Y' Photo byý Ray FJ.-Hlen WellsMtody (Mrs. Charles Moody of 700 Forest aze- sale) cliairman' of the e muSic coifl- miteof the Fort Dearboru chap- fer, D. A. R., is. presenting Ilc prograni tisa fwill bc gILienat the animal meting of fliec lap fer at the ANortlh Shore Ibote] îîcxt .lIon- dqy. Mlargaret 1). Ilamnîond. a * gradiiate of the Wegi *nnMu1isic acadensv' in St. Louiis and a pro- * fessiouiali;jitsiciai' tdlI be lier * accopqn(ieist. Mfrs. Mood%, zill l' e vocal solo- iJst and Mfiss Hajimnid Will PluYý several îiîmbcrs Oin fln'prograni g9iven soîderthUicasjiccs ofthe Evcing Garden club of Wïiinëittc Mav 16, af the tWoima;î.ç club. Guest of Honatr at Luncheon ,Mrs. Louise A. Hops, m other of Mrs. FrecderieO. Ebeling. 72?6 Ninth MIRCLAN do feasmodes. Here'9s:superlative eleaninà,.-that elimina-te every trace, of moths and moth larvel- vitallizes peits- feeds fur'- restores life, and lustre. More.thanl that, MIRACLEANseeks of Mothibreeding soiI- out every vestige makes fur. and fabric for storage. garments really Mafe j une ito uer iVw inome M5. - Ga. O. Of M. Meeting The Order of Martha is having itis next meeting Monday, May 18, at 1 :30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. P. Joyce,,423 Ténth street., safely sealeci proof bags whio prepared to f ur re arc kfree. 1 à