Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Mar 1931, p. 60

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<iencoe.. Lontract rates- may Ue us, a upon request. ýDeadline for Insortions cIaUified adVertisene wts b. for the Wim TuLiur or ail three paper0i; Thuruday 9 o'cloek for the WumiurzA TA&x and Friday 5 o'cIockfor the GLUNÇoàN Nuia. Telephones:. Wilette 4300,. Winnetka 2000, Winnetka. 500 or Glncoe 1484, Greenleat 4800 or* Sheidrake 5687. L@T AND FOUND LOST--FEB. 25, H. WDS..-REI)DISH brown Maie dog, part spaniel. Reward. R.p H. Stafford, 630 South Green B3ay. Rd., Lake Forest. L F., 2325. LOST-BOY'S ÉLUE LINCOLN BI- cycle. Reirard. Ph. Kenilworth 2039. 2LTN44-itc * AXNTIQUES An «V'er changing stock of American and £naflsb a "tius. Olgea nd furn7. MARY ANN DICKE 808 Washington St., Evanston, Gre. 9839 - SLTN44-ltc FOR SALIE-RElAL ANTIQUE QUEEN ANN LOWBOY, FEW LEFT LIKE IT. $900. PH. WILMETTE 1735 *MORNINGS. 5LTN44-ltp a BUILDING AND CONTrRACTIENS REMODELING Residentiai and business property re- paire promptiy made. Itesponaibie con- tractor. Termes If desired. -A-60, Box 40. Wlmette. 8LT1442-4tp CARL BJEI4GSTON CARUENTER AND BUILDER REMODELING AND REPAIRING P~HONE WINNETKA 2480 * *USINES SRRVICf AU Kinds o! Carpenter Work Doue JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wilmette 2165 9t.TN36-ttc SEWING IN FAMILlES, YEARS' 0F *experience, ail kinds of sewing. Michi- gan Ave. egcerience. Childrens 41 SI1TUATION WATD-EML -F--FFICIENI".HELP A. better employmûent service for the, North Shore homes. neferences p ersonàlly In.vestlgated. NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYERS Telephones Winnetka 2662 Highland Park 2520 PAULINFWS SMP. AGENCY: 748 Eim St. 8 North Firat Winnietka Highland Park 41 LTN44-t!c WANTBID-LAUNDRY WORK FOR Tuesdays, by experienced German rman. ,A-i references. Ph. Wilynette' 3073. 41LTN44-Inc AT LEISU.PE-.,SOPitANO. SOLOIST for church work, capable in choir di- rection. also post graduate ln piano. A-181. Box 40, Wilmette. 41LT44-ltc RELIA BLE WO>IAN WANTS LAUN- dry work or cleaning. For Monday, Wed., or Thurs. Phone Wil. 707-J. 41LTN44-lnc EXPERIENCED LAUNIDRESS, MEN'S shirts a speclalty.' 2 days' service If desired. Work calied for anddelvered. Ph.' Gieneoe 73. 41LTN44-lnc EXPERIENCED LATJNDRESS WANTS work to dir at.home, wmli cali for and delver. North Shore refer. Calil Wl- mette 1703 evenings.- 41LTN44-lnc POSITION WANTED BY CAPABLE womà.n for generai housework. Evan- ston reference. Ph. Wilnette 801. 41L44-lnc. EXPEIL. COLOREID WOMAN WISHES positilon as fIrst-cIass paery cook and general housework. Best N. S. ref. -Phone iDougias*9053. 41LTN44-ltp rçi rjuiu £SIAL'M. 41LTN44-1tp WANTED-LATjNDRY AND HOUSE- work by the day, aiso plain sewlng. 13h. Davis 8205. Cali eveflings. 41J.FTN44-tp WANTED-flAY WORK, LAUNDRY or cleaning. Cali* before 8 a. ro, and after. 8 p. m. Ph. Giencoe 243.. 41LTN44-ltc NEAT COL. GIRL WITH A-1 REF. Household duties or take care o! chli- di1en. One-half or whole days. Ph. Wilmette 707-J. 411,TN44-ltp WANTZD-WASHlING, IRONING AND cleaning by, the day by Scandinavian *oman. Ph. 'Wilmette .481. E@XPERIEN4CED GIRL WANTS POSI- tion'as. cook or- general housework. Ph. Wilimette' 4816. 4_LT>44-lnc COMPETENT COOK WISHES POSI- tion. WilI urnish reference. Ph. Win- netka 2439. 41LTW44-lte 42 SoITUATION WANTED--MALE NORWEGIAN YQUNG MIAN WIS1HES general houseciaaning and wndow. washing or any odd jobs. Good refer- ences. Ph. Winnetka 2477. 4ZLTN,44-Inc EXPER. GA1tDENER WIS9HES POSI- tion. Can also do houseivorkt mihdoir was.hing. and floor waxing, by hour- or day. -Phone Winnetka 2359'.1 42LTN44-1n MECHAUIC, WHITE, 12 YEARS' EX- perience. Also chauffeur,. take any kind o! work, saiary not important. Reference. Ph. Giencoe 17-89 42LTN44-ltp EXPER1ENCÈD CHAUFFEUR, GAR- dener and houseman. 12 years'. N. S. reference. Cail Wilniette 34, Glencoe 951 after 6 P. M., Glencoe, 770. 42LTN44-2tp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS GAR- dening bv day or hour, aiso window washing, housework anid odd jobs o! ail kinds. Ph. Wiimette 2345. 42LTN44-lnc: SJXPERIENCED M4AN, GARDENINO, cleaninz, driving by day or hour. Cali Wiimette 34, Glejicoe 951, after 6 p. m.,ý Glencoe 770. 42LTN44-3tp EXPERIENCED' GARDE-NER, GER- man, desfl-es private position or by the day. Best refererices. Ph. Davis, 7578. -42L441*.n A FEW LADIES IN shore town can eari taking orders for Ja and ladies' dresses, Experience unneceass Ingw 9 to 12, rm. & St. (corner Clark).; A HIGII GRADE REMUNERATIVE, Position for -an amibitious woman, of refinement with wide social aequain- tance. No t-anvrasstlg. Interview by appointment only. Pir University 8369. 44LTN444-ltp. MAID, EXPERIENCED, WHITE, GEN- eral housework, good ffiain cook, nme care- of: v..ldren. , eat, wiiling, no iaundr.Prôst. preferred. N- S.-re . Not.,oî'r 35-years. Ph. Winnetka 83. 44L44-ltc WA~tTED- EXPERIENCED NURSE for 4 year oid boy. one who- *111 ap-: preclate good home, and assist with, second work. Phone Wlnnetka 2283. NEAT WH-I *TEý GIRL OVER 30 YEARS old for general, workç Good cook. Some iaundry. Pleasant, home.:2, ln farniiy. No Sunday work.- Ref.. Phone Keniworth 4795. 44LTN44-Itp EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID FOR general housework. with or withôut iaundry. Phone Winnetka 2916.,. 44LTN44-!tc WITIE GIRL, ABLE TO DO GOOD plain cooking an~d do laundry work with second maid. Refs. required. Winnetka 1180-1 44LTN44-lte GENERAL HOUSEWORK, $10, WHITE wmnan. every morning "é to 12. Elec. washer 2037 Highland. Ave. Ph. Wi- mette 4267. 44L44-ltc-ý COMP. WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Must lie good 'cook. Ref. req. Ph. Kenlworth 3551. 44L44-lte GIRI, TO WASH DISHES AFTER school. 229 Woodcourt.* Ph. Wllmette 707-W. 44L44-ltc GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK and pl1ain cooking. $8. Ph. Wlnnetka 3213. 44LTN44-ltc 45 NE LP WANTED--MALE AMBITIGUS SALESMEN WANTED toseil at a discount a Public Utility- 7% Preferred Stock o! a comnpany serving North Shore communities froni Winnetka to Waukegan, also Liberty- vil' le, Grays Lake, Deerfield, etc. Everyv customer of company Is a progpect. This Office will accept classified advertising to be run inl THoE EvANSTON REvJEw, reacbing 17,500 fami- lits in Evanscon. R.EvuEw copy must b. in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. Telepbone Wilmetue 4300 or. Winnetka, 2000, couples, gouu Wages. iBUIK MASTER 7 PASSENGER SE- Pauline's Ernp. Agency dan excellent condition throughout, 748 Eim St. Ph. Wlnnetka 2662 Iuig. Ph.. Glencoe 915. 48LTN44-ltc 43LTN44-ltc COUPLE, SWEDISH. EXCELLENT cook and houseman or gardener. Mtd-ý FURNISHED MOM, CON VENIENTý die aged. Ref. Bucékingham 7205. to transportation. Eaut -side. Cali Wil- 43'IN4-lp mette 2764. S-1LIPZ44-Itp .1. . 1

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