when market prices have dropped -yoIur food dollar today is worth $1.17 compared to a year a go. ,That's a tremendously worth- wihile saving, Join the thrifty-. yoZ too, can save at A & P-stop y ntoday, CAMPBELL'S PORK AND ____ I6.oz. fl.ans, 'l Ca ns Del Monte Pineapple..,. Quaker Maild Ketchup.. Snider's Catsup.... 23e (lait. Bottle 14-oz." Bottie Genuine SprnSLab LS L. 25c SWIFT'S GOLDENWEST Stewing Chikkens RSD~'~ 8 Srnoked BoneIess Cottage BUttS LB-.'25c Smoked Boneless Ham Roulettes LB. 29c Canadian Loin Rock Bacon L-B. 35c Conadian Loi' Bac pcnSLCLB. 42c Park Loin Rdast. LB.* . j 8cý -Chokýe'Beef Pot ROacst: LB. 16C OoId Meal Suggestions Thuringer BY THE PlECE .*.*.LB. Boiled Ham BV THE PI 5E * LB .20c 29c * *. LB39c rid Vegetables 19e 10e Ise. A -nomicnent lias just ile't1i> lVilillett*e Ihat Sanînlel. Thaviin. violinist, son of lime A: F. Tlîavilis. of 33e JUashinyion avenue, last 71weck won firSi place ini the Con- test ini Son Francisco sponscored liv tlhe Nationali ~isc Iet lc ailso is the ec/'enllCl f fi 7V-1ltfl- do-cd dollar award. SORORITY MEETS The North Shore Aluminae chapter of 'Alpha Xi Delta field its last incet- ing of the sumniiier season lai't ee17 Wednesday at. the home of Mrs.. Basil Church, 501 Washi ngton ave- nue, Glencoe. There wvas a lunchec6n meeting and bridge in the. afternoon. Dr, and Mrs.., Jamnes A. Burrili,' Miss Jane Burnili,' and Mr. and Mrs. -Dan Burril i rotored to Ani Arbor from' Wilmnette. to1 attend Dan's graduation froin the UnivefsitY. 6f Michigan on June 22. They ýleft Wil.- mette Sunday. A~. - I .., I For."Your Outing or. Vacation, Pint Thermos Botties.'.....98c RUD GEAVENUE PHIMACY C. C. Resneckar Opposite St. Joseph School Phone WILMETTE 316 thieir mnorning trip will be unable~ to get tlieir mail ini this way after July f1, Postmnaster joseph E. Shantz an- niotnced this week. At the Iast session of Congress an ict was pas.sed known as the "Shorter WVork XVeek Lawv" providing for a s-horter vork week for, postal.1:em- ployes, the hours* of service beinig reduced iromn forty-eight to fort%~ four liojurs. It is the purpose of this nlew. law, Postinas ter Shianitz states, o grant a1 shorter work week to the emploves bv restricting their work to four hours on Saturday. I3ecause of tlhe fact that there is Il( afiernoon dclivery on -Saturdays. it lias .hec:u the costomn of the, Wil- mette poctolice ini the past to ac- commiodate its patrons by' permitting them to call for mnail, whicli arnived after *the departure- of carriers on their niorning trip.). After july 1 the postoffice will 1,)e unable to grant this priv'ilege, Postmaster Shanitz states; -is *no mail, will fie case(1 by carriers a fter their returli from the mobrning PoStnliaster Shanitz also anniotinced thi wek that after Julie.30 contract station No.. 1, located ini theý Ridge, Avnepharmacv will', . e. discontin,- ued. After that date it Will be neces- sary 'for persons who .have. beeni trati.-actÎig, postal b)usiness there to coule to the Xilmtte l)ostoffice.. 1These changes are in accordance with a general programn of economy c'I Ilhe part of the federal govern- nient. Mr.. Robert Calvert'and hier clii!- dren, of 1526. Highland avenue, left \Vilmnete Friday, Julie 19, for their farm- on the .eastern shore of Ml\arty- lan. . Later .on :they will joi Mr. Calvert in . New York,. wherýe they ivill niake their home. a. - 1 - 4. - h 1