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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1931, p. 73

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1;IIÇt hereby given to ail per- sona Interested that the Board4 of Local Improvements of sai Villagelbas bore- tofore led lu sai coutt, lu lî aid ae, a certiicate sluiowng the cost of the lmprov0euit, and 'the amount reserveid for,.iltereut, leaving an excesto TijREE HRUNDRED FOUPTEEN DOL- LARS ANI) THIRTY-NINE CENTS ($U14.99), te be, abated, li reduction of sai asseesant, and aise that sali lin- provement lias been completed lu suli- stautial couformlty 'to the requirements of the original ordinance -therefor, -and hias,,âpblied'to said court. to' cojisider and determîine whetherr or iiot the tactp stated lu sai certîicate are true, and tiiat sai court lias ixed Monday, .thie 2th day of. Aprîl, A. D. 1031 at ton o'clock A. M., or as soon tliereafter as the business of ý the court will pernlit. at the rooem of.sai Ceuuty Court, in ,the County Building, lu the City ef Chicago, ln sai Cook Coufty, as the time and place Mr 1tle hearlug on sai applica- .tion. AUlpersons deslrlng zmay file Ob- jections lein sli court before sald'day and may appear on the liearing and Malte their defense. ERNEIST C, CAIL WILFOBD W. DeBERÂRD CARL C. RMNNECKAR RUTH HUERD SNYDER STANTON VAN INWAGEN Board of Local Improve- mente of the Village of1 Wllmette. L48-2te VILL~AGE 0F WILMETTE SPEC14L ÂSSESSNENT NOTICE WILNUTTE SPNCIL iASSESSMENT NO. 288 IN THE MATTEIR. OF THE SPE- CIAL ASSESSMENT OF THE VIL- ILAGE 0F WILMETTiE, for proceeiigF te levy a fipecial Ase.ssment for loal Improvemnt çonsIsltng of gradlng and pavlug the.tiret alioy south of G(reenleàfi Avenue frem the curb line of Sixtb Street to thie west curb lhue Of Flfth m Street, lu the Villa~ge of Willmette. Colki Ceunty, Illinois, Speclal Assesasment No. 268, ln the County, Court of Cooki Ceunty. Ai,">. totone a ce: Inmnni is .hereby' ýstei that-t] ýntsetfsali n te al r)er-, Dad et Local ore.h a h ha Apnil Btli, 1931. any and Sealei proposais for tlie construction undIinstallation et storm sewer lieuse drains lu Lockerbie Street troni Glen- vlew Roai te Central Street lu King'k; Court, aL subdivision et Lot Thirteen (13), except that part lying east of Glenïview Ri, et Counlty.clerk,!g Di- visiofe Section Thltry-one (31), Town- slip Forty-tWo (42) Nortli, Iýanie Thîr- tes» (13) East et the Tiln Principai (Ilbaon-Casebeer Photo John Allen. Stewart, ,for five yeur& . &riwis.managr of the North Shore Circuit theater, hos 7esigned his office, to take effect in September., He lias announced the circuit thea- ter's next play to be "Sait Water," a comedy by Dan Jarrett and John Golden. The cast will be engaged by Samuel S. Otis and H*ope Summers will direct it. It will be presented in May iu the north shore towns. Meridlan, and connected to the publie stone sewer now lu place ln the above street, allunthe Village of Wilmette. Cook Cuunty, Ilinois, lu accordance wtli the'orinfalce and specifications for ,ald Improvement, will be received by the Boar'd of tLocal Improvements of sai Village of Wlmette. untîl 7 :30 o'cloclç P. M., on Tuesday, the 2lst day of Aprîl, A. D. 1931, at whlch tîme sald proposals wlll bo publicly opened, ex- amined aud declared by sai Board of Local Ijuprovements lu the Counili Chitber lu the Village Hall ln* sai Village of Wllmette. I'he tipeciftcations for sald Improve- inents »and blank proposais wlll be fUr- nished at. the offilce of sai Board of Local Improvemnents ln sai Village Hall. or j4 et. th te. in it to levy sufficient amouts for their own road and bridge require- mnents for .1930, and I pbably subée- quent years." "This," Commissioner William. ex- plained at the annual Town meeting held Tuesday afternoon, "will relieve the highway,,commissioôner froml the necesSityOf, levying a tax greater than that .needed 'for. township road and bridge purpose s, as heretofore- in makinig the, levy kt bas been neces- sarv to levy'an amount which, when divided by two,- would provide the, amô,unts required. by the Villages,ý which amounts, are credited directly to, the Villages, by the Townsýiisip andl County collectors.". Withdraws Levy Conimissioner WVilliams further ex- plained that "with this, in nîind, and, after consulting witb the officiais of the Villages in the township, he will w ,thdraw the 1930 tax 1evy, and should conditions warrant. will npot levy a tax for the year 1931. "The income to be derived froi the 1929 levy," he explained, "wil. provide sufficient funds for tbe ord- mnary maintenance of roads durinig 1931, 1932 and probably 1933.' The report of -Commissioiier WVil- liams, which ini effect is a sumnary of the work doue by bis department ini the Township during the years 1928, 1929 and 1930, follows: CojmissIiS ere eort "At the tîie the present Commis- sioner teek over thie highways ef New Trier townshitplu Mardi 1928, the roui system consstei of, arth and oled gravel surfaces. Early lu that year if: was feuni tliat thçBe surfaces we luI- adequate te withtnd lie trafice they were subjected te. . Thle base. was aise foundinl almoat every case to bé ef lu- sufficient strengtli.. eavy truck<s were found' te be causlng ruts as deep as twelve luches to appear, aduni'l_-the ,sprlngk soine ef the roade were neanly Impassable. Traficli ai aIso caused, '4pushlng' to take place, ptreseflting a corrugated surface over wlilcl travel was unleaut if net dangerous. In u.the ha hrni1deva wete se uarrow on --ViÏllage eti pe ittitig a ofe water lu - L49-ltc d'In thîs' c ener of tue span of aioni etka Road bridgewr. il Bd on uew concrète piors, ' >ro rapi uni direct ftow mad *i, aio,. approximata e*d asphat, fromtlie te time, te rfveut wtrfoIm findlng,. Its way lt. thé: base. The rbadesusrfacei lu thi. mai- uer are: "Winetka .road,- 7,87é fet; Happ roui, 1,650 teet uni CountY Une r614 Nieis Are Smali t'Due tetlie:hard surface constremeti ln 1930, the, reconstruction Oet dîtches and repaIr to bridges pertormnei lu the pAeut tliee y ýears, 'the fundu -requtred fdr-maintenance lu, 1931 *111 be very small. The 1929 tax levy, based as al levies. te date maie by 'the prmeut- Commîtnssioner upon the reqluiremeuts et tlie varlous municipaliles lu tlie Town- slip, as eviienced by requeste froin theze munîcîpalîties, w111 produce a#-. proximatel> 8$30,00.00 for the Town- slip Rend uni Bridge Puni, tlie bal- ane of tLio levy, or an equal aminit, will be credlted dhrectly te the varieus. municipalittes withiu wloso limite the tai la colleted. "'T'le uew valuations lu tlie Township wIllh unahiêtthe Villages wittn it i. levy sufficlent amounts for their 0wIi rond and bridge requlremeiits for 1930 ani probably subsequent yearA . This wlll reileve the Hlghwuy Commissioner froni the necesslty et levying a tai grater tlian that neeiei for Township roui ani bridge purposes, as lierototore lu makiug the levy It lias been neces- sary to levy un amount, whlcli when diviied by two. weuli pfovîde tlie am- ounts requested bjr the Villages, whleli amounts are creiited direct te the Vil-~ lages by the Township uni County C'ol- lectors No.180sse avy "'Wlth Jehis lu mina ani mter cou- eulinlg witli the. officials oethtle Villages lu thie townshiip, I wlll wlitdIraw the 1930 tai levy, ani. aboula conditionsa warrant, 1I iliiinet ievy a tax for the. yenr 1931, The Inceme te 1* ierlvei frem tlie 1929 ievy will provide suff- oient tunis for the oniiiiary mainten- ance'et rouis durlng 1931, 1932 and Poe- 4bly193 "Te rouis now union tlie supervision et the Higliway Commssioner. are: '.Winnetka roui from Bincli streot tO the west .Townshlp>lîmft. 1"Avocu rond, trom Lecuat etreet te Rapp rond. "Rapp road from Avoca roud te Win- netka roui, "Locus, street fromý Avooa roui te WInnetka reai. "'Porter roai, Ramena avenue and Washington stroot, entire. "County Lino 'roud frein Green. Bay t......33.....8. ce on Hani Mardi 31, ' *... ...* . ... ..... .... 1,495.87 thouldbe ket in in4 that theo rieg iuentioned bérei" Are the tala mad4e livthe higliuaY COiniRi for rosi. and bridge punlipSUS Sb*ne couaéhlm iW» &,rW t uti.Annu tI owti U hala .I fret ýTuesiay lu,

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