- sie line of specialties such as spot re- 1fr.aodMn.S. ohn uncn-Carkmover and similar items. A complete of 228 Wood court left Wednesa o greasing and 'oil changing service is a tuwo eeks' ktay at Biloxi, Mis. also available at the Sheli station. if I~ ~ ANNUAL SALE 1 Boston Ferns: AIimited stock of sturdy Frns Each 75c STORAGE, LONG JOHN 'WEILANDý: Florist !161 WilmnueAvenue, Minmette Z28'a PACKING MOVINO DISTANCE HAULING CRAIES AND> TABLES FoR B (lE0e Axit -OCCASBIONs W LMUTE SZ3 sigits, one for having oniy one firont light on a car; one for driving witlr niuffler open; two for blocking side- walks; one for parking more than ninety minutes -, four for disorderly con- duct; one for drunk and disorderly cont- duct; one for .drivinig while intoxicafed; .one for. larceny of a car; and 'one for Fire Department Has .Ten Cails in February Tex, calls, five of which were for prairie lfires, wvere answered by the Wilmetfe Fire department during the month of February,.it is sbowvn iii a report by. Fire Chief Walter H. Zibble. The total 'loss frv ire during the month. is estiinated at $500..0f the five other calls,' ftwo were for bouse -blazes. twoô for automoibiles fi rés, and one for use of the inhalater. M4ARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Harrison. of Rogers Park, formerly of Winnetka, announce the marriage on March 5, of their daughter, 'Mildred Pearl, f0 Wil- fred Eliot Huntley, son of Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Huntley ofeBoston, Mass., formerly of Wilmette. Mr- and Mrs. Frederick Leischî 1044 Ashland avenue', entertain* . twenty of their friends af bridge oi. Tuesday evening of. this week af their pee, Mr. andi Mrs. James P. 'Haynes and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Shaffer are to be the hosts and hostesses, On Sunday, March 8, Dudley Crafts Watson.givýes another of his lectures at 4:30 o'clock, the ftfle of this talkç being, "Earthquakesand Bullfigts- A bridge luncheon rili be giena usual on -M onday at . o'clock ai;, Mrs. R. A. McKisson andM rs. Fran- cis Senear the hostesses. Lunch eon at 1 o'clock will be followed by cards. The next regular family dinner and, bridge occurs af 6:30 Wednesday eve- ning, March 11, wif h the Frank. W.- C lxurches the hosf and hostess. S Los Fstudiantes" are fo have a St. Patrick's dinner dance the evenig of Friday, March 13, wif h dinner at 7 and dancing from 7:30 until .12,. 01 March 20, the- juniors of the sixth, seventh and' eigbth grades- wili be guestsof the club at a party of their own from 7 until 12. SA St. Patrick's party on Mardi 14, for club seniors is f0 be "the ouf- standing event of the season," the an- nouncement reads. "A Cope Harvev orchestra and a stimuIatiang prograni of special entertainment featuring flec NBC Nighthawks and the celebrateci soprano, Mary Kilpatrick,py are in1.- cluded in the plans for the evening. Sunday, March 22, is the time of the next musicale. 1,Sale.. and. Saturdayl,, Mareh 6- w DRONECLESS VEAL LEOR.BOASTPCL ROAS? 191/2e ROAS? *«7 mSw 4DAY DLIVERIE8-A. M-9 I A.M. P4Pm. WILMETrE -KENILWOR1- GLENcolE WENNIET I IZIÇ2 MAIN ST. fig