In accordànce with the pla n to keep the tax rate for the township road and bridge fund as lew as pos- sible, the Wilmette Chamnber of Comn- m.ierce at its regular meeting Mon- day night of this week unanimously pa-ssedý a resolution that, the Town-. ship HIghway. commissioner be ne- queste4 to set the tax rate for the road and'bridge fund ini às small an amount as, will take care of. his own. needs for ,highway.,purposes. Aider. Tighe stated that the civic pro rata share from the road bridge fund. Their needs have 80, smail ini this respect that1 has been a surplus, Mr. King said. the Township Road and Bridge runds, Consequently the. Villages 'are de- "'Now therefore be It 'reaelved fluet ciding flot to have a levy for roads the Townà;ihplghway Commisslener and bridgs.or19b-93.roadue0ted to set the tax rate for the diesfor 930-931,Roadand Bridge und la as szaal an Trown M..upg TUOg&Y amoeUnt as will:take care of hie own Township needs.for highway purpOeSa The'annual town meeting of New, --e It further resolved that the Sec- Trier township, at w*hich the anual. retary of the *limette. Cbamber of tax or he oadand ride fnd 'Commee be Instructed te forward a taxfortheroa an brdgefun copy of thle resolutien to the Township levied, . was scheduled to be held Hfr7bway Commissioner." WOMEN OF ROTAIVMET TPhe North Shore group, Wom.a of thé Rotary. met lait week Weduesday at Club Vista del LSgo. Hostesses foiý the afternoon were Mes. Carrai Shaffer, of. Highland']Park, Mns. Cati Wolcott and Mrs. Hiram'Cody, of Ev- anston, and Mrs. Franc G. Watson xo! Wilmette. b M ,New.LwPies oeValue! ilTHAT Sý WHV MILLIONS MOftE PROPLIE SAVSi teadiq ~9Witt, hay Oa( eliea.dizoake o>' ttt,"- 1931 -TYPES 1931 PRICES *1 PATIFNDERSI LOWER PRICEDI GRÉATER VALUES!I hPic. BEMI hic. P«. Pw Wlbtwtt. 740 TdfthÇUWRANTEED TIRE REPAIRING 0000 USED TIU moi