Dinner wvas served on 'the espl-a- nade overlooking' Lake Michigan and followed with cotillions danced in costumes of various nations with corresponding native musical xium- bers. Dr. and Mrs. Aubrey T. VVil- lianis of' Wiinetka were host, and hostess.. in a program preceding. thc cotil- lions, Mrs. .Margaret Hutt, in Span- ish costume,. sang "La Carita,", in a, charintg.b'alcony, scenje, and wâs an-, swere(l f rom the ballroom' floor lie- low by the "Toreador Song" f roma, ..Carmen,"' by Dr. A. Pecaro., Following îthe balcony scene twyo (lances were given'by pupils of Miss Meriani Keeney of Winnetka. Miîss Betty Jan.e Bailey and Miss' Elaine Kus of, Winnetka had a duet and were féllowe d by a group 'dance .by Jane Brodkorb, Jean Foote' Peggy -watts, Willetta Bishop, and Barbara I-allberg, alt of Evanston.1 AIl thé (lancers %vore Spanishl costumes. A. unique way. of presenting the tfeiinie guests gifts of' pewvter was Iby two pirates wbo rolled ini a huge g'It, Spanish chiest. SILHOUETTE ARTIST RETURNS . Miss Jane Jçohnson,. who conducts the Little Studio at 1159 Wilmette avenue, Wilinette, bas, returned f rom the South where shé spent several nmonthls cuttilng silhouettes and mnak- ing portraits. Miss Jolhnson was in, Florida and South Carolina. main. teature ofthte bummer Reading 'club, w11 be open to ail girls and boys of Wilniette, from th~e third to the eighith' grades, inclusive. The rides for the treasure hutnt arc as follows: 1.-In order -fo join the treasure hunt. and be a mneniber of the .Sum- .mer Readigclubl, every yo ung per- son must h ave bis owii library card. These cards are issued upon the re- ceipt of an application signedby the borrower, aid his parent. Those who' have had* cards _within the last. three years will flot have to sign for- neW ones. .2Z-Tle cluby members will lie di- vided into three-grcmps, each group havingits, own îist of books to read., au.d search for treasures. There *ill lie the youiger :group, theinternmed- iate group, and the older group. . 3.-Each treasure seeker, upon join- ing the club,%vill receive a list -of -the b)ooks for his « group, will read one, and fronm the., dues on the prînte(l list. finà the' treasure. XVen. th,,, 'treasure bas i)een iden tified, lie wil report it~ to the lib)rarian, and receive. credit for it. 4.-Each miember reading ten books during the course of the,' hunt will receive a certificate to signify that lie is a ýnieiner in good standing in the club, and fo'r eachA ive additional treasures identi'fied, 'a red seal wîll lie added to the certificate. 5.-These certificates are to hle am-arded at a fitting ceremiony at the *If' you 'do flot understand' these' mies, or if you want to ask any ques- tion about themn, the librarianl will lie glad to help you and to enrol ou as a member of the club. XVe feel that> this treasure bhunit is going to leie ots of fun. Certainly, it W-ill be soniething. interestihg to- do.,this su*immer whýen a long succe- sion of výacation. days.begin té bcre. you and. when it is too hot to roi.ip outsîde, PRESENTS PIANO PUPILS Gertrude Leis Roberts presented lier pupils last Fri'day evening in a program of solos andtwo piano se- lections. Mrs. jRobertS' will remain in Wilmette during the summer, con- tinuing ber teaching in private, en- semble. and ;class work. DEFCORATIG IW. pride ourselves on ont àIility *to do expeit work - decorating *that stands the test of years and *gives complote, satsf action. M. Portenhauser Paintet and Decoratoa 1030 GreenI.sf Phione 2764 In Sheer Net-For Sunimer, Just tour layers of sheer' net yet lit.moulds the *gare to s"Une ins - be- eausne the. walst- lin.e itraps acro.ns the.. bae eroate a. diag- onai pull that ilattens the dia- phragfni and ab- domen, siender- MEes the. waist nad raises the buist. . . Mode&, if /11/ i'L~ The Eidiorn 7-GOSSARD Shop 72 E. Madion St., Chioego Now uuder the personal super- vision of JANE MA Y, frwnerlxg of Bernoit Teller Co.. of Noe.York VILLAGE Evanston Phone--Greenlcaf 7441 ANERS, Imc... Wilsnette Phorne-Wilmette 781 Gloncoe Phone--Gleh.eoe 634