#y %%A dis 1%0 SUBURBAN,STORE DYJUNE 13 Iugurate . .. because the 3 business years of the Evans- ton Store have roven, wit eve-icresig. focibility, that pr-eference of the North Shore' women, for' a convenient shop- ping location . . . because we wish7to encourage our customers to avail themselves further of theý advantages of our store. SUBURBAN STORE DAY., JUNE 13 Celebrated ... with a store- wide selling of- over 200 values for every. member of the family and for the home ... a varîety combining usefulness with chic and undeniable quality at record prices. SUBURBAN -STORE DAY, JUNE 13 open ob nine in the evening. President, Alice F.beling;. vice president, Helen Green ; secretary, Robert 'Merriman:; treasurer, Peter Gilbert ; social chairmnan, Dorothy Yetter. The following program w as pre- sented: Seotlh Poenî .... . .MacDowell G race' Ell is (Piano) Mary. Alice Hayes, 'Cello Robert Walker, Vioiln John Matheson, Piano To Bourees ............Bh Etude..................Bortkiewicz fleatrice Levinson (PMano) C<lunibia Polka'. Janet Wright '(Trumnipet) Troika.........Tschaikowsky Peggy ~<ae(Piano) An'ensemble froin il te Senior Mu- sic cIlb composed of Paul Gilbert, l)iatyo;, Dora. Crawford, fluteL-1: Kath- erine Maxwell, flute: Peter Gilbert, trombone.; Allen.Pliil.lbrick,.-violin presenited *the "BIue Da.nube," 1w Strauss, arraniged by Paul Gilbert. SORORITY PARTY JUNE 15 The annual Alpha Xî Delta fare- well party will be held june 1,5, at the Edgewater" Golf club. The affair will bc a dinner dance .. withi Billy Chandler's Palmer Hlouse, orchestra playing. It will beespecially imipor- tant to the seniors who .illi gradu- ate the afternoon of that day. Many of the old alumnae are expected to hielp celebrate the "Swing Out" dlance. MA' For Appoinimint Phone WlImte 2526 I 1122 Confrai Avenu. Next docor té WiImffe Thafte Carison building. Thbe display is an unusually fine one, and shows marked talent and ability in draving and art expression. Color and de- * i which are~ original are also outstanding featureF. Elizabeth, Golee,, of .Evantson), o ne of- the ad- vanceti pupils, bas a display that- shows slie las a great deal of. feel- ing andi appreciation for color and composition Elinor To'mlinson; also- of Evanston, bas a group of interest- ing studies, with one of cubistic de- signi. Bob King of 'Lake Bluff lias a splendid display wit.h an. unusuallv fine oul painting. Other1 Evanston student.s who are exhîliitig are Betty Dotison, Anti Mead, Eleanor, Curry,. Patricia Pettingeli, Elizabeth Carter,,and Harriet Merrifield., A number of pupils. from other north shore suburbs are also show- ing their ,work, and these are Polly Parker, Glencoe; George Belter, Winnetka; Jane' Chilcott, Kenil- worth; Mr-s..D. W.;Crule, Isabel Cra- craft, Emiily Darst, Jean I.awrence, andi Marjorie Weiller, of Wilnette: Am~y Henschel and Helen . W\ielboldt of Glencoe; Mrs. Robert j. Fischer of..Kenilworth; Babette Klein, Mrs. Frederick O0. Mason, jean NicColi- nieIl,,Ada.,Jane Reastier, andKathiar-. ine, Roach of Winùietka, and Jane. Neumann, Ruth Robbins, and Jose- phine Zook of Highland Park. AT 5OTH REUNION AT« YALE Adidison' Righter of 1221 Ashland avenue left Wilmette Tuesday for lis fiftietb reunion at Yale univer- sity. Mr. Righter. has only mnissed one reunion since bis graduation ini. 1881, even comi'ig> fronm England for this purpose during bis years of resil-, dence there. He is a TÉheta Xi and is one of. the best known men ot that fraternity.in the country. M. B. OKEAN FURRIERS, INc. Me.B 'OKCBAN FURRII2SmIne 548.;59 LINCOLN AVE. Winnetka 2752' 1til 1