Collarless Coats Scarfed, Coats Caped Coats Furred Coats: Nota coat in this vast g roup, woul d oil ordinarily under,$25'and $29.,501 Never have we been able to offer so fashion-right and diversified a so.sensatonally Iow a .pricel Every coat in our sale gqroup is tical, of. the, defightful Sprîîng 1931I mode. CoIors Indlude -- Green and the new Lebanon Brown Skipper, -Navy, Black, Gray, Tan FashionabIe Furs- - - Galapin, Lapin, Vicuna Fox, Wolf, Kid Galyak, Squirrel and Broadta*fl Authentic Deteils -- Scarfs, Jabots, Fur CufFs, Ftt.d Modes, Dressmaker Reifs, Detail Th 1ree Days. QnIy At 'This Low Prioe 2 Sizes For W 'omen For Larger Women For Misses FrJuniors Types to suit individual figures myriad styles- to:please individual tasiel j I I