0 In a3UUlV »MIS~ for Driver Law A delegation from the Streets and Public Safety conimittee of the City Club of Chicago was in Springfield this week to ai& other civic groups, ncluding the Union League club, Woman's City club, Illinois Feder- ation ofWoe' clubs, parent- teacher organizations and.other state- wide. groups, when .thée senate hearings-on three bills, each relative, to a ýp roposed drivers' license: law, were held.' Tuesday,: March 3, was the date, set for the first senate hear- ing. The City club, in comumon with most of the other civic organizatioiis, is backing Senate Bill number 1, to be introduced by Senator lamnes J. Barbour of Evanston and House Bil Num ber 36, sponsored - b y Represen- tative- David I. Swanson of Chicago, these similar bills .being based on the, model law approved by the recent National Safety conference., These bills are virtually the same as the drivers'. laws now in effect in eleven eastern states wWere statistics show ýthat the death rate from motor car -accidents lias been cut 29%/ since the law was put. in effect. 'This bill calîs for physical and mental ecam- nation of new drivers. Anothe«r bill is one backed by the -Chicago Motor club, which does flot provide for examinationi of new dri- v ers or for re-registration of drivers- once they are licensed. The third proposed bill is that sponsored by Sénator Henry M. Dunlap of Savoy and is known as the' "meal ticket" bill because it carnies coupons which are detached when drivers run afôul of motor vehicle lavs.* It takes away the man's, ight to operate a-car for a ye ar when he loses ýthree coupons. :At a mass meetingat the City club) Monday noon, larch 2, Senator Bar- bour. and Representative Swanson told Why they Wére sponsoring the ýmodel safety laws', the former.saying that lie had 700 letters froni, Evanston, parents alone askîing bis support of the bill and explaining tha.t the fee for drivers will be only seventy-five cents for three years. Senator Bar- -bour asked that farmers support bis bill, as they too are endangered on the state roads as much as pensons living in the city are on busy streets., The filier spout of a Packard en- jgine also has a series of baffle plates which prevent oul being thrown ouit of the crank case when the car is travelling at higli speed. This, besides Sconserving9 the oil i said to havie a bisz part in keeping the engine. and, other parts under the hood dean r As an aid -towarcls the unemploy- ment relief the Automobile Club of Illinois announces through its presi- 1dent, Si. Mayer, a plan wbeneby those in search'of: wonk wilI be given an. op>portunity to represent'the club ag, salesmen and sale5kwomen. They cati devote eitber wbole or part time to the posiÎion with a prospect of im- mediate finanicial return in direct pro- portion t'O their efforts. Applicants will be offered an in-. tensive course at the, Club's head-* qutarters, 5600 Sheridan road, Chicago, and will be allotted home, territory as soon as they can.quahify. The organization henetofore has re- lied for the.ienôst part on its ,iien- bersbip to 'build up. its roster, and for many, years bas had no paid agents in these fields. The departure from this ýpolicy ,was decided. upo 1.1 because of the 1niany applications fromn the unemployed, seeking an op- portunity to represent the club In their neighborboods. "Our field is an unusually large one," said7 Mr. Mayel?, "and especially with the approacb of the touring sea- son and the..imiproved outlook in the automobile, business, it should be a lucrative onie., "Practically every car ownr needs the service of an organization. such as ours, and will readily sign an ap- plication for membersbip when in- forned of the many advantages it off ens," lie further stated. .1«While the Club owes its influence Iargely to the unreqtiited sales effor~t froni loyal members, we are glad to make this opportunity, for thiose Ini need of work, and we feel sure that they will find. in this thé, solution, of" their financial pnoblems..".> ]High Road Speeds. Make Lubriecation Important The higlier road speeds at whiichi automobiles are quite frequently be- ing driven bas focused thie attentioni of inntnr c'ar- ,wners on itheimi. r valve chamDen maintain a uniforni level of oil in the. valve chamber ir-. respective of road grades, and provide reservoins of oul for each main bear- ing pipe oil opening. Incidentally Supplying oul to the valve chamber lubricates the valves, providing beêtter and: quieter action. to own .and driv "W« firai eai9, MfW eat.et .e. atien andiU p-be ep, ad:b.èw gea#'4, if!prJO" ku ata a dîntinct aaviisg te elpe, w' us, TUE. NEW FORD is a splendid car toown anid drive because of ita attractive limes and colors, aafety, com- fort, spee<I, reliability and long lite. There are, ini addition, three other features of importance to every fay-seeig automobile owner.. low 'first coat, low.Scocf operation and up-lkep, axd: low yearly depreciation. During the Jife of the car, the, day-byi.day ecOnOMY of, owning a Ford wil amount to considerabily more than the savizig on the firt cost. You save when you buy the. Ford and you save every mil. you drive. The. reasons for thi. ecomomy are slimplicity of design., hîghý quality of materials and car. linRmanu- facturing and aasembling. Mahy vital parts are made to limita cf one one-thousandth cf an inch. Some te three ten-thousandths, of an inch*' Throughou4theii nýU.ew Ford,ïlaan outs.tauding example cf fine crafts.. mansbip in automobile engineering. *The more you @e cf the- new Ford-the moreyo talk te Ford owners and expcrienced mechamiea-the more certain you become of this fact.. .. It brings. you everything you want or need in a motor car at au unusually law price.. D.o.R. b#dêPL"a b*Ag --d ddny. D..pme md iSm4u' *w. etaanesIaamml â. ~-pw~a Zi. W4 . m ud omwue a armaw,. S.iuiatoelu5 Far'd IW..,s.e lau of.#"ai. DuI ru" 6d1C1..0.q i J