Shirts and Shorts 5Oc, Your choice of either swss or plain rib shirt wifh fig- ured -madras shorts In nice colons. Men S Union Suits No-rip germent of broad- cloth or nainsook, each $1.00 Men's -Shirts- 1 ve. 1150 Wslwette A lst Nati. Bank U3 Phione 2655 -I Charles -R. Ford, son of ýMt. and Mrs. Alex R Ford, 427 Central ave- nue,, who bas been attènding St. John's Military acadeiny, lef t on .june. 19, to pas s six weeks at Camhp Custer. Van Speciais Something New Something Differe.nt Eac, Week, Eye.Ieshes and Eyeows Dyed (No liquids used) The administration- of the Wil- -mette Publie schools is being em- barrassed by failure of Wilmette citi- zens to pay their 1929 taxes, Supt. J. R. Harper said this week, in a statemient urgirig ail taxpayers in the village to pay their taxes proxnptly so that the anticipation warrant s issued as an emergency, measure . nay be retired. The 1929 taxes, became de- linquent May 15,of this yýear.j From month to month over a long period. of ýtime the: schools have been hanicapedby a mounting burden of interest. on borrowed. money. Dur- ing the year 1929 no, taxes were paid. In order to continueoperation, the shools,, as well as, other taxing bodies, were forced to. issue taX ail- ticipatio.n warrants. Says Need Io Urgenkt *The .schoolboard has the power 1. issue warrantsup to three-fourths. of the amount of .thie taxes leviecl.- The situation has become critical, and ini order that the schools' credit may be good it is necessary that backc taxes be paid at once, Stuperintendent Har- per points out. Rigid economy i n every departmient lias beenf practiced by the Wilmnette' board of. education. In spite of. the high interest charge on thé tax an- ticipation warrants, the board at its last i neeting passed a budget for t he comiing year wliich is $5,000 less than that for, the year just ending. T he' total budget for the ensuing year is $272,000. Expenses Being SIasIied \Vherever possible, expenses are beirpg reduced. There have been 110 increases in teachers' salaries, except in. a few cases where the salaries wére abnormnally l0W, Superintendent H-arper States. Furthermore, taxes- for school purposes will not be in- *creased during the, year, lié said. The- school board, in accordance with,. its prograàm of economny,. ex- pects to build the much needed class- room additioni at the H{oward ýschool for $9,000 less* than the amount au- thorized ini the special election held last week. At this election the voters authorized a bondissue of $44.000 for Speial$1.50 W. offer gamine Reaistk end Frederic Permanent Waves $10.00 Pusb Up Waye et $7.50 For Appointment Phone Wilniette 3154 -VAN IDU ERS1'ý IBeauty Salon 11,331/2 Central' Avenrue Ask Our Advice oit Cosmetîco and Potoder Blendiiig %% 4..J 2I4~ Lotion' Servbng North. Wilmette and Central Aveu.. p LAY safe!P roôteect yourSkin from nthe summrer Sun- thse lo- tions will prove a. great comfort. Sunex Unguaentine Residents for more tam. 26 Years Phones: WiI. 400-401 Regular $2 Value