frontîng the west side of Ridge road f rom Wilmette ave- nue north to Forest avenue. Portions of this side of Ridge road which are niow "A" residential. include.the haîf. block south Of. Forest avenue, the haif block north of rcoo avenuite, the bilork South. of Bircbwood avenue, -the South- ',e+corner of the Washington avenue- "Rdiye rrad intersection and about haif of the hlnck South of Centralavenue. Extend 'Ridge Are. Tle :"B"' commercial district at the northea'qt corner, of Winette avenlP -id Ridze road is 'to he extended north- ward about a quarter of a block under ,the new zonirlg plan. "B"3 comn.mercial'territory in the iLin- den avenue business district remains the Samne iii the nem, zonling ordinance. '11w nnl% -proposed change in' the centràml bît-ineq district of the village is the redistrictinr, of the nronerty f aciner or. the Inorth side of Wilmette. avenue be- alley west of Main street f rom "A" residential to "B"' commercial. Wilmette OptimistsHea Talk by John W. Gorby The Wilmette Optimist club hiad as its speaker at the regular Wednesday luncheon held at the Shawnee club.. John W. Gorby, who is in charge of. the Railroad and Marine Transportation exhibition at the. coming Century of Progress exposition. Mr-. Gorby was most emphatic in his talk on the point that the corning event was not so much an exhibition of finished products aý it was in showing just how the product was produced, even to showing the visitors the growth of many comnion vegetables. By using the percentages proved by Avod flua coU.. Act nowfo W*R. Lu.ko 514 E. Railroad Ave. TeL Wilmette .2020 In, crove w bpringtnvîu, 11.1 1 Society Valet, Service. 418 Linden Avenue Ladies', and, Mens' Garments Cleaned4 and PresSed $1000 Shoes -Cleaned and Sine WE CALL AND DELI VER Phone Wilmette,295 TUE mLUTTLIIGENERAL! I~ITI, TO/ESELECTF 13lCentral Avenue Phone Wilmette 81l A 0