itking Capis rim strapis to Iiig Syour edam 1sisi i bîelli you uake a Perfect swan 354 1 Golf elubit and bag. Basebaili Glove - ]Salis - ats Vouli play a better gaine w I1t la titis Tennis Rackets The kInd the chiampionis use. f Tennis halls that w 111 Improve you r $3$ serve I Flash Lights 'rioe a ik te rn$111 Easiman Kodaks 'l and Films ýirerordti. hose umver-to-, be- 1 forgotteji v aceIltion reul to yoa uILDI'.. next $2 Free Dehivery in Wilmete and Kenilzeort/z sttil 10 P. 4.1. SNIDER. CAZEL DRUG COMPANY Serviug North. Shore Residents for mnore thain 26 Years Wilmette and Central Aves. Ph-lones: Wil. 400-401 ne Th meeting, which wili take up nost of the entire day, will be devoted to the discu~ssion of a program of work, changes in by-laws and' plans for a comprehensive study of the cause and provision for problem children in ,Cook county. Miss Grace Benjamin, the -Cook counity League's Child Welf are..chair- man aiand Mrs. S. B. Sniffen, chairman of social hygiene, will lead' in the dis- cussion. Mrs. W. W. Ramsev, vice president of the league will lead a. discussion on thé "Standards for Local Leagues."' Thiere wvill also be-a report f rom the retiring president,,Mrs. Eric W. Stubbs, and words of greeting from the incom- ing président, Mrs.. Wright. Ail members are urged present. Delegates f rom ail over the county, will be. in attendance. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Théodore Moritz- of Kendiworth not later than Friday, May 15.. Mr. and A1r s. Porter G. Fox of 626 Wàrwick road, Kefiilworth, Ieft oni Monday for New York to sait the end of the week for a several inonths' ýýoJourn in Europ)e. Mr. and rs, Fox xvilI sail on the Brenien, landing at Southampton and ill tour thec continent. Miss Hazel Fridman, 242 Greenlcaf avenue, with her niece, Miss Helen Fridman, returned last Saturday to lier home after spending the winteratý Damne in a rccnt UCViIt on teques- tion, "Resolved, that the sevéral states should enact legisiation providing for compulsory u nemployment insurance." Northwestern's three-inan team up- held the affirmative side of the ques- tion. The decision wvas given. to the Ev'anston schoolby. an expert judge. E rickso *n has, represented. North- western in several other debates this year..,Ie ë vas a member of the North- western team which defeated the Uni- versity of Illinois in a debate on the same question-compulsory unemnploy- ment insurance-iast ,semester.ý While'a student at New Trier High sclîool, E.'rickson, received his.earlyv de- hlate 'training under the direction of Chester E. McLean,, the New Trier debate coach. For two years, when 'lie .vas, a, sophomore and -again whien he wvas a s enior, he %vas a niemiber of the New, Trier teamn whicli metClevel and Heights High school of Cleveland Heights,, Ohio, iin the annual (letate betweenthe two, schools. I-4e was cap)- tain of the New. Trier team- in his senior year. GUESTS FROM NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Klunder, 909 Chestnutavenue, hiad as their guests for several days last week Mr. and Mrs. 'Victor Piotti, who have just moved to, New York City f rom Ev- anston. The latter were given a sur- prise party by their north shore f riendýs on Tuesday of last week at Mrs. I<lun- TeEXTREMELY LOW PRICES below are for c hoice selected quality. Our delivery service is free- andi charge accounts cati be arrangeti. Check this store bel ore you purchase Your week-end supplies* SPECL4LSVFRIDAY 6SATURDAY-MAY 51 FIS QUALITY,,SPRING LAMB LEGS - Special 2'Dc A""" POT ROAST BREF 1 I'? VEAL LEGSTIE1711z'T eI 627 mm fLE CITYU1 Coe Phone Wilmcette 1870- 4 Open Sutidoye Until 10 P. M. i t, ¶ su