The a4nnversary dinner wfll be served ,n the Sunday ichool auditoilum Friday evenklng, April 1 7, at 6 :30. The Woiman'a societis wlfl serve the dinner. 'Tickets May ho obtained from any .miemrber of the i3oclety. The, Luther league resents "Crooks for a -Màofth," a comedy drama, f'riday and Saturday eveningée. April 24, and 25 at 8 o'clock. The Sunday school set a'new ail time attendance record'Easter, Sunday. The Sunday school birthday partyý will ho celebrated Prldayevening,, May 1. Those having birthdays ln January, Feèbruary, March and AprIl are guests of the party. The Ppblic in cordially Invlted toat- tend any and al servrices ln this church. if you have no church home on, the north shore. worship with, us regularIy. blake tbis your church home. The membership of this church lu steadily Increasing. It In nearly t*o and a hait Urnes -as large as k was when the present pastorate began. Miss Xleanor Stewart, daughter of the L. Albert Stewarts of -42? Wood- stock. avenue, Kenilworth,' has recently been. initiated to- the. national social sorority,. Kappa Kappa Gamma, at NQrthwestern university. Miss Stewart àlso became pledged last week to thé national English sorority of the uni- versity, the "Alethenai." She will re- turn to Northwestern the end of thig week. following her spring vacation. I Mon.ey to Loan on im prov.d ros- dence aind business properfy. Construction Lbans wifl b. ade to owners, RE&L ESTATE LOAN- DEPAkrMENT' ST&TIE BANKANDý TRUST Co:)MPÂNY.' new play. The north shore performances on February 14, were attendedby more than a tbousand children, but many who did flot see the play. at that time wil welcome the oppottunity, of this addi- tional performance. Miss Virginia Prussing of 549 Earls- ton road, Kenilwoi-th, is spending a few weeks ini South Orange, N.ý J., previous to the wedding of Miss jean Guy and Sherwood Gay of New Yôrk, for, whomn she will be a bridesmaid at their wedding the end of this week. Miss Prussing. has beèn ini the -east attend- ing the, pre-nuptial. affairs.. 0o Mr. and Mrs.: Gilbert Kelly of Cum- nor road, Kenilworth, 'Who 'have been at Southe rn. Pines, N. IC., during the Easter vacation with. their dangihter, Miss Elizabeth,' Who met them there' f rom Vassar college, have returned to their home in Kenilworth.. Miss Eliza- beth bas, returned to ber studies in. the éast. 0o Miss Mary Bernice Kinsella, dughter of the William P. Kinsellas 143 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, vill re- turn tomorrow to Rosemont ýcollege, Rosemont, Pa., after spending ber. spring vacation with ber parents. y REAL. ESTATE, IN, :ALL IS BRANCHES1 Thé terni '"Real Estate,» in connection with BAIRD'& WA-éjRNER, reveals many ,ûtivities closely related and essential to the buying, selling, and exchanging of properties. The' classification of services is broad in scope -the range of individuals *served, is wide -indiçated by these interests: )MMUNITY1 CO-OPERATIVE SALES PROPERTY MANA( 'ELOPMENTS. ý, ~ -RBNTINC c- Skokie Ridge of 34 hrdnRa Preserving the investu ognition. North Shore '>S*di k. corne, producing proper 646 North Michigan Avenue 528 Davils Street, Evanston, SINCE Bflb 134 South La Salle 8treet 4545 Broadwa~ 4 1349 Morse, 1Oýi Skokie Ridge Drive,1 Avenue Glencoe, Orruuugton atI Davis lEvanstoe, Iliou 1I r-