Wilmette about eleven years. Hie was formerly coninected with MarsMil Field's downtown store. He is survivedby bis widow', Mrs. Maude Tarnow, two daughters, Mrs. James Costelloof Chicago and Vivi- aeina of Wilmette, one. son,' Wesley of WINilmtte; aànd two brothers, Ed- ward and Herman, both of Chicago. The fulieral Monday rnorning at, St. Francis Xavier church in Wil- mette was one of the largest ever held àt.that church, a glowing 'testimonial to. the popularitv. of the mxan. Paît- bearers wvere Frank Meter, Robert Fontham, Christopher Curran, Ray C. Pearsoni, William Mooiiev and Ca-l Schaeffer. Burial w-as at .St. joseph's cenietery in Chicago. A. J. Mouat Managing *Whist, Tourney in East Andrew J'.. Mouat, 616 Lake -avenue, W *ilmette;, left Sunday for a two 1*veek"'trip through the. East. His first stop) was at Rochester, N. -Y., to attend the National Conference 01n City Plannng oà n bèhaif of the XiI- mette Plan commission. After -i short v,isit' With bis by-rothier at New B;ritainf, Coni, lie will proceed to Hanover, N. H-.: to be. tournameiént ml. anager of- the 41st Annual Congvess of the Amnerican Wýhist league and the 32nd .-nniual Congress of the Womian's * Whlist league, wvhich are holding their, 1931 joint mieeting in College hall,. Dartniou*th college. Eleven various> *troffhv imatchies and championship contests are scheduled at whist, auc- tion and contract, and about two litnçlred ie.n and wonen will attend fromal parts of this country and.: Caniada. *Mrs. Rayýmo nd E. Thiatcher, :714 Sheridan road, bhas returied f rom îa niotor trip. in Wisconsin., She,,was ac- cëompanied 1w hler .son! ýand .aughtér- ili-laNv,Mn and. Mrs. Leslie-Thatcher ç) of Wilmette and lier cousin,, Mrs. W.. R. Dewey. 0f interest to inanv iWoth shore p"eo ple is the Ainarriage. of Afi ss. AIgncs Biesemelcier,. daugtr of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. F. Biesenicier, 804 Central avenue, Wfiliizctte, a.nd Viiqil Slcigli, son of Dr. aud, !Ijrs. George Sleight of Lýake For- est. Trhe cerernonv was performned at 9 o'clock Friday morning, june 12, at the bride's home by the Rev. K. A. Roth, mnember of the faculty at Lake Forest university. Qnly the imniediate fâmilies wvere present at the ceremony,. and the bride and groomn departed im- mediately by motor on'. a wvedding j ourney through, southernl Indiana. They hiave now ieturned and are mak- ing thein home at 2316 Sherman ave- nue, Evanston, whiie '%r. Sleighit is attending summer school at North-. western university. in thef aIl they will go ",fo Fayette- ville, Ark. where *Mr. Sleight.ý will be an instructor in geolpgy at the l'iver- sity of Arkansas. The groomn's father SPECIAL PRICES, ON PAINTING of PrcliFurniture durirg, JUNE III' UPHOLSTERING REFINISHING CABINET WORK Antiqu es Upbolstering and Drapery, Fabrics LINDWALL' S 1894-.1931I 808 Oak. Street -Winnetka 145 Fo.'r Sun>shin'y.Days- (IN KEEPING WITH THE TIMESI Opposite Indian H1i Station Telephone Winnetka 1617 Mjfllinery Salon-Second Floor Wl EBQLDT's-EYAN STON Davis St. Wilmeft. i I OO Il-Jne Is, Wieboldt's Moânth. in Evanston-