Board * Qf Directors Arranges Members-Composers Program for Meeting May 8 Compositionsb two of ý its mem*- -,bers and. s 'lolos by' others o belong to the North Shore- Musicians' clul1 on the. program Friday afternoon ol last iveek brought to a close the cur rent season for theogaitoi whose memnbershîp includes a numnber * of well known artlsts. Mrs.,Herhert S&hrain of Evanioî was.'hostcss. for the niusical (luring * which, the folowi;ngprograi was presented: Piano- Concerto-A. minor .......Schunmann First novemehft-alegro affettuoso Pauline Schrani The Sensitive Plant (nîs)...... .............Fr.inces Co)tloriie Lady Niglit (ms).,Fr-ances Copthorne Your Voice....FraincesCop)th(orne Madelline Vaughn Trio- Satin Sltpper (ms<) FPrnnce,ý Cipthornt' 'Recognition . Sturkow-i'yder Dance Espangnoie (La Vida Br-eve). .................De Falla-Kreisler Vlo.(lin-Winifted Town send Cree 'Celo-GneveveIl rwteen Sog-Plano-Ernau. Akiey An sland Serenade (n).... l Voices (ms). .Franes('op)thorne i5e(acy(mi')......Frances Coôpth,-ne Vaoes ns ..,%eèlyn La Salle c-enmountains (mns) Evelyn La Salie Piano- Concerto-F minor ý ..... Clipin Flî'st niuverent-maestoso r,~ - Fances Anderson Otrchestra parts for concertos %vere. played on second piano by. Frances An- derson and Pauline Schrarn. Accoin-> paninients were played by the ops's Conclades Its Season. Friends in Couneil closed its cluby year witb a miusicale tea, on Fridav. May 1, ini the French roomi of the Georgian hotel. Thé afternoon pro - j gramn was given by Mrs. Auguste <jWilmette Woman's Club Juniors Hear Concert Pianist on Motber-Daughtér Nigbt At the atinual '"s and Dauigh- ter.'s meeting of the Junirauliy of the Woman's club of Minmette held on May 7,. Miss Berenice Viole. conertpiaist of 'Paris, Berlin. anid *Chicago, gave be.r third successful, concert in Minmette this year. Miss Viole, Who.bas studied ,uiider Ithe direction of such masters of mu- sic as, Arthur Schnabel, Alfred Cor- tot, joseph Lhevinine. Rudoljh,'Gatiz, and Heniriot Levy,. displayed a bril- liance of p'ianioforte ini the rendering of lier numbers. She plaY'ed with an exquisiteness of touch and a techi- Snique becomiing only. an artist. The Business aind 1 Pro fessiottal 1H1'omlcli's club of J'Vfillette is mcdt- hu, 'f /ursday ct'eingi, M'ay 14, Mi the' Con grecgatiopinul chu rch., for its manuai businless session, electionl of olicers, aad a pro qram of inuisiet an-d s/'ekipig. Diinner will be' sc,'ved uat 6:15 aiid Mrs. I)orotlîv Coris of lIViloiitte 7WI illyn. ai- Co.n:ipaicd ut the pianio bY -Mrs. EficEî1. GilIsmi. *The- speaker of the. eveing is Mrs: Martin Kenit Northami, chairman of the Speakers' bureau, World's Fair. Menibers have the privilege of iin- viiting guests for the progran a t 8 o'clock wheni Mrs. Nortixan will give first b aild iintormation- concerming' thu -Chicago WVorld's Fair. Elected Piresiden.t Mrs.. Frank D. Fulton of .Wifinete- ka ivas elected cbairman of the North, -Shore group, Womnen of the Rotary Club- of Chicago. at a meeting beld Wedniesday of last week at the. bome of Mrs. George D. Ful of \Winniet- uar jonc M. Shermaw- of 714ý IValangt,,aî-ecnun . Wduwl,,ttc, înc::=>- soprano, -a p p Pe a r ecd twitit R:nil v Borichcr of -E va n stiio n. plntlecdnesdai'v c lnfq ail' 13, at 8:20 o'clock, ai KimballihalI. in a joint recital Pret'etd bj, >Uth Mlusical fluild. Hudassch IlcGif- fin 'was Irs. Shcrinaen's accomn- panisi. Irs. A.. LSpucliof Ki,('fiL7t'ortli was. oue of thie trolncsscs for. the affuir. Marion Ortseifen New -*President of Auxiliary Miss Marion Ortseifen of Kenilý- worth was elected president of tbeé Junir, auxiliary, of the Wonian's Catholicc lub,ý of Wilmette at - its meeting Tuesda.y evening, May 5.. Othier 'officers, who will serve 0o the board, with Miss' Ortseifen are Grace. Ludwig of Evanston, first vice- president; . Mary Daegling. of Hler first group of four, nmbers iii- cluded "Tarentelle" and "'Imiprompttu in F Sharp Major" Cli~opin, l)othb of which were dlotie in . nanner per- f ecting the classic. art. Fier se- lection, of a .strikingly different inood, was bier "Dixie-Yankee Doodle Transcription." and "The "iind" by Alkan, whicb she -.portrayed i 1a highlv e xpressive fashion, oicluded the first ljiJf of berprran The second group was coniprised of "Veils" bv Debussy, Guioni's '<Tur'- ýkey in tbe Straw," "Lich)esliedl' 1w Racbnxaninoff -Kreisler, and Pabst's -Sleeping Beauty." Responding very. generouslv' to ail appreciative audience, ,Miss Viole gav e Scliubert's ý'Moment Musical," Cbopin's . «Etude in A flat,," and Mendelssob n's. "Spinrning Sonig." There xil be a meeting of the juiý- ior auxiliary Tbursday. Ma-NI 21, at 4:30.. Reservations for diinner, mai- býe made witb Patsy, Flentye' of 9f9.. Central avenue uxot later than.Tues-, day., The program's to be announccéd Aater, Skokie D. A. R.Ha Annual Meeting May 1.8 The annual meeting of the- Skokie Valley chapter of the Daughters. of were only those which have been pre- sented successfully on the stage, and which we ba ve, every reason to be- lieve will enidure. Three women 'wbo bave- been pre.- sentred withý the David Bisphban Me- 1 List the J7hrill of Golden Thr-oat, esses. Annual reports will']e given, -Natonia"..........Herbert officers for next year elected, and Gondoliei 1s Love Song, asmiaîo Miss Ruth Tegtmneyer, pianist, will .. .. .. .. 1B..................f, Freerth mu i pr ra . No - The ansee ong-A ite ofSalerni"presentth mui rgan No - à ....... -. 1 .......Cadman nees for office fornext year are Miss Dear Frienid.iýof Old, "A Witch of Marjory Billow 'of Evanston, chair- Saleml", ... . ..Cadman Ms.D Farewell, "A Witch of Salem" ..... man;,rs Dennen Slater of Evans- ........Cadnîan ton (Maida Randaîl), secretary-treas- Âe*comp4nigt, Ruth Naémyth, tirer. ,wiIl be printed elsewhere in this is- sue. As the Vista del Lago club affords ample space for accommodations, thie league, announces an open invitationi. Anyoiae wishing to :make reserva- tions may notify Mes.. Arthur Lee, of '925 Manor drive, Wilmette.