LARK."8 321 ro.gI-e<51 p ses*E 11-03W"IïoLI maoi4,5031 C0 LEttWOOO AVE. RO 5GERS PAftK 719 7 0 1 w. C L A R K e5 >-. swa 1 N4EYS VMARIET co. DUANCiIES tAUATS EVANS~0M ILL. 130 MAIN SI. ua&DKET pI4ONE UV~~'< 5440* iglo CEt4TUAL ST* orHR FODPRODUGl.s 3179 eW.CLR piiONEGAEAOj pbiONE U I544I~ *00 627 YA^vIit sy181 May , '3 LLOYD 11O1ISTER,1C ýWilrnëttel . I PHi 7,fr t * you, will bc plc a sed t o hear that sjnce advertisiflg * n yout pape t tis season 'Our businles bas shoWfl a stad ictas ast Satutday out individual Sales .were increased by about one hundred and we anYbeee tat this increaS s due largelY to. our advertisiflg Lt s carel neeSary to Say that this is gratifylfl., to us and should be to You hl ehv enavt tising in the W1LMFTTE LIFE f romn timne to tirne for. * mnY eat~ e realize ow, More than ever, what. we 'hv been ,issiflg during the periodsi wihwedd