business manager andi editor, and of Robert Carpenter, faculty advisor. The book, which is intended as a record of student life for the year, is 'dedicated to Frederick Windoes, head of the depaj-tment of physics and advisor chairman for.senior'boys. The >dedication honors the comple- tion of seventeen yrears of sieri ice t.0 the school on the, part of Mr. Win- does. 1A tribute t.o the late Frederîck E. Clerk, Who died last autumn .during his .service, as superintendent., is also expressed at the, beginning of the, seton(evoted to the, faculty.ý It speaks of Mr. ,Clerk'sdevotion to the sch.ool. of the grief at his death andý * of ,the inspiration -born 'of jthat grief * to the stu(Ients of New Trier. * The' book is hound ini green,ý and its covers are, stamped Witih a sketchý of the high scihool tower. Its 187. pages are divided into sections oni:administra- tion, classes. athletics. and actiVities and contain niniiero .us pitre 0fth *students enigaged ini the extracuirri- cuilar actîvities Qf'the schooi. One of the featuires of the Echoes. is the section of canpupis views which is rinted. Iii se)i ik oi pebble. grain paper and which conitains' pic-, ttires of the h-ligh, school buildings fronii different angles that br-ing out t he beautv of the brick Senior facuIltNy adv5sors and gra*d-. tuating ïiigeîîîbers of . the -senior class liave thieir pictures reproduiced fii- a* * special section a lon îg wîth their sehlool records ini extra-cuirrictular activities. .Neat.ý division pages dis- tinguiishied iy approp)riate peiu and iîîk sketchecs (livide tlie different. sec- Ihît-sv.i pages arc (levotcd to. athltic, ioth .varsitv aid initra-nîu-, *rai athiètics. aiid bothi girls' and boys' sports. 'lwnvtire pages .are gîven *to) drainaties, mîusic; p)ulicïa- tions, and other activities. and(, an- other section *is taken. upl with pic-' tu res' of. a(lrniilistrat.ive b~odies, botiu stiflerit and facuilty. Mr. *and M,\rs. L. E. M\atsoni aind *thecir. sops, Junior and Robet, of 6]1)~ Fifteciith street, are ieaving Fridav iioon for Alabarna, wvher, .they \viIî spenid the next three weeks v'isiting friends and relatives. currentiy ---. A short play, "The Rival Peach Trees," written in the Chinese mannerR" ' , as was ber "'Little New Moon," whjch PA TRON1VIZE scored signal successes in productions _______________ in California this past season, will be iticluded in an anthology -of plays for young people which Frenich is pub- lishing and which is being edited by Alexander Dean, f ormerly of Uvatiston, Or................ now with the 'Yale school of the drama . ..... .... ..... at New Haven, >The John C. Winston con.pany, pùblishers of school books, is, including mrore of ber series of plays for cbildren in its readers, amnong tbem "The Pool of the' Wilful. Princess," "The Piize Zinnias," "The King'Ps Great Toé'" and :"The Hole ,in theA ER Vv .Wal"; aisoQ several'of ber stories forT children. These plays will later: al be inciuded in a volume. of pflays for chiidren which tbey will publish. Mrs. . Riley. and Mrs. Hardin Will EVE DVWAIERE sail July -il1 on the Empress* of Aus- fU VI~% tralia and -tour Englatîd, Scotiand and Wales, and plan tQ return on the Em- ,press of Britain about Sept. 1. Mrs, C. '\. Hurîbut, after spending ....AND the Nvinter and spring in California and Washington, is now. at home at 715 Greenleaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Sager, wio 'reitedl lier homie, are going to Boulder for the, summner. House gurests at the F.,M.Dupont homie, 1504 Central avenue, tisc week have beeni D. S.. Bedsdsle aviid Eari .Bleds.oie oi Pensacola, Fia., friends of Dr. D)upont. JUNE BRIDES Our Bon Bons,.' White Caps and M i n t Patties daintily decorat- ed with Orange Bi1 ossomnis-,. Roses and other flowers are the candies to be served at your wedding parties. May we send you samples? OUR ADVRERTISERS f w f .1 I. L . - ATER- EVERYWH ERE GAY NEW BRADLEYS this For Appoinlument Phone Wilmette 4598: JBEAUTY, SALON Mrs., F. A. Buck 1167 Wilmett e HOFFMANN BROS. Ridge and Wilmette Avenues Phone Wilmette4271 Il'