SUMMER HATS The 1ImportantShbapes and Straiwsý i.n a Delight fui Group-Reduced tw $7.50 Regular $io aid. $ 12.50 Values, "I hiave had many adventures in life. Adventures by land and sea, in war and peace, at home and abroad. It remained for me to run into a tre- inendous voyage of discovéry-a great adventure, of the spirit when 1 visited the. exhibitiýon give n by the pupils of the. Logan seChool Iast week. .I 'arn amazed and delighted, thrilIed. and flabbergasted, at the orig- inality, talent and ability shQwn in the displays. I' was -deIighted that education liasz finaIly, progressed to 'a point 'whee uch things are mad,ý possible. I ar more conscious of that progress, than von are because I1 date back to educationial days whene tro- glodytes crawled 'Out of their holes. and batted brains into- their. low browed charges with a club-at least it was a stick. The Ifirst dim, dawii of an aWakening intelligence had. not * yet lightened, the distant horizon. "What, things. this coming geniera- *tion 'will contribute -to .the mworld I * can only guess-things of beauty and lgliht ertainly becauseý it is unthink- *able i4iat your aluniini wouid ever fail back into the dull level of the com- monplace, the deadly present 'da average, after' the .start you are giv- ing-thlemi." Mrs. W. A: Tucker of, 1214 ae avenue lias as her guest. for a feW weeks lier sister, Mrs. C. E. Cum-' mins of Bellinghiam, .Was h., a nd Mrs. Cuminins' daughiter, Mrs. Harry A H-anson and lier two chuildren, Ge and Harrv. jr.. of Washington, D. C. began its seasron a few weeks ago, "Lilac week was a rnost auspicious opening for the splendid work oi the Flower gui.ld. "Can you imagine any lovelier token of. spring thati the appearance in a crowdcd, dirty, city neighibor-. hood of great bunches. of fragrant lilacs ? l remember,-other years when huge baskets of these ilac.s. would arrive at ,the settlement and we would take one bunch out on the front stepS.r Soon children would s e it and would corne running up. . Thenci the procession woùld fortu and f rom ail over the neighborhood ýwould corne lines. of -children asking for 1Just. one, bio.ssoni, -please."' Those 'having donations of flowers, fruit., or plants which the guild rnay share with the poor and sick of Clii- cago.are asked to telephone, a inemi- ber of. one of the, garden clubs on the north shore and, she will arrange that somneone 'calîs for an' otfli gardeti products the donor cati spare. The booth in thec-North Western station ini town is open daily froin Tuesday to Friday, inclusive, rn 7 :30 to 10 -.30 i the morning. *'Take a bouquet down with iyou in the morning," the guild. rcquests. PLANS CARD ýPARTY \Vilmette camp, Royal.Nihos will hol d a card and. bunco part-, June 12,. at 1. 0. 0. F, hall. 111rs. Kathedjne J.11illinger is chairman. Beautiful *:( ,~ l'a Baku Panama Paillison Rough Straw WIEBQLDT'S.- EVANSTON Dai 000 Winnefka: 3400 iL SUMMER FOOT WEAR, At sucli low prices NELSQN-CARVETH 619 DAVIS STREET !EVANSTON -- - .- .-. ~ - I. L I Rogers Park 2775 Highland Park 4030