* to two schooçl boards in the village * this Saturday, April 11, and wiIl join with voters of other New Trier town- ship villages in electing two members to the board of education of New Trier High sehool. The Wilmette Village hall,'will.be the polling place for the regular Wil- mette school board election, that of S District », which includes the village proper except ,that portion west of Ridge road. The polIs will be open fromw 12 'vlock noon to 7 o'clock at. night. in this district the terms, of Henry E. Cutter, presidient, and Ralph Dur- ham n and î rederick Lind, members of pringe AlI of these men are candi- dates for reelection,' having been nominated ,by a. citizens' committee composed of representatives, of the two Wilmette parent-teacher associa- tions and, the Wilmet- Womans club. In ýdistri ct 40, west of Ridge road." the, polliag place will be the. Grosa. Point school and the poils will be Qpen f rom 1 o'clock in the afternoon to oclckinthe evening. Members of the school board of this district whose terms expire this spring are Fred Nelson, president, A. E. Wolff and G. Ianson. These three men are candidates for reclection. William R. Morrison is a candidate te fil! the unexpired term of joseph Schaefgen, who bas resigned. The Wilmetté Villa ge hall and the Gross Point school will serve as poil- High schol 41b oard, Mrs. Janet Gordon of Winnetka 'and J. R. Gathercoal of Wilmette, expire this spring. Both are candidates for reelection. 1j. Eclward Maass of Wilmette. township schooi trustee, also is a .Candidate for reelection.' RETURN TO STUDIES Hiayden and Llewellyn Jones their spring vacations with their spent par- i Ira1 Mr. and eir two tave 1been in past two mi rasota, hs, are about FOR, YOUR HOM PAINTING. TFhere is positively no substitute for tood paint. 'Waggener-Pratt ami' Lambert 'paints, çnamels and var- nishes have been known as the. Staadmrd of Quality for over haîf a: century. CELLUTONE Producesa a «Por- celain ike" sur- face on waliland woodworIç. Can be waashed ma n y Urnes. up1"'VARNISH, dries hard lu 4 hours. Heoiproof -waterproof. It stapdà abuse. WALL PAPER New ýboks show- Ing 1931 desiguis are now ready for your inspec- tion. '~"61 EAMEL driee ln 4 bours. For furlliture aud woodwork 16en chanting colors. TONAWALL. A true Velve t liat paint for In- terlor walâansd coilinge. IIOUSE PA INT Waggoener Pai nt là PURE.- For ail exterior sur- faces, wood, con- crete or metal. 4W0 Linden Avenu. A Is. Carlson Building Pharmacy, 636 Charck Si, Erantn, Greanleaf 3316 FRYIN ?AN Thi extra-heavy regularly 1lis Sflor $1.75. .. .Me 3 SAUCE PANS - i- 1' and 2-quart 3sizets. The regular price. is $2.35. -complete. set for .....$2 -POT, ROAST ~ KETTLE - as many, other uses 4 k - 4-quart site, CLEANING Spring cleaning, at its best, .is nô smail task. With thé proper equip- ment, it can be made casier, finished in less, time and, more important, ut will be accomplished more. pleasa»tIy. New Items MAGIC MAID. Foold mixer and Juice extractor combined. A rosi heavy-duty kltcheu heiper. Wili beat, whip. and,. extract fruit juice. MEAT THERMOMETE-R Tels ln an Instant whether your roast is rare. medium or wel doue. Recommeundod by cooklug expoertB. $3.0 DOOR CHAIN "Steel Beaty" *JOHNSON'S WAX fbr fioors-furnl- ture aud wood- worlc.. b Paste,1lb.&S Liquid, 1 qt.> S1J& Lluuid, 1 galU.&O DUST KNIT' Ideal for poUash- Inir and dusting. About 6 yds. to boit, New- low i»ice osé LIQUID VENEER Furnilture poluah., *Speclal-60c bot- tie of polUah wflh 25e dust cloth - Se SAMOLINE for cleanIng all painted, enaîneled, an n4varnlslied Niew low vr$ees 1qt .......... 79e ga . .. .$14 DUETTE Dry cleaning aud washing machine. A imitod quantity té lIe Fold at Duette, or Ruako fluid. per gallon,, SCREENS * Copper, peari, gai- vaulsed and black acreen wire. 014 screens çhould b. cleaned and paint- ed 1(0W, Mrs. Alfred E. Viol of 114 ;Thi street left last Monday for a mont visit.with, ber son-in-law and dauà ,.,ter, Dr.. anid Mrs. James ýL. Coti of. Lafayçtte, lad., Deliveries 9 A.. IlIA.1 leave our M. 2 1 M.1 41 store ai P. M. P.M.. phone WILMEITE -