announcemnent from the k'Iaygrou:u1 and Recreation board offices. Thie Village Green, large municipal playground 'facing Ridge avenue bc-' tween Lake and Wasbington avenues vilbe iii use every evening. In addi- tion, other league scbedules wiJll be' plaved at Wasbington. park, the won-' en's playground b al baving been nioved there from th e Village 'ren. New men's. playground bail teams bave been substitutedl at the' Village Green to M1I thé vacancy. A scbedule of activities include:- M.onday* Men's,.Playgrôund Bail. 7 4'lk.Village Green. Tuesday: Women's, Playground Bal' 7:U, 'elock. Vattmnan Pârk. Men's liorseshoes.. 7 :30 ociock. Vilagi' (reen. Men's Piayground Bail. 7 :31~ p'elock. 'vilage Green. Wednesday: Mens. Playground Bail. .7iioek. Village Green. Thursday Men*s Hcarseshoes. 7 :30 113tqelall Team'I>lractice. Village Green. Fridayr: Men's Piayground Bal. 7 <'d(-ock; Village Green. As soon as the, Wil'nette beach ac- tivities open a swiniiÎiig ciass- for wofen Nvill be conducted on Tuezsdayl and Thursdav afternoons at 4 o'clock. The. summiner plavground program 1 foër children will begin lune 15, Daniel1 M first of November have b)een making a 'round-thé-world cruise, will arrive in New York on Saturday and will Ibc home on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Smiith sailéd on the Europa f rom. Southampton, baving spent their last week- seeing London, and ~rrivedýîa. ii in, New York on Friday Sne saiing. on November 14, on the, PresidentPolk from San Francisco, M.and Mrs. Smith have visited 1lonolulu; the Orient, wbere they s1ent, a month.; fromn there tbey went> t6 Japan, and 'China>,for. another nîonth.. Their 'next stop was Manila .and a motor trip tbrough java with a rnonth ini India. and then -on to the fContinent of Europe. They bave had a very interesting touir and have seen the: European continent thoroughly.- Th'lis is the, Smitbs' second trip abroad.. TOSELL POPPIES. On request: of Russell C. Johnson 1, chairmani of the Poppy day commiit- tee of the Wilmette post of the Ameni- can Legion, the Kenilworthi Village board bias given permission to the post to seli poppies in Kenilwortb Friday, 'Mlav 22. 1' teams are stilli n the running. P~ers- ing, Christensen and Weh.r have not lost a gaine. A 75 yards shuttie relay on the outdoor track is the newest i- tramiural1 event. Contrary to the, first plans, the meet will be open to al the boys' advisor roomns. .The finals andi semi-finials will be run off onI Saturday May 23, as an -added at- traction to the Suburban. League Track meet to be held on that, day. 'Thic prelimlinaries will be beld some- [time. during. the Prcvious week. swlxu-4 swlmmes re«ufred. diving-3s wlmrners requir. d relay-S swlmmers requIred. The second «round of handbalfl, tennis, golf and horseshos -In dite tôday as thée rainy weather has. delayed mafly matches. The flrst round et the 'new ping-pong* tourney le aise due toçlay.. PersIng's fighting advlser room. han annexed ïnother chamnpIl5hll:> the water-polo. Last- week thls g t tetm put still another feather In Mr. Pers-, ing's', cap by ,swaýmplng 1the Varslty .Water-pl)oteam, '7 to 5. At the, Kenuck Derby DAViîs -1000- Rogers Park .2775 HI COMBINATION. A n Introductory 'Ofler For a limitedtime only we will allow you $4000 for' your old radio or phonograph on the pur- chas. of this NEW 1931 Philco R a d i o-Phonograph, Combina- tien. Here is the ýwhOlç word of radio' and phonp.graph enter- ta jument brought within the reach of every homie! Why flot have both? It costs so lttis.ý . 0 oe . Wilmette 1100. Winnetka 3400 North Shiore TaIking. Machie Co. 712 Church St. University 3474 Evantou 742 Eh» Street 380 Cetnd Ave. Winnetka Highland Park 3474 Phone Wimmf. 3474 Hima P"r $."4 00O AJlowance. for Your -OId Radio or Phonograph On This NEW 1931 Wl EBQLDT'S-E VAN STON '7-