Walter P. Smnith & Co. 337 Park Ave. Ph. Glencoe 702 72LTN44-lte $1 5,500 STARTLING VALUE 8 rooms, 2 bathe, als o water ln mald's room and basement toilet. H. W. heat and of! burner. All newly decorated. Higt wooded, lot 50xl64 feet. Choice N. E., section of Winnetka. Conven- lent to transportation. 54i LINCOLN AVÉ. WINN. 1492 72LTN44-ltc OWNER MOVING SOUTH SACRI- fices beautiful artistlc Colonial wlth 18x30 living rmn. charming Sun Rm., delightful Dilnng, Rm.,, Kitchen. and Mald's Rfi. and bath on. first floor. 3Master Bedrins. and ý2 tueé baths on. second. Hot water ohl heat et- tached garage,, large 1.andscaped-lot. $26,000. BILLS REALTY, -INC. 1649 Sheridan Rd. Ph. Wilmette 3740 72LTN44-ltc Winnetka Brick; Most attractive French type with 2 car attached garage. Builit only. one'year. .4 bedrooms, 2 tile baths, 75 f t. lot'ý in fine location enar golf >course. Re- duced to $22,000, easy terms. Fred'k B. Thomnas 4& Co. 743 Elim St., Wlnnetka Winn. 2850 72LTN44-ltc NEW ENGLISH HOME In southwest section of Winnetka; 9 rooma, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathe.; 2 car attached garage; large lot. WIII con- sider very, reasonabie terms or smali- er property in exchange. SMITH & GOSSI INC. 725 ln St. Wlnrnetka 142 72LTN44-lte Owner Will Sacrifice 8 rm.,iaubstantial, east side home, wlth large' glazed. pcb. H. W. ht., gar. * Wooded lot, near sehools & trans. Owner bas Ieft. Mdust be sold. Price, *Milton E. Reid- & CO., 601 Làke Ave. Wil. 771 72L4 4-ltc *FOR SALE OR RENT-5 RM. BUNGA- low, large lot near Nort-.hfield Sta- tion. lIent $35. Ph. Greenleaf 7786-- 1933 MeDaniel Ave., Evanston, Ill. 72LTNP44-in A Parke ence UPFOR UALkN-HU5EHULD OOD COMPLETE IVORY BDRM. SET, WAL- nut bd'rm. set, 10-pc. din., rm. set, fireplace oufit, childs wicker rocking chair, high chair, doli buggy, kitchen table, chairs 'and. stool,' dock, coffee machine, lronlng boardLutefisils, ceil- ing and side. elec.' fixtuàres, door and, glazed Window. sashes., floor and. table lamps,. hose end reel, revolvlng outeide clothes. dryer, bath and kitcheh cur- tains, ladders,' fruit jars. 149 Glen- wood ave. Ph. Glencoe 1170. 86LT44-Ite 'rRÀDE IN YOUR OLD FURNI1TURE on new and stili save mox.ley over, regular retail prices4. 15,000 sq. ft. fi. space of furn. including Early Ameni- can;. Duncan, Phyfe Hepplewhite, Chippendale, tarly and Eng. oak. Up- holstered .pcs.. made to order In. our shop. (iarpets, rugs, linoleum, sprin9q andmattrèssee. 469 E. Ohio et., lst fi. Ph. Delaware 2701. 86LTNZ44ltc ONE Dx15 WILTON RUG, $20. 1 SET white Situmons twin .beds w141h mat-. tress and springs. $20. 1 birdseye chif- fonier, $5. phone'Wlnnetka 956. 86LTN44-ltc TWO 1xl% ORIENTAL RUGS AT $150 each. Like new. PhonO Winnèttka 414. 86LTN44-ltp 1 .ý 87 WANTED TO MUY-HSEHLD. GOODU WANTED TO BUY-SIDCOND HANTD furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture Store, 10046 Eme'rson St., Evan-. ston. 111. Ph. Uni. 0189. 87LTN42-tfc 89 wANIED TO uy-miSc. WANTED-CLEAN, W H I T E RAGS. 8c per lb. 1Ù32 Central Ave.,. Wil- mette. .. 89LTN36-tfp' 91 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FIFTY CO0U IFL ES A T dance at Wlnnetka Masonlc hall Sat- urday night, -March 7 8:30, Triangle club. 91LTN44-ltc pïROPOSALS FOR PAVING ELMWOOD AVENUE AND OTHER STREETS. (Wllmette Special Assessment No. 277) March 4, 1931 Sealed uronoslsfor »avin~ a nd nther- The contractor wlfll bé pald in bonds and vouchers,. payable solely out of the assessement for said improvement, when collected, in accordance with the pro- visions of the Ordinance therefor, and In the manner prescribed 'by law, whlch bonds will bear interest at the rate of sfix (6). per 'centum per alnnm. Thé contractor-to whom the contract mnay be awarded wil be requlred' to furnish 'a bond to the, satisfaction and approval of sald Board of Local Imi- provements, In--âsuiüm equal to fifty (50) per'centum of the contract price, con- dttioned for the faithful performance of, the contract. Pr oposais will' be receilved for the. construction of said Improvement as a whole, and said Board of, Local -lin- pt'ovemnents. reserves the rlght to reject any and ail bide. EAR)L,.E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL WILFORD W.. DeBERARD CALC. RENNECKAR RUTH HURDJ SNYDER STANTON VAN INWAGEN* Board of Local- Improvemnents of the Village of Wlmette. L44-ltc Glencoe Composer Presents Works to McDowell Society, Vocal and instrumental composi-, tions written by Susannah Armstrong,, Glencoe pianist and composer, were presented before the Evanston chap- ter of the MacDowell Society. of AI- lied Arts on . Thursday evening, Mardi 5, 'at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sackett in Evanston. Miss Armstrong played. the accom- paniments, and was assisted by Ada Tllley Allen, soprano, and Katherine Hamiltôn, violinist. The compositions are stili in manuscript, and some Were written wilie Miss Armstrong Was, at the MacDowell colony at Peterborough, N. H., this summer. .where she was sent by the Evansteon chapter because of the outstariding- talent, she ,had, .displayed .in .ber Original, Compositions. In, the near fuûture. she is to presenit the same . pro- gram before North Shore AIacDiowell Society. Mrs. nui.wl know'n ii Chi- George Seaberg, younig Chicago, pianisÉt,. will appear inirecital at Kim- bail hall on . Wednesçday evenuig. March 11, under th auspices of Par- ker-Widner. Mr. Seaberg was the .winner of a contest. sponsored by the Societv of Amenican Musiciants two years ago.),. and was presented ini recital at-Cur- tiss hall. Chicago critics 4,ere unau-, imous ini proclaiming hiîn a youn g arti'st of great talent, mith the inger dexterity, well controlledl power, and skilful interpretation needed in the development of a first-rank pianist. .He bas been presented in concert at the Club Vista del Lago, thé. Win- netka Womain's club, the North Shore Catholic Woman's club, in pri-. vate~ recitals on the north shore, and bas played for prominent Chicago clubs and organizations. When. he is not .practicing for concert progra 1ms he finds time for teacbï Win- netka, Evanston and Chicago. -Hisý progranm next week is as'fol lows: Caprice and Fugue on Airs frot the Ballet d'Alcest..Gluck-,Saint-Saeis, Sonata Eroica ....MàcDoweil. The Coming of Arthur Elfin Dance Guinevere. The Passing of Arthur Two Etudes, Op. 15, Nos. '5 and 6. ... ... . .. .. ... ..Bortkiew icz The Valley of the....s...... Ravel Toccata Rv- JAECASH EUYIS y99.76Tin the Village, Hall In said Vii2 ageof DaugÉter," to Sitwell's, joem. o!tlIuac ~r i attled throuh Wilhette. Ms rsrn lvdle w to the doubles tie also, defeating TATE 1The specifications for said lImprove- Mis1mtogpae e w Oliver Jahn anid Boyd Peterson of mente and blank proposais will be fur- piano compositions, V'ariatios nlvaniton, 21-18 and -21-15. RS, J.LSO PEOPLE nished at the offlce of sald Board of "Where have you been,,Billy-Boy,*" MrClriseecigsotyo efor homee o» the Local Improvemente In sald Village r.Caki *.ctn hrl o 4 ~ ~ -t out -lc1a8.Hal.n leet îof els, ndPrluein-go to New York in quet Of the. na- miette. . 84LT144-lc Proposais muet be made oto ~SapMnr",tional pingpong title> l i