our present customers and help us to be I ike pur merchandise and service, tell your friends-this wilI "The.Big.g.estLittie Store on the North Shore". Foôr. t he m onth ôf Jun -e we will feêature Pewter ware in most marveloums val.ues. J'une Sale .995 Now o n display atL Fostoria Gass Stemware Goblets, Siierbels and Wine Glasses', $1 .25 and $1.15 value 71I in crystal, green and topaz. June Sale, each.......e Hosiery Week BEGINNING THURSDAY, JUNE'I Ith, TO,,SATURDAY,. JUNE 2OtIi LA FRANCE HOSE are .offered to ORITH.E-N Shantung ýFrocks' Washable and Wearable both. for sports and * ffernoon-won- derful values in one of thie sea-. sonos most fashionable fabrics. sr .1146-48 Wul mette AvenuePoe .met 8-8 4 Wilmettém, 588,-38.9 Ph oneý