nounced lor M'onulay cveiiia, j uii 22, lias been postpoi ed to Monday evening june 29, due to a miisunider- stanieg regarding the date. It is: dsrdthat a large nuinber of 1Le-ý *gibn and Auxiliary inemnbers go -èo Great Lakes.'to help make this Party a success. For iurther nformation * all .M rs. Gebrge Leal,. Wilmcette. The occupational room at Great, Lakes is in need of silk stockitigs and * silk to be. used, in. weaving rugs. If you, have aiy- to »give, please cal Mrs. T. L. D., Hall, XiI- mette ý1252. Mrs. làll, is also tak- ing orders for rugs- made by -the men in. the hospitai. wio receive one- haif the amounit paid for any, article, the other haîf .heing used for mater- ils and equi pment. TJheý rugs are. made in a large variety of patterns Legion on the fourtli of Juiy celc- bration in Wilie'te. Mrs. C- L. Cociîran, unit president, and Mrs.. Arthur Johnson, Sevcùth district Americanismn chairmian, at- tended a. Seventh district board meeting and lunclîeofi on Xednes- day, .june 24. Thie board meembers were the guests of 'Mrs. Howvard I"haver of Evanston at lier summiiier home, near Antiocl.î, II Wednesday, June 17, M rs. E. V. Cullison, 235 Sixteenth street, Child Welfare" chairman, entertained lier committee at luncheon.. Mrs. Albert go denk.irk, Mrs. James Barcçus, *Mrs. Rùssell Johnson, and Mrs. George Bassierý have- assisted Mrs. Cullis on: with Child Welfare, work duriing -the past year. Mrs. James S. Barcus, .303 Sevei- Announcing ,New Low Rates at SPORTSMAN GOLF CLUB Dundee Road just across fro,» Sky'Harbor Airport WEEKDAYS SATURDAYS A.,vM. or'P. M...:...$ .75 Mornings. ........ $ .75 Ail Day ..........0 Atron......... 1.25* A fter 4:30 ........... .50 Ail Dgy .......1.50 Speciai Rate for Ladies on 9-»H oie Pfayv> SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS Before 7 A M.,.................... $1.25 7 A.M. to12 M ................... 1.75 After 12 .......1.25 Ail Day........................... 2.00, After 4:30 . ........ ........ ..75 FREE GOLF FOR THE LADIES-,EVERY TUESDAY 15 LADIES' DAY Now"-27%.hoies of reul golf. at -Sportsman Golf Club. The rough lias il been .cut, and the' courseis n-wonderful condition., Corne out am, day 'and see for voqrself good it is. lt's theé most reasonable. golf on the north 'shore. Locker Facilities . . . - Restaurant Service Grass Tees...........Large Greens NO CHARGE FOR RESERVATIONS TELEPFIONE NORTH BROOK 272 North Sh< Have( Girls Will ing on Ranch A group of north shore- girl s is leaving Monday, Jun.e *29, -for the Timbeiline ranch, Silver Creek, Ariz., ,whose director is Miss Emniiy March Michener of Evanstoii. The mem-, bers of the' groùp,,frôm Winnetka who -are going are Mary Alice, Coch- rani, Betty'.enjnett,. Judith Fox, Betty florsman, Betty Edrnonds,' and. Barbara Ballenger. There will also. bie Virgiùi;ý Oakiey of. Wilmette' and Hlermionia Clark and Janet Le e of Evanston.. The.girls wili ride ho rse- back al summrer, and two pack. trips will be made, one to;Pleasant vailey and the, other te' thée Snake dance. The ranch, is in the White mountainiS-. Roscoe, Baker: of 205 Fifte'ent.h street, Wilmette, attended the Coin- mencement exercises Juine 14, at St. Jo'hn's Militarv academy, Deiafield,. VIS.__ Stores which will close at 1i are Alan t-Joodrich studio; Blue Parrot Gift shop; Book Nook; Spalding-Gor. hani; John A. Colby and Sons; Aim)er Coe and cornpany; F. E. Foster and company;. Hatt:strom and Sanders, Jane's Shoppe; Elise A. Runyan, Inc.; Edgar A. *Stevens, Inc.,' David, G. Barry'. The foilowing, stores wiil close at 6: Tommy Àirth, Inc.; Rayiots and I'iamn- ondon.; Arch Breserver Shoe, shop: Beckerý Music shop ; Better Value shop: Louis Borchardt; Campbell's, Ine.; Thomas E. Connor; Cantilever, Shoe' shop;- The Cellini shop.; Chandlei%-, Inc.; Dahigren and Lange; Evanston Brunswick,,shop.; Ever-Nu Hosiery; È., LI.. Art shop; Gibson's Art and. Gift shop; Lilyan A. Griffin; Ground Grip- per Shoe sbop; The Hub; F. C.. Jordan ship; Lillan Hat shop; Lord's, Ine; Lyon and Ifea.1y; MacFarland's; C. D. Macp herson; Marshall FIeld and, com- pany; Mitzl Frocks, Inc. (froniî July 18); Myrtieý Rose. shop ; Lee Nelson; North Shore Taiking- Machine com- pany; Oison'and Ebann; Esther Oison;ý Pierce Radio company; Pool *aticd Piper; Royal Dry *Goods store; Eva Karon Schur; Seliner, shop;- Wm. Siater, Jr.;. C. C. Snyder; Walk-Over Shoe 'store; -Washington Shirt, eom. pany, *Wieb6ldt's, Imc.,; Winfieid shop. New, Non-Laxative Method Drives Body ,Poisos From Blood- Nervous Pisorder.... Complexion Troubles... Among 29 Common Ailments Traced to Blood- Borne Acid Wastes Millions Tiy to, Eliminate Body Poisons the Wrong Way u "uuu eportama4&AMg resutas th U1 jSprings new treatmnent drives the poison wastes 1 1047 eh out of the blood. Evansto This discovery is a totally different liee atul kind of minerai water, known as Sleepy ma 1r h Water. It is fouimd only in two springs,* located near Hot -Sprigs, Arkansas. . Auir Peculiar natural processes hors, whUc are not fuily uncderstood, canas Skepy Z TMo. umWMAQ .voey ?4eOdy et 9 i4$ p. sa, I me. wltbout obligation. how I1Oamu 80-minute test of sIeopy Watoe.I fo Skow Waur Progra f