VANITY VALUES' STA-8FT ,FINGER* WAVE and , SIAMPOO - the Most beautiful and best- 4 lastlng Weve lu town Ii0 Shampoo and Ma E xpert maulcuri Except Fridait, andi Saturdab tI Tonle 011 Slîampoo, $Và2 w' ercel . . 01.2~ og.00e W new padla usdse e n eve ry head. $6 Value Euvopeaun oalisSie Gýorgeons Natural Waveu w 1 t h faselnatlng ringlet * Iends. Requlres absolutely noô.Ïnger wavlng. Fvedetle's Vita Tontie Ideal. for gray, bleacebêd, dyed and "bard to 'wave"l hair. Not Just a Frederle$6 5 wav--9em m'5 0ta *Tonlc. A $14 value. Thom pson'S Formerly,«VA NITY BOX", 636, Church St. Evanatoup,-Suite 222 Uni. 9709 Itours: 8:.10 A. M. ýto 7 P. M.-ýEvenings by Appolntakent, D04vntown--39 go. State St.- Dearborn 8740 cereniony the reception wvas hieldat the home of .Mrs. Hoffmnan., The bride was dressed in white lace and satin . Her bouquet con- sisted of white roses and files of the valley. Miss Vera Hoff man was' mai of honor and Myron Luckey of, Blue Island served as best -man. Mr. Asheni and his bride spent their honeymoo n1 traveling through Mis.- souri and Iowa and are now res:ding i Evanston. IN RECITAL JUNE 30 Pupils of Xinnifred Toiniseind( Cree will present a prograîn of1 solo and ensemble at her home, 797 Fovx- dale avenue, Winnetka, Tuesday, June -30, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. NMarian Cotton will present.the miedals. Any- one interested'in hearing the recital is invited to att.end. COAL HATCOSTS LESS Have. You Placed Your, Order for Next. W inter's. TTE 1.31 Today o'clock. An average of '200 children re- ceived instruction in the classes eaci: dav last suimmer, which hiad a record attenldance of anyv ear since the class svstern i as înstitutedl. Dildlev CStone and Miss Joe Skid' * .reo thé Plavground and Recreation. boardi staff wvill he in charge of the classec this ear- havi also, served a,- teachers of the, groups for the pre- violis two years. . I addition to the classes,, a pioinlt system will le maintained. for Ille experienced swimrners who may coi-. pete for points toward a;gold miedal. to l)e awarded at the end of the sea'- son. Beach davs ivith races and novelty events rhave heen used for this point system -in years past but have been dliscarded this' sunier in favor of. distance swîms. Three days each. week, will 'be. used for the :classes for children -of ail ticket holders at thie beach but two days each' weck vill be devotpd exclusively to children on the. play- grounds. whio vill attend the beacfi i à hody. Tuesday afternoon vvill be reserved for Vattman park C.hil- cfren and Thursdav for Villag Green and Central ..I)aygro*titd' chilirçn,. Through the courtesv of, the .Pa.rk departmient the, plavgrouind childreu- will be admitted. free on the days se!' aside for_ thêni and the reg u lar play- grounid, programi will be einforced at the Beach. Two afterno'on classes- for .wcun wvill l)e conducted throughout the summner on Tuîesdav -and Thursday afternoons, respectively. The classes vvill ùneet at 4 o'clock- and will last one. hour. Admission to the classes is f re'e to aIl beach. ticket holders., AT LINCOLN CELEBRATION Mr. and Mrs. Harper- E. Osborn and their sons, Harold andPhilip, of '715 Linden avenue, en1joyed a pleasant automiobile-,tnpl to Spri>igfield.fortîjle red ecication of the, Lincolnn monu- ment on lune 17. Through the cour-, tesv' of Gov. Louis Emmnerson the3y liad reserveil seats near the speaker5ý' stand and enjoved hearing President *Herbert H-oover andr the other wiean Phono WÏllnei 13 'Eugene fones ot Chicago. Joseph Turck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. V. Turck, 522 Linden avenue,. Wilmnette, has been ap-, pointed to thie business' staff of the Dailvy Illini .for the ensuink scho I. year, at' the Juriversity of. Illinois. He will becredit manager. ,B UY ATý THE LOW C oal or Coke Ifnot, Cali 1208 central Ave. FOR MORETRaN0TER