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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1931, p. 72

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GEORGUE P. UUNSAL.VEM 746 ELM ST. WINNETKA 62 FOR RENT- FINE STORE AND large basement connecting, Central location. Ph.'Wlmette 2399. 72 FOR SALE--HOUSES $15,500 STARTLING VALUE 8mrne, 2 bathai also wat«r ln meid's room, and basjemfent tollet. H. W. heat and ol . buràer. Al. newly decorated. ilighwooded lot 50x.164 teet. Cholce N. E. section- of Winnetka. Couven- lent to transportation. Easy, term. Look at it. number 047 Llncoln ave-, nue, Winneta. $41 LINCOLN AVE. WINN. 1492 72LTN49-ltc 0ik 631 Garland-7 rm.; ohl heat $.. 18,000 23 Church; 6 rm.; 2 bath .16,000 Two outstanding values. open for lbapeq4lon today, 3 to 6. IHlkaemsoiniR& Jeb 930 Bpanish et., Wilmette Wil. 2920 513 Davis St.,'Evanston Gre. 1617 72LTN49-ltc PRICE REDUCED $3,200 6 IUI. ST1UcCO ,IIOUBE@, GLAZED front poreli, flarrrae heat, landscaped lot 5Oxl5Q, 1 car gar. paved alley, lu- couted on excellent Wilmette street. Price $10,700. $1,000 -cash, balance ýrea- sonable turms C. R. NORMAN & CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 1137 Central Ave. Ph. Wilmetteý 3966 72L49-ltc EAST_ WILMETTE ON LARGE WOODED 80xl75 FT. COR- ner lot a home ut charm and char- acter, Unusual tIn arrangement. Dis- tinctive ýin airnearance. 6' bedrins.: 2, IN WINNETKA,, CHARMING SM.ALL boume near lakte. 6 rooms. Att. garage. lovely screened porches. H. w beat. ,$18,000. Rentai .$120. Winnetka 1194. 72LTN49-Itc 7 ROOM RESIDENCE,' 2 -BATHIS. H a. heat. Near .schools and station. screened porches. $9,600.00 Cali Win- netica. 18. 7249-tp 74 FoRe SALE-vACANT. VACANT LOT FOR SALE BY OWNER,. lot 60x135, highly rfistrlcted residential district, smail down pa.yment or can arrange foV- linancing and building- a new home on lot. Ph. Wilmette 3019. 78 FOR AL£-cemgTERy LOTS IN- MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY. 4 lots et the right prIce. *Cal Winnetka. 3494. > 78LTN49-ltp 84. RÉAS.ESTATE From Our "LIBRARY 0F FINE HOMES". Whlch includes a choice selection of fine homes along the Nor'th Shore which are, ln our opinion, being offered et prices whlch qualify thém as outstand- ing values today.' "Our Restricted Comniunities" "Skokie Ridge"--Glencoe Severai clarming new homes are now 'ready for occupancy. There are also available beautiful homesites with old forest trees. Consuit our financing plan for owner-built homes. ALWAYS OPENFOIR OUR "Deere Park"-Highland Pk. TWO BEAUTIFUIJ RIPARIAN HOMES Also severai attractive new homes with Riparian privileges - ground land- seaped and wooded. ALWAYS OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION The above projperties can be exchanged. fo'r smalier or income buildings. -Con suit the followlng offices: 528 DAVIS ST. Greenileaf 1855 grocery, 814.oeMm st, wlunetka. BUFET, XON BOX, BED, SPRING, and, mattrée practicallyý new. Wanted, -baby stroller. Ph. Wllmette, 939,, .WILTON CARPZT, TAUPE COLOR. ixe about 2h1l6. Excellent condition. Bargain. 31 Crescent drive. Glencoe 133.86LTN49-lte, FO BALE- VERY REASONABLE full length :Davenport,- need room., Phone early morning,or..ëvenings. Ph. Wilimette 1271. 861.TN49-ltp KIMBALL UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale ln gooçi condition. 1200 elmwood Ave., Wilmette 1863. 86LTN4$-ltc ANTIQUE MAHOGANY FINISHEDý secretary desk. Phone Winnetka.589.ý 86L49-r1Lp 87 WANTIED TO SUY-HSEHLD. 000DBD WAtNTED ?Ô EUY-4-SCONW ILUIf furfilture and other household gooda. Highest prices for sanie. Crost Furni- ture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., E~vans- ton, MI. Ph. Uni. 0189. 87LTN42-tfc ne FOR ISALKE-MUSCIELLANKCOUS i FOR SALE - GREEN REED BABY cab and lvory high chair. 505 Jackson, Glencoe. 88LTN49-ltc FOR SALE - A FRIGIDAIRE, ME- dium size, ln excellent condition.- Bar- gain. Ph. Greenleaf 5639 between 5:30 and 7:30 P.M. '88LTN49-ltc BABY CRIB, SCALE AND SMALL chair, Bsll ail together or separate,. also fullI ized mattress. Plh. Wilmette * 898. *88L49-1te FOR SALE.- BIRD HOUSES, VERY cheap. Phonre Winnetka 2782. 88LTN49-lte ORIGINAL AND RAR~E EARLY Amerîcan pine secretary -, fine piece. Also, a dog kennel, ini good condition. Winnetlca 2428.1. 88LTN49-ltc REBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE BY G. Soderblomn,- 906 Linden Ave. Hub- bard Woods. Phone Wirnfietlça 29. EVANSTON Huliycourt 18551J 4.That. the two paragravlhs hext above, giving thie naines of the owners, stockholders, and security holdiers, If any, contain not only thieIlist of stock- holders and securlty holders sthiey appear upon thie-books of the cumpiany but,,ali3o in cases Where thie stockhold- er or security holder appears upon the books or the company as trustee and In any othe rflduciary relation, thie namne of the. person or corporation for whom such trustee 18 acting, las.given;, aiso that the said twu paragraphs. contain etatements embraeing afliant's full knowiedge and belief se to the citcum- stances and -conditions under w'hich stockholders and security holders whu- do flot, appear upon the. books of the company as trustees. hold stocks and iecuritiés ln a. capacltyother than that of a boirafIde owner; and tRis affant has no' reamon to believe that any other person, associlation. or. corporation bas any, Intereat direct. or Indirect ln the said stock, bonds or other securities tRan as su stated by hlm. S5. That the avýerage number of copies of each Issue of;tRis publication sold or* distributed, týhrough the mails or otl£er- wise. tu pald subseribers during the six xponts ir -cedipw .the date abow a.bpve. ls--(TRiis Information la required fr-oii daily publications only). LLOYD HOLLISTER, (Signature of editor, publisher, business manager, or owner.) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23rd day of March, 1931. (Seal) . C. E. HOTZE (My cmiso expires A.Trll 6, lq198.' VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE SPECIÂL ASSESSMENT NOTICE WILMETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 267 IN THE MATTER 0F THE SPE- CIAL ASSSMENT OF THE VIL, LAGE O0F WILMETTE, for proceedings tu levy a Special Asssment for local Improvement conà1stlng of, gradlng anrd pavhrg *witR reinfoi-reèd Portland Ce- muent concrete, thie firÉt' alley south uf Greenleaf Avenue from the west curb line uf Sth Street to the east eurb Uine of 9th Street, in the Village o! Wiimette, Cook County, Illinois, Speclal Asse- nient No. 267, ln the County Court of Cook County. .NOTICE ls bereby given to ail per- sons lnterested that the Board of Local Improvements o! aid Village, bas hure- tofore filed ln sald court. In said cause, a certificate showing' the coat o! the Improveinent, anrd thie amount reserved for interest, leavigg no excess to be M 1 - . .. i. me owrs are: tive Ramestfive I -te and addresses.,of lai0dual owners, or No. - f a eorPOratiop, give Its -naine and thie I Jïn D, ' 2 names and addresses of atockholders.I fron eorde owning Or holding. 1 per cent or miorel Of the total amoUnt utstock). or a 4-t loyd BIMilster lire. (A Cor4-----,-n lreserved to rejeet an>' L48-2tc BIDE1 W1lhuette -1.

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