for Revue Week Revue Week opens with a roar at the Wilmiette theater on Suniday, May 17, when Xinniie Lightnier, tomnboy of the talkies, and Joe E.Brown, clown prince of comedians, W i Iil appear as owner and aide, respec- tively, of a fake health resort' Per- sons. who have M. laughedt h em - selves'into a state 0ordering. on apo- plexy at the up- roariouslv impos7., b . sible artics o f Winnie Lightnerq Winnie ,Lightner' and. Joe E. Brown in such pl'ay s as "Gold Diggers of Broadwa3-," "G'oîng Wild'~ and "Hold Everything,". can. have a, slight conception of wliat would happen to. patients unlucky enough to elect.themisel ves itnmates of the "health" -institute which the two rtin in cahocts as Dr. -Wininie 0.'Neil and Jo Jo, in "Sit Tighit." In addition to the two mirth head- liners. others in the cast are Hobart Bosworth, .Frank Haglney, Lotti Loder, Snitz hundreds 0of ...~ others. Re x TayIor wrote S. the story' and W illiraitiK. W ells did the ~,** :~ p e'pp1y, -%vise- cracking dia- log. Lloyd' Ba- piece of direc- Joe E.Browgi t io,fi. Si t Tright" is,,reeommended as a picture for whatex er ails y ou-f owhat1ever, ails anybio(lX and everybody. Loetta Young, David. Manniers and ConM av'Tearle are stars- of thiepiC- ture. which, on Tuesda.y, May 19, will ainswer the query, "'What is' the truth about v-outhi?" t wouldn't be fair to divulge the plot of this fascinatinig filmn which. solves the problem so de- lightfully ane convincinglY t ha~.t everyorie deserves. a. direct look at the picture. M.avbe vou'l be reminded of the, Will Rogers as' the shiftles's, Whim- sical truth-embroidering Bill Jones is a nine-reel scream in "Lightnin' ý' at Comm'unity House on Friday and Saturday, 'May 15 arnd 16. The pro- ducers backed Rogers up with, as aptly chosen a cast as has ever mnade a picture. Louise Dres,ýser, Joel. Mc- Crea and George' Cohan's daughter, Hielen, 'are particularly good. Photoplay su ms. Up the film as fol- lows: "Don't miss this,Jor it's \ill Rogers, at his best. A -réal story, a fine- cast,.ý brillianit direction. And the choicest Rogers observations.: What more. could you ask?" Regarding "Lightni n"," Community House. says,. "The entire film: is charming, filled with comedy and philosophy' d eiicious ly mixed here and there with, a touch of human pathos that creates the 'soul' of the picture." Delightful, Winnetka, offering the ffasing, philosqphical drawl of Will Rogers, has the utm.ost in entertain-' ment for Friday 'evening Saturda.y afternooïi andI evening of this weel Now, what' were your plans for thesc Idays? Tubercular Nurse.s-- Bene fit by Daïncle One of the most successful 'events ever presented' by the Chicago TPuber- culosis institute was th-c dance given la t .Friday night at the Bal Taharin ballroom in the Hotel Sheridan. An overflow crowd enjoyed dancing and cards and the inviting miusc furnishied by Nadel's Bostonians. The event was given for the pur- pose of raising funds to endow a bed for any tubercular, nurse in. the State of Illinois at the sanitorium at' Naperville. Not only themediç-i1al ad usigprofessions.were representerI but hundreds, of' lay friends contrib- uted. t heir -sup'Port. to thiswothy cause The 'legitimate sta ge, as àlways, lent its share of talent, and three star members from the cast of "'Stepping Sisters," current at the Cort theater, furnished .delight fui diversion and en- tertainmeflt. Mrs. Inez Bliss,, C' T. I. nurse. of Kenneth Eagleton Foster, world trav- eler, artist, and aûithority on the Chi- nese and Russian theater , wilI describe "Chinese Art, Ancient and Modern," Sunday afternoon at Vista del Lago club, No-MaW's Land i the fourth of a series of popular lectures on art being sponsored' by inembers of -the club's. art appreciation group. Mr.o Foster is'- the director1 of the stage arts, and design department of. the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. H1e returned recently f rom China and Rus- sia, spending several yeàrs in Pekin ,and one ini Russia. To illustrate his lecture, Me. iFoster will ap pear in native Chinese dress and '.ill also present "Lui Pei's Dance of Victory" in f ourteenth century Man- darin costume. *TO SEEK-TÉESE"FILMS Reasons why north shore residents are arranging their amusement sched- ules to include evenin gs i. the Wil-- mette theater are found in the fol- lowing pictures which will be showen theré wxithin the 'net few weeks:' i "t's a Wise Child," "Don't Bêt on LWonen," "Fighting Caravans," "A Tailor Made Man," "Stepping Out," "lJnfaithful," "June Moon, "'"The Conquering," ."East Lynne,". "'Honor Arnonig LoyeVrs" and "Seas Beneath." COMING ATTRACTIONS Twin feature bis will lure large crowds to the Teatro del Lago. Some of the coming attractions are "The 'Conquering Horde" an'd "The W Plan" on Friday and Saturday, May 22 a'nd 23; "East Lynne" on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, May 24, 25 and 26; "Dracula" and "Ijonor Among Thieves" on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.. May 27, 28 and 29. APPRECIATE CHANGE Favorable comments on the -new screen. position at the. Wilmette thea- ter are bein*g hea'rd.. The screen has, been moved back ag ainst the wall in order that patrons in- the. front rows will flot have to crane their necks or strain their eyes in order to see -the films. OUR MOTO- AL T, NOT QUANITTY Lait Times Toiiiglit <GAYNOR and FARRELL also Our Ganiin "Bargain Dayýse Friday, May 15 LEON JANNEY in Also Leather Pushers and Cartoon Saturday, May .16 R equest EagageiuêIt DRESSLER and MORAN in Alson at Matinée new Serlal Snday, May , 7 JOE E. BROWN and WINNIE LIGHTNER in Tuosday, May 19 Lorelta Young Iin ,",Toutlu About Xouth" Wedn.sday, May 20 *FREDRIC MAR 11 NIOL aucing,- wuu  van ' .- .i..- Polly Moran. On Friday, May 15, Lewis Stone, Leon Janney and Irene Rich ail star in the finely human filin, "Father's soi." TQnight (Thursday), Charles Far- reIl and Janet Gayno r app ear in a drama of redemption,1 "The Mati Who Camne Back." cMIller -s PINKC SHOW (Formerly. of Ev.anston) 1sTi NATIONAL BANK BuiLDINr, ,uI4~ i June 13