*June E~. Gilbert, E~nglisn and dramratïcs teacher at the Central school in Glen- coe, under the management of Dr. F~rank O. Beck of IEvanston. Dr. Beck bas beconie ýwell .known on the north shore as the organizer ofthe reconciliation trips for aduits to niany points and -places, of intcrest iii hicgo.He s introducing the chl-, (lren's. reconciliation trips as a newv s.feature this year., : ,.1. 1 "The junior> recon1ciliation.ý trips," Mrs. Gilbert states, "wilI bc not mere sight-seeing nor slurnming trips but, di;-ected' group visits to peopfles', inisti- tutions and organizations in -the city,. planned ini such a way as to give, the childrcn a wvide kiowledgc of the varied phases of lIife ini the big cit%,.", How~ people in the bIgî city arc fed an(1 clothcd, how they get their recrea-. tion, howv plants and animails in ,a big city park systemn are carcd for, the city as a center. of, culture and lcarniig. meanls of p rot.ection, such as lire and p)olice; hoW the large transportation, agencies function, howv the poor are. cared for, and howv groups f rom f orrign countries live in a large teeming wcs- tern city so dîfferetit f rom their owil lands will be soie. of; the, problerus stndied. Among the places to l)c visitcd by the junior reconciliation trip, groups, Mrs. Gilbert stated, are the .Grant park attractions, large bakeries. dainies, catineries and clothing estahlishrnciits. vari o us city an(] countty l)uildiings, a large department store. Lincoln park, the Board of Trade, a large banking institution, public service buildings. Chinatownf and other places of ini- terest. Reliable guides will a Ssist Robbins, in instructing the boys' and in mnak- ing thue trip nost successful, and every possible precaution will be taken to insure the boys' saf'ety, it- is announced. A kapok life-preserv- ing vest 'Will be provided for- each boy andtraveling will be doue large- Iy during the hours of the early rnorning and. late afternoon. By traveling during these hours, the rouglu water,.soînetimes encountered (lufingini(Idayr, wilI be a 1voi( lCd, and opl)ortunities to 1scecgamne will be greatlv ,iicreased. lu the eaÉly nmorn- ing and eveîng the wil gaine cones to the %%ater'.s edge to drink.. Mrs. john . 1P. 0Ol1eson iie ntert >ained. liecr scving group Iast Monday at lier Ihonwit, 2-40 VQdtc avenube, Keuil- Wort h. FURNITIJRE IMPORTER CLOSING OUT- SAMPLES A TYPICAL VALUE Fountan Square. Evanston WiIme.fee 3700 (LESS, TO 'PAY ALLTHRU MAYf SEROUSLY-YOU SHOULD CONSIDER LN-E NS -FOR SUMMER, It's a Suimmer classic. It goes» with everything It's not ex pensive It wears and wears Itfs Neut ralin color Boy s toTake Canioe-Joureçy Into Northland Gu RbinNew Trièer H 91, school. grad.uate, plans a can oeing trip, with ten north shore b)oys. f rom Winton, Minn., to. thle Lake Ni pigon region in Ontario and return this' s;umnmer. The b)oys ill leave the north shore. June 12, and .will re turn Ro.sewtood Inlaid Commode with Genuie Marbie- Top $7-50 The spectator, a s.verely tèilored modeI in. natural linon. own guid ance. Robbins is a native .of the region through which the trip is planned and he bas hiad much. practicai woods experience. His toravels in forested areas have taken bhim into ail of the Canadian provinces ançi into the far north. For' five years be was- em- ployed in: lumber ca m ps in $750 469 E. 0H10 ST» Near Lake Shsore Drive CHICAGO. 4th goor Suporior- 8399 A m.Ple Parhisog Space k.eI. Mwle Fowear Seçioiu-LORD'S-First Floor.l