w We are prepared, to serve you withl a completely equipped', modern rug cleaning plant in charge of cleaners, native- of Per sia and thé rug weaving in- dustry. Our cleaning method .penet rates the inner- most fibres - removesý the nap-cutting grime, as Weil as ail of, the surface soit., We shall consider it a prîvilege te iall .nd submit Our estimaes on your complete rug and carpet cleaning and repair- MESTJJAN DROSO 'Mc. 511 MAIN ST., WILMJETTE Curtiss .airport at G 1 e n v i e w, especially during the summer months, is visited by thousands of north shore and Chicago aviation entbusiasts and persons interested. in. watching air- plane. maneuvers only from the cur- ious.stanclpoint. The nmanagement of the airport endeavors to have soile sort, of. special entertainment for the visitors' everv Sunday, süch as stu- dent conitests oýf various kinds and stunt flyring. Parachute jumping is' one of the features about twice a month on Sundays. Lake Avenue Leading 1to Airport WiIl be Paved La ke avenue. leading west ,f ront Waukeganroadto the Curtiss air-, port at Glenview, -is, being prepared for paving. The road,' which for- merly, had a gravel' surface, is now èlosed to traffic. The paving work is to be completed by July 1, officiaIls at the airport stated this week. Meanwhile. persons visiting the air- port and others having occasion to go to the field'. are using Glenvie* road, Willow' road, and other, roads leadiig to the airpo' Be Stored at CurtIss Curtiss airport at Glenview. scene of the National Air races last year, will have an important part in the demonstration on, May 20 by 670, war, deparmn lanesin connection with the CcaoJubilée. About, 290, of these -planes will be stored -at Curtiss. They will arrive on May 19 and leave on. May 21. The demonstration, wh ich will take place over Gra nt park and the, lake front in 'Chicago on the morning of the 2th at. 10 o'clock, willwiltness the greatest* concentration of airpianes ever seeri in this area. 0f- the, 290 planes to be stored at Curtiss. 200 will be: pursuit sbips. 70 --il! be*attack planes, 'and 2<> wilI be transport Planes. They will do, con- siderable manedvering over Curtiss field, and th ousands of persons are expected to witniess the demonstra- tion theire.. 'The uianetivers in wbicb the entire 670 planes will ta1ke part over the lake front in Chicago will be under. the direct supervision of the army air corps and Ma>. Gen. Frank Parker; cosmanditig. general of the* Sixth rnrns areýa. United: States army.. The nezw Ciirtiss-Wright junior, shown above, was on display recently. at the Northewsteroi university cirrus. Thse plane was lQwnt into fivansto»t front Curtiss airport and mas landed o». one o)'tihe practice fields atý Dyche stadittm. There it tvas placed oitn a truck and taken to tise circus grounds adjo.in itg.Patten gyllnasiurn. Thre plaie's landing speed is so slow tMat it ran be brought into tomi and landed 'in a very small space.. Airport Students 1 Party at Four r AirM-er 225 SOUTH WABASH ýAVE-,P CHICACO iu in e a..~unan., are tLUU De announce - later. *CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "àMortals and Immuortals" will be the- subject at the services in the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wil- -mette Sunday mnorning, May 17, at,,Il jWclock. Swiday, schoo'l'convenes at 9ý.45 o'clock. Fred Patten of JEvanston has pur- chased a Keystone commuter four- passenger amphibian, officiais of Cur- tiss, airport report. The plane is tp be delivered, about May- 15 or 20. The purchase was made at theDetroit Aircraft show.ý . 1 -TO1 m tteýz)uz)u university auau Caca