One 'hundred and seventy-two pupils of the joseph Sears school,, Keniiworth, from the third to the eighth grades, inclusive, were on the honor roll for 'the last five weeks of the' schooi year. To be on 'the honor roil a pupil niust.ý have a grade. of: "ýE"' (excellent) . W effort. Forty-nine otlier Josephi Sear's pupils were members of the' honor socie.ty for the same five weeks'. p eriod. This, society is. for, sixth, seventb- and eighth> grade' pupils only whose average grade in ai subjecs Foliowing is the final list of joseph Sears honor roll anid society pu pils for, the school'ý year, justj ciosed: HONOR ROLL TlIlrd Grade Barbara Bell, Halstead Crôss, Cyn- thia Fay, Homer .1-ackett, -Virginia Huick, ,Charlotte Huck, Joan 'Kilner, Barbara Buehier, Dormthy Burns, Wen- deli ýClark,' Kenneth' Crocker, D)orothy Hendrickson, Mary Lidecker, Peggy Marsh, * letty Jordan, Bettyý Jane Kniight, Isobel Ma thiieson. David San- ders, Mimi Streed, Cornne Tortorello, Paul Kelly, Catherine Marx, Nancyý MvcCloud, Robter-t osterniann, -George Rothermel, .Elizabeth Siyio(n, Ralph *tarrett, Earl. Toops atnd' Nany WVeis- haar. Four-th Grade Robert Andersen, Rtobert Barr, Betsy Davis. Tomi Ellis, Martha Hale, Dorothy Hienderson, Ma1.delint .Iergensen, Joani Ketchfamn, Rlichard 1Krauise,, Jauk 'Lawv- ,son, Betty Becker, Betty Bonnet, Bar- bara Burch, Suizanne Erwin, Suzanne Hiazelet, Ilibert 1,andon, Mary Me- lIntosh, Beriice 'Modine, K at hr y n iy' Normn Beis, janet' Col)vin, fl'ob Cooke, 'John 'Deacoii, Kirk ý Dilli ng, Ed-. wai'd Foscue, Sue Hauxhýjrst, Johin Dix, Tom Keith, lR'uth li i Ma rlon Mesick, .Bjetty Aui'rayj3amies Olin, Frank OlteIïly, BettySchtrlei, lRuthi Spren er, Marna Wilson, Blle Bay, Jane Ligiell, Margaret- Boozer, Gleorge B3rown, Louise Burkhard, Bredin Burns, LeRoy Eggert, Suzanne Fisher, Patricia Grover, Melvil lawley, Llicy fuck, Hlariet Imus, 'Warren Knauier, Seeley, Lodwick'.' Fvelyivn Mnntamanro. T1R aniuh Sevenitli Grade Janice Bouchard, Arthur Carlson, Paul Cornell, Mary Martha Cross. Lucie Dix,* Ruth Forster, Jeanne Geither, Doris Heaton, Shirley Her- .mann, Helene 'Holoway, Jane Holmby, Miriam Holmnes,. Richard Holmes, Marsha Huck,, Bettie Joslin, Aliçe Kelly, Betty Loach, GlIbert Mclntosh, Gertrude Orvis, liugh Petersen, Jane Peyeke,, Virginia Richards Mabel Sample, Caroline .Schaefgen, Aurica Simon,* Jean .-Small, John :Sprenger, Betty Thornton, Margaret Tideman, .Annette Williamis, Bill Wolf-"and Doris1 Wolfe. Ejghth Grade Shirley Botthof, Bar-bara Clark Ei-, for Clark, Russell Cooke, Jane Cosner, Roy Denimon, 'Elsie E;jgert, Priscilla Hawleyý TomHildébranidt, Mary Huck, Cecelia MacKinnon, Janet Mathieson, Billy Robertson, Dorothy Smythe, Ruth Swanson,, Loulse-Watson, Jane' Weese Alice Welty and Paul WriZht. JIONOR SOCIETY Slxtb Grade Arthur Bonnett, Bettie- Jane Coolie, Edith Gillett,> Peggyý Ketchani, Arend Knioop, Jane Krause, Benjie MacKin- non, Suzanne Maurer, Jeanette: Robert- 50.11,> illue Stebbins, Donald Stiliman and John Weese. Seventit Grade .Arthur Carlsnf Paul Coi'neli, Maryý Martha' Cross, Lucie Dix,' Jeanne Geither, Doris Heaton, Shirley Her- mann, Helene Hollowvay. Jane 'Holmiby, Miriara Holmes, Richard. Holmes,. Marsha Huck,. Alice Kelly, Betty L..each, Gilbert Mlntosh, Virginia Richards, Caroline Schaefgen,. Jean 'Small John Sp3re -nge.r; Betty Thorn ton, Margaret Tideman and Afinette Williams. Elghthi Grade Shirley ]Botthof, Igarbarat, Clark, Ehl- nor Clatrk, Russell Cooke, Dorothy Deacon, Roy Demmron, Priscilla Haw- ley, Tom 'Hildebrandt_. Mary Huck, Cécelia MacKi nnon, Bilhy 'Robertson, Dorothy Smythe, Louise Watson, Jane *perTE er, nad rm, . WELLS CLUB PRESIDENT Mrs. Sidney 'Y. Bail of WV\innletka. ,vîas cected presideitt',ofitleWells Coliege clb at its. meetitigTtuesd;iay at the home of Mrs George'Horiey, in Glencoe. -Charles MacSherry will "spend the suiimier with bis granduiother, 'Mrs' Doiw'ail .2cl)onugall. 218 Tenth street. Seaedbid el! b,New Trier Twnship H4igh1 School District. Number 2030, Cook County9 Illinoist, at the High Sehool buildingin Winnetka, Illinois, until 8:00 o'clock P. M.' (daylight savinga tune),Juy9131 for the wholeà or any part of, Four ,Huudred Twenty Thousand; Dollars.« ($420,000) School Building onds of sa&dSchool District. Said bonds are to be issued for thé.purpose of building a new sehool building on thé. present achool g rounds and an addition to the. present school building, to be dated July 19, 1931, due and payable in numerical order Twenty- five Thousand Dollar,% ($25,00) on. july i1 of ea 1ch of the Years 1932 ýto 1934, inclusive.ý Thiréty-five, Thousand Dol- lars (>$35,000) On JulY 1, of ecdiof thi ears 1 M1935 1to 1942, inclusive, and Sixty-five -Thousand Dollars ($65,O00) on JulY 1, 1943, and bear intereat at the rate of four and one-haif percent (41/%) per annum, payable July 1, 1932, and serni-annually thereafter on the. first days of Jaaiuary and July o each year. Pricipal and interest of said bovids will b. made payable at such bank in the. City of Chicago, Illinois, as the Board of Education and the purchaser .may hereafter agree upon. Said bonds shall provide for registration as to principal. The. assessed, value of taxable property i aid School District 'as last equalized and~~ determined by the. State Tax Commission for the year 19 29 is Eighty Million, Eight Hundred Fifty-four Thousand Fourteen Dollars ($80,854,014). The total indebtedness of said School Dis- trict, howsoever inciurred, including the above bond issuet, does. not exceed the sum of Nine' Hundred Thousand Dollarse$0,0) The School District wili furnish the approving opinion of Chapman and Cutier, Attorneys at Law, Chicago, Illi-, ,iois. The purchaser will be required to f urnish the. printed bonds. Catalog Free on ]Request THEAEL- DuFFIELDFiREwoRICSCo. 624 So. Michigaii CHKAGO Harrison,32521 WILLIAM H. ELLIS' Secretary, Board of Education ce ri