SE~RVICES Sunday after the Ascension Of Christ 9 :15 A, M. First service and sermon 9:30 A. 'M. SundaY school and Bible classes 1A. M. Advanced Bible class Il A.' M. Second service and sermon Sermon.,' Great Cail bt Christian, Deeds" 1, Peter 4, 7-114 MEETINGS Monday at T7:45: 'Choir !ehearsal WALTHER LEAGUE RALLYFO - YOUNG PEOPLE SUNDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENTNG, MAY 17, AT IMMANUEL.LUTHERAN CUCT GLENVTEW We often hear it>said that it is deedR not creeds that are necessary In the ruly Christian, life.* That is, like al! haif statements, a very -dangerous thiw": For our Lord makes it very plain thàI faith is absolutely necessary, that is we must know what the Biblesays of God, we must accept it as t'rue, and wvc must rely upon, it wlth trust and con- fidence.* That Is creed. But such creed or falth as we cal t, if it is true, is never alone. Out of lt 'flow the finest testimoniles of, our love. for God and our the lives we llve.and whlch form so large a part of, the Chfristian life, and whicb cast such a, bright lght upon Christiahity whierev'er they are faithfully performied, but whlch cast a shadow upon the Church, wherever. men profess religion: but fal to lve lt. Be ye doers of the Word and.nothearers onlyl 'This iLq the sub- stance of next Sünday's sermon at'.8t. John's., Tou are lnvlted. The Walther* League' of Lutheran Young -People wlll meet ýat Imnianuel Lutheran church. Genview, at S3:30 ociock next Sunday afternobn. The afternoon sessions w~ill bo devoted tep the discussion of church workas taken. up by the seniors and juniors. The e1ection-of officers will aIso be on the proe~am. Supper will be served at the church. The Glenview society will en- tertain its guests for the evening' Al 'Wilmette juniors and seniors.>are urged* to attend. The Ladies Aid 'and Missionary. so- clety wihlch annually, pays a visit In a body to one of the Lutheran, charitable institutions in the viclnity, basdecided' *to visit the Addison Manual Training School for Boys,, and Industrial Home. fo' Girls' on Thursday. afternootl, June 4..The women of the organization willl reser'e thls day for that purpose. Methodist Church. i.ost unLusua~ i Lae-nwW. Music for the main performance wil be furnished by a most able. baud. In- cldentally, the Clown band will adc' humor and spice to the. performance. -N one wili wish to mniss seeing the ciever rabbits, 'beaYs, seals, poufles, or îthe most. attractive elephaut. Then ton, the girlshave imiported an eixceedingly talented slack rope ýwalker as, well as juggler. The ýtrapeze performers and tumblers will thrill even those of ve'ry steady nerves, and al w.111 enjoy the happy lttle pirates, scarecrows, chariot- eers, .and rope-spInning cow-boys. Tickets mày besecured. througli any Girl Scout of Troops 1, 2,. or 4, or'any leader or committee member.. It is ex- pected that there. will be no "vacant chairs" ln this greatest of circuses. The proceeds will go toward; the Girl Scout pledge tn the Building fund. ineish Lutheran Cor. Grpenleaf avenue und Seventh streef Wilmette Ca'rlI1. Enipson, pastor' The Sunday After the Ascension q :45 a. ni. ..... . ....Sunday school A ýrthur Stark, Superintendent 11 a. in. ...........Mornng Werihip Sermon: "We. Caîinot Be Neutral" The sermon announced for next. Sun-j day morningWaEï pre àched' 'some weeks ago. It is, being repea'ted at the reqluest of' a. numbeb of people Who heard !t then. tAs:ii.ot often that we are, re- quested to repeàt sermoins.ý 'The lnslst- ence wa$s 8 prouounoed lu this particu- lar case that we have acceded te the de-manýd and wlll1 repeat thls and nexti Sundayanother sermon whlch have been requested by a' number of people.' The Luther league will be the gueste of Pastor and Mrs. Enipsen Friday eve- nlng May 15 This is the regular Bi- weekly meeting of the organization. Brlng your' ff'ends te the parsonage next' Friday evenlng. The Illinois Syned of the 'United Lu- theran church Iu America will meet for its annual convention in Rockford, 111- i My,19-22. Fred W. .Strube,19l our lay delegate to this convenltion. .Synod willl1 elect a ne w president this year, as well as, Other officeqé. The Luther beague."play, _!*C rooks for a MoNfnth." will be repeated Fridey, May 22, It will be given lu the Parish bouse .f St. Paul's revangelical, Lutheiran church at Evanston. Those weho mlssed seelng it when presented ln our church should by aIl meanLs arrange to attend the' pe'rforuianeo ln Evanston. It is a fine evenlng's entertalumeit., Morning worship ... . il.a. Dl Sunday school ............... 9:30 a. n Junior church ... ........Ila. ni. Y. P. S. C.E._..........5:30 p. nm. Prayer meeting,' Wednesday .. . 8 p.n. We co rdially Welcôniestrangers 'and: visitors to al the services>of the church. Morning uo'rship as usual at il o'clock. Reverend Selden L. Haynes D. D. wil! continue to -supply- our pulpit. Sermon topic: "The Good News," Acts 8 :35. Communion, of the Lord's'Supper. the ordinance of Baptlsm .and reception of new members will be observed Sundav morning, May 24th. The session will meet at the close o)f each Sunday morn- ing service 10 receive new methîbe'rs. S unda y school -at 9 :20 a. mi. witl' graded work for ail ages. If youir chil-, dren are not attending Sunday school you are lnvited to enroîl theni here. Junior chu'rch for c'hfiidren up to and including twelve, years of age, under tihe leadership of Miss Dorothy Weliner isý held evepy Sunday morning at il o'clIock in the, lounge of the club. Par- ents are ast.ked M send. their chlldren tci the (hildreni's church. *Y. P. . C. E. will meet Sunday, eve- ning at 5:-10 'clock with Mary Eliza- lieth French .901 Chestnut avenue. :id-,Week Prayer, and F1raise service at ý8 o'clock Wedneqday .evenlng. M.usic for:Sunday, May 1-7: Prelude "ReveAngelique" Rubenstein Solo "The Peénitent" .Van der Water Offertory "Traumerle" ... ..... . Srauss; Postlude "March lu' D" ,..Guilmant. Enma Rounds, organlst and diroc-tor Edwnrd Otis, soleist Rabtist 0hurch' Wllmette and 'Forest avenues George ,D. Allison, Pator "A Church that'C.a res'" ,Our Sundav prograinibeginz a t '19:.3p o'clock wibh the session of the Church sch 'ool. There, is a departfment andcls for every age boy and, gf'r and for. the adults. The children are graded asçz fol- Prliary department, Mrs. Hiarvey Bowen, Supt-Ages 6,, 7, 8.' Beginners depart.ment, Mrs. A. V. Gru hn,. Supt. - Ages' 4, 5 . Nu'rser-y departmenb, Mrs. A. E. G1feert, Supt.-Ages 21> .. Junior depat'tment,Miss Pearl Hoose. Supt.-Ageq*9, 10, il Intermediates department, ',NMiss Pearl Hoose, Supt. .- .Ages 12, 13. Senior departnent, Mns. Harvey Bowen. Supt. Hlgh school. Aduit department, Mrs. Harvey Bowen, Sp.- flver high 'çuhool. *A large gathering' is expected to be present at the annual dinner, May 20, whlch date closts one ef the most -uc.- cessful yeai's the church has known. Dinner is at 6:~15, t0 be foilowed by atr attractive prograni in whichi reports Will be »)Yesented Ji! a unique inanner through dramatization. :The "Ortettc,"* coinposea of Mrsé Willim Millard, Misses Grace Parmelee, Lydia Kochand Pearl Hoose, Messrs. Arthur Scott, WalterHas Russel Nelson and "Joseph Metzger, is planning a surprise. Make ae-rangements now to attend. The young people of our- church are urÉed tô plan now to attend Camp Gray Summer Assembiy at Saugatuck, Mich., August, 22-29.. A finecourse ln the Com- m i seion p lan is being offered whlch will be- attractive toour new officers, giving each an opportunity to learn thoroughly his duties for the coming year. Many other interesting subjects wili be offered, and a fine program of recreation Is llanned for every day. Dr. Allison is b o have charge of the vesper hôuir, the favorite- session for, nearly .ail the campers, and ls 10 teach a course 'lu Bible. Expense for the camp, including transportation and meals, are $20. *First Con gregational *John G. Hindley, mînister J. Clair Mead, director of religions educatien At the Sunday ..iôrinig service of' worship, held at 10:45 o'cleck, Mr. H-indley will preach ou "*What thc Church Offers Yeutb,"' There is a place, fo'r boys and girls of aIl ages ln dur. ohurch school pro-' grain. The following sched'uie indicatesý the time and age grouffings. followed:, Primary (grades 1, 2, and 3): 9 :30 t 12 a. mi. Junior (grades 4, 5, and 6): 9:30 to 10:45 a. mn. Intermediate (grades 7 and 8): 9::30 to 10:45 a. mi. t3eglnners (ifre-school) : 10 :45 to 12 a. ni. High School (ail four years) : 12 to 1. p.n. The schedule of Church school m-eek- day activities isas fllws Tuesday - 3:45 p. mi. - Wekéacafila Camp Fire Girls; 7 :30 P. m.-Roosevelt Troop No.. 2, Boy Scouts., Thursday -3 :15. - Bine Birds : 4 *p. th. - Junior ýChoir rehearsal. 7:30 P. -TopN.1BoScts Tuesday, May 19, at 12 :30 o'c lock, membeýrs of the Nelghborhood Circle will' have a luflcheon meeting at the home of Mrs. -J. Melville Brown, 99 Robsart road, Kexilworth. Mrs. Lyman Drake, Mrs. W. G. Glover, and . Mrs. S. -,NI Singletoni will be' the asslsting hostesses. af 630 f tc chrc~ResrvatonsareSullday toplc, "Christian Missions and' World to b. sent te Mrs Angelbeck, '1482, or 9:30 a. mi. Union Sunday schooi at Peace."' There will be 'eleetion of offle'i-a Kernlwortlz Union, Mr.s. MaIson, 756. **'Flrst Evaugelical chureh. Mn. Otte- and reports of the year's work by the - . son' will gîve anobject lesson. commission dîrector. . Kenllworth avenue and Warwick road 'There wil ha an ail-day meeting of Il a. ni. Morning worshlp (Flm street). Dr. Herbert L. Willett, mluiste'r thc Third division ftrei 10 to 4"'Tues- 4:-30 p. ni, Union Y. P. Rally (Oak Frlday, May 15, the menibers of -the- day at the churciL l.Al members are ln- Street). Evenlng Llnk are holding a reciprocity Sund1ay, May, 17, the congregation of Vit.d to Joîn ln til day of sewingto'r 7 -,45 p.. Union service (Oak ýstreet). meeting having as guests of houer ail the Churéh of the Moly Coniforter wil .Thê 1Pae' next fal . hose coming are- those who have cntertajined thée- Llnk wershlp wlth bthe Union churcil, and the to bring their own sandwiches, end Tunesdaiy, May, 19 te SuoIday, May 24 lu their homes since ithbe of ils o'r- rector, thc Rev. Leland H. Danfonth eof.ée wUll be served. . Union services each evenlng at TiMnt ganization. A, short play, "Rehoarsall, wili preach, the sermon. Tisle l n a- Acimen saponsored by thé three Girl Evangelcal churc. I <ni treet). :by Christopher Morley, wil h ie b odnc ihte lantctoi'f