HAV E YOUR PURS CLEANBD, REPAIRED OR REMODELED just 'before you -place them in Storage Get Our Estimates Your Pur$. should not be néglected.. Bring them to us for care, and protection. SCARFS-a large collection in ail Furs and shades at. speciai prices. IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES About Our Vault Dur ýVault storage systeni is ackno wl- edged by known authorities as the,. most scientific, highly perfected and reliable on-- the North Shore. W. masure yeur f urs against ail losses. *Ve have been est ablished in business in Evanston since 1908 H. A. Ropinaki, FURRIER Manufacturer £4 Rétailer 916 Chi cago Avemme, Evanston University 37Z2- The AIlen home is Engîish ili de- sign and wiIl contain thirteen rooms of which eight are bedroomis witb five baths. Living room, dining rdbni and solarium will have south. expos- tire facilng a terrace the f ull length of the house. The library wvill be on the north with the.quiet diffused light ôf nortlîern exposure. In the base" nment will bc a large lounge and rec - reation. réoon. The lawn will, be especially and Muost beautifully landscaped and, ill fit into the park-like --design of the, Iiidia"nHilI Estates area. Imnmediate neighbors of the Al-lens are the Hiolsworths. Blacks. Reich- iatis, Dru.ckers and Xarrens. 'flic Allen house is the third to bc buiît on Ramona road, this. sprilig. lîc other two being the homes of 'Mr. ani Mrs. A. E. Beirnes of 203Wo- binle. ilmnettc, and M r. and Ms Fratik Warren of Glenvie%%-. S The Allens. new hon'e. was de- signed by Kari. K. Rabig, air chiitect of 5410 Ri dgewvood court, Chicago, and bv bis associate Ames W. Rô'ss of Highlanid Park. Contract wvas award- cd to the Henke ConstructiQul corn- pany of 609 Wells street. Clhicago, the president of wvhiCh, Herlbert W. Henke, is a resident of NWilnîiette. I business Mr. Ailen is president of the J. WV. Allen company, main- facturers ot bakery supplies. at 116 N. Peoria avenue, Chicago. 'l'lie Carl F. Gepperts Of 127 Prairie avenue have moved to 2227 bincolin- THE NORTH -SHORE MUSIC FESTIVAL. of Directors of the Chicago Real Estate board, have agreed upon four measures for immediate activity in connection with a. more comprehen- sive programi for tax relief. which wiii follow, it was atînounced this, week. The four measures adopted'provide for presenting.to the General Assemn- hly at, Springfield bills alont'l ie following hues: 1. Provide that the paymient of 1929 taxes be postponed until July 1,ý 1931, without penalty. 2. That taxes niay be. paid in 4uarterly installiments beginniiing ju1% 1, 1931. 3. That 1930 taxes be either funded or be made payable on the iinstall- nient, basis over a périod -of. twentv years. 4. That 1929 taxesbe eitiîer funded or be miade. payable onu the in'staîl- - ment basis over a period of twett years. -The menibership of Tlîe Clicago Real Estate Board, comprising sortie tweîîty-seven hundred reai eýstate dealers and brokers togther wýithi the Property Owners,; approximat- igsonie four -tlousaiii n uîlnber, are thus conîmitted. to .stand. back lof. this prograni. in detail. Mrs. J. W. Roddick 'of 722 Rogers avenute, K.enilworth, lias 'returned to ber home after hiaing spent* the win- ter witlh her niother, Mrs. Jenny 1-tavden ini Dallas, rexas. May 18 te 23 MARSHALL iFI ELD,& COMPAN.Y. . 1 1 . ý 1 i ' 'i !ý ié, ý - i i , , , < , . , , , ý 1 . ý, 1 1 1 - 1, ý ý 1 1 , " ý ý,