pupils by the Pk'yslcfTaining d4e- partment show a much higher aver- age record for the past winter sea- son than was recorded in the tests given in. the 1929-30 winter season,- Daniel M.. Davis, director of recrea- tion *an-d supervisor of physical train- ing in the-public schiools, annoumies. The winter tests were com pleted in. February and were -iven. only to girls of , the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. Tbey include -soccer hall, dis- >tance throw, basketball --distance throw, basketbail goal throw. Not only is the' genieral average miuch higher than. that of last year, but also tht. individuatl highest réc- ords ex.eed those of previous years, Mr. Davis says. Individual Records A listof tht individual hg eod isted by rôooMs follows: Soccer bail1 distance throw:, Howard spioqi: 6c: Virgi-nia.-marsh, 48 feet; Dorothyl Davis, 45 fot; Betsy Kurman, 37 foot. iB5: Beatrice L.eal, 40 fet; iroa. Baron,. 36 feet; Ifarjorle memillan, 35 feet; Roberte. Robertg, 35 foot. 6A: Evolyn. Field, 42 feet; Betty Hoar, 42 fot: pi1en Jonies, 36 foot, Madeline, Hutehins, 35 1-foo. Stolp sehool: 6A:. Jean Flnlayson, 47 foot. kB: Barbara Redd, 39 feet.' 6C.: Margaret Bach, 43 feet. Baskotball goal tjirow. Ten trials: Howard achriol: 6C: Jeanne MéDonald, 4 baskets; Dorothy Davis, 4 baskets; Edna Bangle-- mnan, 4 baskets; Botsy Kurman, 4 bas- kets; Dorothy BEleir, 2 baskets. 6B: Marjorie -memillanf, 3 baskets; Beatrice Leal, 32baskets. 6A: Betty Hoar, 6 baskets;, Evelyn Field, 4 baskets; Helen Born, 8 baskets. 7P: Janet, Hardt, 4 baskets, Helen Lindstom, 4 baskets; Ludillo Graham, 4 baskets; Lucille Watson, 3 baskets. 7A: Verna Archaiulut, 4 baskets; June Sorsen, 4 baskets; Lois Roberts: à baskets; Jerrine Frommi, 3 baskets; Frances Colilins, 8 baskets. . 8A: Jane Lilly, 4 baskets; Jane Me- Millan, 4 baskets; Doris SmalI, 3 bas- kets; Margaret McCinton, 3 baskets; Eleanor Steen, 3 baskets. 8B: Betty Kay Morgan, 6 baskets; blary Gordon, 4 bas kets; ]Dorothy IRoh- ertson, 4 "'baskets: FI iit h .fouly,. 41bakets. Stolp school: 6A: Jean Finlayson, 4 baskets. ý 6B; Frances Eberlein, 4 baskets; Gera1dxjg Lewis, 4 baskets. 6C: Lorna Ildemni 4 baskets. rthe participants aÊe and i3tandard requlred in the ols for a passing -grade la: goal throw, 1 basket out ce throw: 24 foot. 1. L40: goal throw, 1 basket taflo throw, 31 foot de: goal throw, 1 basket Il; distance throw..86 foot. H1oward and Stoip gymnasiums, wîll take the forni of a double elim*na- tion contest. The double elimination contest is a departure froin the regular tourna- ment ini that a team cari be:defeated in 'the first night' gamies and, stili have a chance'at the final champion- ship.. However, owing to the short length of tirne remaining in the play- ing seasoui,, the winners, of the losing. division of the tournament, will Plot play the winners of the winning1 divi- sioni to determine the final champion- ship and the wnners -of'tht, first, or winning division, will. be awarded the gold basketballs for the -champions .and . the -. silver basketballs wili be awarded the second, or losing division as consolation prizes. By "Iosing" and "Winning" divisions it is-explained that tw o tournaments are fornied aft er thie first. night's play. Wînners on this first night go0 into ont tournament and losers go into the second tournament. Both tournarnents then jiroôed as a regu-- lar tournament .with winners of each gaine going up,,into the next division to conipete with winners of the other gaines -played on the saine night. Ho6wever, after thefirst -night's play, losers of gaines, are- elianinated froni the tournament-and are flot eligiblé to compete in any more games.. Reauits of Drawinge Captains of the sjxteen teais, en- rolled ini the tournaiasent drew for. places to deterinine wiiat teams play each other on March 18 anid the re- suits,.are as follows: Schultz and Nord, vs. K. of C., 7 o'ciock, Howard gyninasiumn. Wolft-Grifts vs. ýSt. Josephi, 8 o'clock, .Howard gyninasium. Shamrocks vs.- Hollisters, 9ý o'clock, Howard gymnastuni. * Hoffman's vs. btate Bank, 1 oclockpl Stolp gymnasium. Methodist vs. Blackbawks,ý 8 o'clock,. 'Stolp, gyimnasium.. l-rish vs.- Junior, A. C., 9 o'ciock, Stolp *.he f oilowing, gamnes will be piayed, Thursday evening, March I1t: Bruins vs. Elites, 7 o'clock, Stolp -gymi- iiasiuu. St. »Y-ancis- vs. Preslbyterian, 8 o'clock, Boys in the third, fourth and fifth grades will compete in the junior group, and boys in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades will compete in the senior group. Tests in. high Jumping. chinning, pudh rip, and .it up iil 11be ; given during Ma&.rch, Mr. I)avis announces. BaStqury, .uuaen 7i 9:;00 a. mi. Wifth annuxal marble~ tourna- ment for boys. Village Green. :1 p ondtay, Marck 9 7:1 p. . Men's volleyball. Howard P. T. A v8. Methodists. Howard gym- na.slum.11 7.15 p. mi. Men's volleyl>all. Hoffmans I .vs. Blackh*.wks. Howard gymna- 7:30 p.' m. Girls' basketball. TNT vq. Oh lo.; Stolp gynmasinni. 7:565 p. m. Me n'a volleyball. Baptist vs. Gym lassI.. Howard gymnasium. 7:15,:p. n.Men's volleyball. IHoffmans *II s Gym lase Il. Howard gym- nasium. 8 :15 p. m., Girls' basketball.. Freshmen vs. Telephone Co. I. Stolp gymnasium. 8:35 p. mi Men's volleyball.. Gym Class Il' vs. Hoffmans I.' Howard gymn a- Blsum. 835 P. ni. Mnsvolleyballi. -Methodtsts vs. Blackhawks. Howard gymnastuni. 9:05 p?. m.. GWils basketbail. POD va. *Telephone Co. Il., Stolp gymflasium. 9:15 p.inM. Mèns. volleyball. Baptist va. HoffmansII. Howard gymnasium. P:15. P. ni.. Men'a volieyball. Howard P. T. A. vs. Gymn Class I.. Stolp gym- nasiutn. Tuesday, Marck 10 7:00 p. m .Girl! gymnas lurn class. Grammar school girls. Howa'rd gym-. nasium. 7:30 p.. m. Girls' basketball. Schultaý and Nord Vs. Wisconsin., Stolp gym-, nasluià. 8:00 P. nM. Grammar school girls' gym.. nasiumn clasa.- Upper grades. Howard: gymnasiuni. 8:15 p. mi. Gh'ls' basketball.'Chicago vs. SOM. Stolp gymnasium. 9:00 P. m. Business girls, gymnaslum cln.Howard gymlnaslum. 9:05 P. nm. Girls, basketball. Drownies: vs. XYZ. Stolp gymnasium. Wednesday, Marck il 7:00 P. im. ?ractice for ipen'a basketball tourna.ment. Both Sf6lp and Howard gymnasiums. 8 :00 p. nm. Practice for men's basketm bail tournamient. Stolp and Howa'd gymnasiumÉ. 9 :00 P. nm. Practice for men's basket- bail tournament. Howard and Stolp gymnasiums. Tlarsday, March 12 7:00 p. m. Grammar schoolgi rls' gym. nasium class. Howard gymnaginyn. 7 :00 p. m. Practice foi rnen's basket- 1bail tOurnament. StnlIP, gymnasluttn. 7.:30: p. m. Horseshoes for men. 'Ridge Confectioner y-vs...Bruins. Howard sehoàl attic. 1:30 p. m. Horseshoesfor men. HBF'ts Vs. 'Optimniqts. Howard school attic. 7:30 P. nm. Horseshoes for men. Hoff-. mian Plo'rists vs. Lyman's Texacos Howard school attic. 7:30 P. m. Horseshoes for men. Ridge Confectionery vs. Hornes. X{ward cmeuirnssj mKare 31 9:00 a. mi. ifth annual roller skating meet. TOURNEY STARTS MARCH 18' Tht ail-Wilmette basketball tourna- ment for men wvill play its opening games on March 18, instead of Match 16, as previously aninounced. The fifth annual roller skating meet to* be spo)nsored .by the Wilmette Piayground and Recreation board wil be held at 9 o'clock March 21, in the 600<block on Park avenue, just west of the library,a board announcc- ment. reads. The. meet is limited to participanîts. under 16 years of age and conitestants will. compete in three divisions. Thie Class. A division will include- ail chul- dren under 10 years of age, the Cla ss B 'children, under. 12 . years of age, and Class C under'14 years of age. Two open. events :,wl Le scheduled for- boys and girls over, 14- years of age and under 16 but' participants. in this group will noit be permitted,,to, compete in ari.y of the events.for the. class division.- Separate events. are held for boys and girls. Ribbons will be awarded to, win- ners of the first, second,, and third places. The roller skating meet will be the third feature event' planned by the Playground andRecreation ,board for the early spring season. Ea ch of the preceding.Satureay mornings I ill be used for a marbie tournament, the first one to. be for.boyrs nly and to be .held tomorrow morning at the Village, Green, and' the. second .one for girls will be held on the following Saturday at Stolp school iLroutids. Miet lias 18 Events The roller~ skating meet will have sixteen events and will' include. the- f ollowing races: 50 yard dash, Ciass. A girls 50 yard dash,_ Class A boys 75 yard, dash, Class B girls 75 yard dash, Class B boys One legged race, Class B girls. One legged race, Clasa B boys. Double' race, Class B girls. Double race,' Cass B boys 100.yarddabCas C girls 100 ya3ýrd. dash, Clasa C boys Tandem racei Class C girls TanderU race, Class C boYS One lègged -race, iciaÉs C girls One legged -race.. Class C ýboys 100,yarýd dash. Girls. open. 100 yard dash. Boys. Open. League Activities' Are to Be Closled ini Several Days With the exception. of nen's volley- bail and Thursdav nioeht horseshoes. mS~SkI.Ja4 4;Iz6. No Indoor activities will be con ducted by the Playgrountus and Recreation board ater April, as It has always been a Poflicy Of the -board to close its Ih4oor season on the sanie date as the' clOSIng 0Of the jpublic schools for the. Easter vacation,