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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 64

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of each .playground will have an ori- ginal doll show in which dol *s nmade by a"}re girls on the,.playground may bc entered for competition, while older boys in each playground wiîî have a village-wide. contest in horseshoes. Interest in, aIl competit.ive events staged On fthé playgrounlds during the summer is stimulated lw* thé fact that, each playground comtpetes for a silver, loving cup, which is presented to the playground winning the high- est -number of points in village-wilde. events: and attendance during the sea- son. Vattian park has been the win- ner for the past twà seasons and will be a strong contender this yVear. Indi viduaàlnlionorsrnav I)e conipeted for and the boy and girl who wins the highest nuniber. of points i à their age groups. will bc giiven gold medals; the second -place winners; silver meda ls. a nd the third, place winner, bronze nimedals. The age groups are divîded as, follows: junio rs, under 10 vears .of age, In- termediates., 10, 11, 12 years of age, a nd Seniors. 13, 14, 15 years of age. Handicraft Pirogram Story dram'atiz-atidn. handicraft activities including baske t-weaving, dol.making,::wing, :s oap.-carvinge baIl leagues, as well as hours set aside, for free play, will form - a very.busy prograin for children attendants ;t the playgrounds, .aëcording to plans made at a staff meeting of the play- grorund iirectors. last Saturday mnorni- ing. Next week's playground programi in. ail three playgrounds will be con-~ fined to registration, organization of activities and teamis, Iow organized gaines. free play, story -te llig, and preparation of, grounds.1 The, second week's programi will -start the plav- ground peèia evens -ith a pet show at ,each playground. This 'pet sowis an annuall event. the.'plavground staff asserts,'animaIs ýof aIl descrip-u tion froin rats to polie s are, eùterefd by youthful owners inhopes of %ý,în-, ning a bine ribbon. The other weeks' work will follow.,I Anderson, HMoward schooi, tnird place;* Marcia Stniith. Howard school. fourth place. Fifth grade boys: Bill Roberts, H{ow- ard school. first place; Jim Steen, How-i ard sehool. second place; Bob Anderson, Howard sehool. third place; Paul Lang, Ceèntralý school, fourth place. stiliiiig Broçid Jump Third, arrade girls:ý Margaret -Mehi- hope,. Laurel 9chooi,. flrst place.; Anita Bloomn, Laurel SChc'ol,. second place; Mariftn Hens,- Howard sehool, third place; Florence. Neukranz and Jean Te mple, Central 'sehool, tied, 'for, fourth place. Distance 5 feet, 10 Inches. Third grade boys: Marshall Van. Deu- sen, Central. school, first place;, Bobby çeolton, Logani school1, second place; Graham' Finlavson,,Laurel school, thîrd plae. Distance 5 feet Phk Inches. Fourth, grade girls:, Lucille Heerens, Howar'd school, first place;i Helen Har- rison, Howard school, second :place' Charles Von 'Tesmar. Central school, third place. Distance 6 feet'l inch. IF'ourth grade.- boys: Bob De Vlnney, Howard school, first place; Dick Hall, Howard school. second place.; Charles Von Tesmâr, Central sc.hool, third place. Distance 6 feet 8 Incheà.> Fit th grade 'girls: Frances Akely. Central school, - firet place,;. Patty Lake, Central sehool, secodnd place; Beth, ilindley, Central school, third place; Poris Pýaterson, Howrdsehaol, fourth place. Distance 6 feet 6 inches. Flfth grade boys: BiII Roberts, How- ard Achool, first jjlace;' Ted' Riley, Central seho:ol.* second place; Jin Steen, Howard school, third place., Distance 6 feet 7 inches. 50-yard dasb. Sixth, grade girls. Dorothy Davis, Howard school, first -place,; Daphne Craig,- Cetral school, second place; ýDoris. Mayhereçy, Central schéol,, third place; Catheri ne Wenter, Central school, fourth- place. Sixth gradeý boys : Jin O'Niel, Central school, flrst place; Johln Welter, HFow- ard school, second place; Richard Rog- ers, Central school, third place; Loweil Snorf, Central school, fourth place. SSeventb grade girls: Jane Brandt,- Howard ;chool, tii-st. place; 'rinces Collins, IHoward sýchool, second, placei Helen Prescott, Stolp schiool, third place; Helen Lindstromi,' oward school: fourth place. Seventh grade' boys: Frank Swirles, Stoi.p achool, first plac-e; Jack ý Dietrich,- Stolp sehool, second place; Frank ýKoe- ,an, Howard îîchool, third place; Jack Norris,. Central school, fourth- place. .Eighth grade > girls:, Virginla Green, Howard, school, first place;* Virginia Ann Snorf. Stolp sehool, second place.;. Mary Louise Allen, Howard school, third .place; Mýary.Ella,,Waidner, Stolp $chiool. fourth place. E7.ighth grade boyr,: Donald Toeppen, Stolp school, first place; Dougla's Hind- ley, Stolp school, second place; Jifu Clhristerson, Stolp school, third place; G»eorge Green, Howard school, fourth arný tIj, omeý .Northn ,ýnure train. "I rd.ks, in-. that, block of Richmiond road, run on the street level. Kenilworth is .welconiig a niciv famnily, Mr. and MIrs. Fred M. Naber,, ,who have taken Mrs. Ruifus. Porter 'si house at 428; Cumnnor, road. 'They have two sinaîl boys. Dirstancae 1 feL, Ilinee Seventh grade boyký: Frank Brychta, loadschool, first place; Jolhn Sper4- edes,. Howvard schiool, Bob HuIl, ,How- ard school, tled for second place; Jack D-ietet.icé, Stolp schiool, fourth placie. Distaince 14 feet, 1 inch. Elhhgradie girls: Virginla'Gen Howard sçjiool, first place;- Marilyn Kehl, Stolp school, Pra'nces' Haskins, Howard school, tied for third place; Iard mchooJ, tU wfo ra pL jiace. lin 4 feet 1I nch. Sixth, grade boys: Lowell Snorf, Cen- tral school, - fir"lace; Fred Miller, Central school, seýnd place; Donatld Scarif, Howard. school, Charles Soule, Central s ehool. tied for third. place. Hleight 3feet 1ilâiches. Seventh grade girls: Estellàa Brenner, Stoîni school, fIrs-t. place;* Doroth.y Hill. Howard school, second place; Sue Spin- ney. stolp school, Jane' Innes, Stolp, school, Jean Cutler, Stolp schoo'l, tied for tlVd place. Height 4 feet 1 inch. Seventh grade boys: Frank Swlrles Stolp* Ishüol, iirst place; JIri' Streater, Stolp sehool, second place; Bob, Blan- chard, Stoin) school, third place. Ueight 4 feet 3 inches. Eigh th grade boys: Eleanor Burpee, Stolp school, first place; Annaniarie ;Booz. Stolp achool* , second Place; Bar- bara Behr, Howard school, third place. Helght 4 feet 7 inches. 1Eighth grade boys:- Ludwlg Skog, Howard school, first place; Arthur De- iang. Howard school, second 'place; Billv biacMoran, Howard school,. third. lace. Helght 4 feet 6 .inches. Director of Recreatton DanielM. Davhx,, was ln charge of the entire day's progrâmn and was assisted by Mrs. Lester F. BaIl, girls' physical train- in h Instructo~r .t to.lp schoo; .Drs. Ger- trude Fanckbofler, 'girls' physical train- ing instructtir at Howard school; Dud- ley C. , Stone, boys hyÉical training instrýuctor at Stolp sehool, and Glen W. ýGatherçcpal, boys', physî cal trafini'ng in- structor at, Howard achool. Sue R. Lake Presents Pupils in Recital Here Memnbers of the piano class of Sue R. Lake, 2936 Park. place, 1Evanston, will present a re cita] Sunday evenng, june' 14, in the \\Vilmette Woman's club. The 'group wil be assisted by .Frances B, Lake, mezzo soprano.. The program fias been annouinced as follows The Giant........Cmean The Cuckoo', Cal: ..... ....... eragdoýn 'The, Ann Be-rtellng. TeLand of Nod...... .. )y The Engle..............uniel Charlotte i*anson The Cuckoo Clock.;.... ...... . etterer Dance' Lightly............G aynor, Louise Hanson ý The Gutar Serenade.'.....Gaynor The Clôck on the Wali. Grant-Su haefer, Ruth Klopsteg The MiiWhieel.........Co Peter Peter .............Mkr1 The Rabbit Revels and Romps Awav Jack' WràY* Arabesqiue . .. ..Burgnuller. The 'Brookiet............. ý...Robyn A Song fo'r Mother....... ..,...Virgil Ballade I1hîna Klopsteg Climbing ........Burgjnuller Patty Petltt Mcaha, lie Fireside Song ........Jnks -........................Grieg Coal ng !Il N ancy D urgin ' . H uerter Prelde i Clinor........Chonin Avýalainche............-......Heller T'ungary.................. Thompsoni * Betty Elis' Jaàpaýnes.e' Dancing Girl........Adamis Ta'rantelle A Mînor......Dennee * Betty Fuerrnann Sonatina onuis 36 No. 6.....Ceeti The, Austrian Song.... ........ Pacher Marjorie Berteling ercises Wednesday, May 27,. ien eight pupils were given their diplo- mnas by Otto Aiken, educational di- rector for Cook couinty schools. The play was the Iast ~vent ini a prograin which wvas opèh lleed with a valedictory address; by Dorothea Le- vernier and' a- salutatory speech.by. Normian Johnson, l)otll memibers of the graduating class. Dental' certifi-- cates, ýawarded throughi thé Chicago. Dental society, were giveiito stu- denits whio lad eàrnied thiem, and per- fect attendance 'records were recog- nized with prizes by Mfrs. Edith Cetl- :ini, principal, and, M. MNb. Kleinbeli, primary teacher. The eight graduates, ýVho rec.éived their diplomas frotw Mr. Aiken were' Roseanna Balmes, Wyonona Gers- dorf, Esther Grundstrom, John Pe- tersen, Dorothea Lev'ernicr, Norman Jglinsôii' Henirietta, Rades, and. Har- old Wagner. Stage properties, presen.t.ed.l1w An- ton. Thalmann i a president of the Ioa rd of education, were, used for the frst tune in "Hoiw Many Mary"s Have We." cazt of Playera Mary, the first. Henrietta Rades Madge ........ ..-.Esther- Grundstrôni Margery: ....:Drtha[evernier May......... Roseanna Balhnes Sain........onPetersen- Sydney ..... .. ormnan Johnson Mary, the second..Ruth Grundstrolin Paula........... ... Marion Kares Jean,...... .....Ad'elinie Graf Hal .......... .. Leonard Lawrence Don......... .... Edward Wagner Bob........... joseph Levernier Mrs Wood . ..L4teretia Decker Miss Waverly .. . llian Quinnbach Translate Puccini Opera for, English Presentation Pucini's opera, "Gianpni Schicchi ," 'which ranks as an important revival. Of thecoming:Chicago1 Civic. Opera season, will be sung in Einglish. The opera was popular wheni sung in Italian. SCORES SUCCESS Antonio Cortis, tenor of . the, Chi- cago Civic Opera company, scored a suecess' at La 'Scala last xnonth in a series of. appearancës as Dick Johnson in Puccini's "The Girl of the Golden Wesù?', Catherine Bays. Waltz in A Plat ............ Brahms Pollsh Dance , Scharwenka Hun ary ...Lela M aso n . oel n y ean eIllngn Maz7urka in P Minor...LeschetHzky Valse inG Plat Majo'. ....... .Chopin Isabel Wray Dîzzv Fingers.............Confrey Fineslse.............Matin Dunican Milner Valse in.PE Minor ... .... Chopin Polichinelle ,.Rachnanlnof, Janet Wray

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