LARGE CLEAN ROOMS SUITABLE for 2, hot and cold water, hotel serv- ice, $5, $6 and $7 peY wk.: Central Hotel, 629 Main St. Wilmette 1080. 61LTN5O-tfe NICELY FURNISHBID ROOM SUIT- able for 1 or 2. Reas. Light. house keepl'ng priv. -if desired. 1% bIks, to transp. Ph. Wilmette 2088. 51LTN-ltp I oR 2 NEWLY FURNISHIED FRONT, rooms, east aide home. Near traxi.3- portation and beach. Ph. Wilmette 1940. 51LTrNS-lte COOL PLEASANT ROOM,FRSL decoratecl, In private home convenient to station.î Phone Winnetka 415. 51LTN8-1 tp' PLEASANT'ROOM FORýRENT, NEAIR lake and trans. Reasonable. Cal! Winnetka 1217. .5lL8-ltp IÔOM FOR RÊNT CON VEXIENTLY located. Near transportafion. Ph. Wllmette 3925.' 5ILTN-tc LIGHT FRONT-ROOM AT 660 CEN- ter St. Winnetka 2197. 51LTN8-ltp ut SOARD AND n WOOm PLEASANT HOME FOR ELDERLY person or convalescent, near lake, resi- dent nurse, 1414 Hinman Ave., Ev- anston. Ph. Uiest 2104. 53LÈTN8-ltp GRADý NURSE TAKES ELDERLY and conv. people ln- her pleasant home, exec. care. Ph. Wilmette 4299. 53LTN8-l te. 56FOR R!cNTi-APARiTmENTgg JU NE AND JULY BRIDES SEE "LINDE N MANOR- 1097-1101 Merrili Street flUBBARD WOODS Befo0re you decide where you .are going te make your home. 3-4-5 rooms. -Beat on north shore. Quiet, homelike, and: occupled by exclusive tenants. Rea- sonable rent. Agent at building 7 dy. * aweek. Winnetk H.80 990SLinden Ave. 56LTN8-ltc FOR RENT 6 RM. APAR'rMENT, H. W. hea, entrally located. $60. àWlter, P. Smnithl-& Co. 337 Park- Ave,. Glencoe 702 56LTNS-ltc FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHEI) apartments, 1, 2 and 4 rgoms. Cen- trally located. Ph. Wilrnette 2399. 56LTM6-tfc 916 OAKWOOD AVE., WILMETTE. 2nd, unheated 3 rm. apt. Modern stove heat, coal supplied, garage opttonal Phi. Sunnyside 9431. 56L49-tfC CONVENIENT, MODERN 4 RM. APT. Eckcart Bldg. Wlnnetka. 843. 6lTN52-tf 4 ROOM KITCHENETTE APT. HUM- phrey Building.- Caîl Wlnfletka 98 or 3328,6LTN46-tfc 2 RM. HEATED APARTMENT. CALL 197Wilnette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 4978. 56LTN8-ltp 57 FOR IRENTr-FURNUSiHED APTS. PURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED apartinents for, rent. Rea.sonably priced. Winnetka 690 or 1948. 67LTNe2-tfc 00 FoRe RlNr-HOUuEs ARTISTIC NEW HOUSE, 4 BDRMS., 2 baths, lav., open porch, lg. kitchen wlth stove and eiec. ref., oit heat. $150 a month. Other rentaIs fromt $70 a mo. Up. Frances J. e,02 Sprue S.t., Winscott Winnetka 1267 6OLTN8-ltc RENT OR'SELI-? ROOM HOUSE. 2 enclosed porches. Garage. Hot water h-eat. Lot 70xl68. Nr. school and transp. 1158 Hamptondale, Hubbard Woods. Winnetka 1677. 60LTN8-ltp 7. ROOM HOUSE, VACANT JULY 1. 1007 Linden Ave., Uubbard Woods. Call Winnetka 128. 60L8-ltp el FOR RENTr-FuRNIsHiD HOUSES DOROTHY K. ROSS Homes for rent and sale. Furn. rentais a specialty. Careful consideration as to value, convenience to a schools and transp.. In Winnetka, Glencoe. and Highland Park. 663 Vernon Ave. Ph. >Glencoe 305 or 986. 6ILTN8-ltc f OR 2 MONTUS UNUSÙAL 6 RM hous.e, best transportation, fine fur- nlshings. $100 per month to responsible party. 2785. Prairie Ave. Evanston. Ph. Unive'rsity '4993i. 6ILTN8-lte Glecoe State Batik IN SUITE 0F 1-2 OR 3 ROOMS suitable for Doctor, Dentist, Archi- tect or any business requring office .Pace. Low rentaI. 66UP36-tfe W LM ETT E SHERIDAN ROAD> AT CENTRAL AVENUE 9 rm., 4 ba., fireproof home nr. the la 1ke. park, bathing beach, transp. and. sehls. There are 4 master bedrms., and 3 tuie bas. on the, 2nd fir. ; 2 -servant's rms. and ba. on the, 3rd flr. served' with a back, stairway from the kit- chen hall; a charmmng sun rmn. with open pch., which overlooks beau. Iawns;, brkfst.,rm. and butler's pani- try; 2 car gar.; IL, w. gas heat. This house 15 constructed iwith steel frame- work, solid masonry iwalls; tle roof; tile and concrete between firsà.-the best possible home construction. Ow n- er offers for $10,000 le.9s than this hous cost hlmn 3 years ago. BILLS REALTY, INC. 1649 Sheridan Rd. Wllmette 3740 .72LTN8-ltc You. Are Invited to the Architects' New Exhibit of French Home Designis ()PEN DAILY il A. M. TO 10 P. M. AT BAIRD & WARNER'S SKOKIE RIDGE ESTATES, GLENCOE 72LTN8-l4(ý CHAItMING 7 RM. WHITE CLAP-, board resid. on 100 f t. of beautifully wooded grounds, east sîde. 4 bedrms., 2 battIs, liv. rni.,. 28x15; garage, oit burner - large litd. aide piorch open- ing, on gardon; radically reduced price. $19,500. Hokglsz(Di m& Je1m1k 513 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1617 930 Spanlh ét., fflilmette WiI. 292Q 72LTN8-itc WILMET TE 12' RMS., N. E. SEC. ; 2 BLIRS. LAKE, corner, hollow tile, everyimodem .ctn- venience. Will saerifice or trade for emaller. Owrier. Phi. Wïlmette 1985. 72LTN-ltp) Fine N. Shore Homes CONSULT THEF OFFICES of BAI RD &. WARNER 528, DAVIS, ST., EVANSTON Greenleaf 1855 Holiycourt 1855- 1071 SKOKIE .RIDGE DRIVE, GLENCOE. Glencoe, 1554: Briargate 1855 "6DEERE PARK-OTç THIq 4LAKE"' Highland Park Highland, Park.2040 72LTN8-Itc ATTRACTIVE ENGLISH BRICK ýIN Winnetka, .7 rms., 2 tile batha, ex. lav., brkfst.. Dorch,-2*car att. gar., oil heat,ý frlg. 'near lake, sehools and transp. -$24,000., Rentai $175 a ,mo.'Mro3. Lang. Ph. ýWlnnetka 1194. -72LTffl-ltc 74 -FOR 9SALZ-VACANT Brick 7 roomes, 2 tule baths, strictly mhodemn. Price greatly reduced for inî- mediate sale. 9 'rms.à, 2 batha, H. W. h., 2 car gar.,* me- ~duoed to $11,000, about $1,50 oasb balance like ent. Some unusual values in reritals fumntshed and unfurn. B. H. BARNET Room 4 526 Center St. Phone Winnetka 965 74ZTN'$-ltc RESIDENCE SITE 40x153. CORNER Brier and Rogers, Kenllworth. No 'reasonable offer refused.- Winnetka 62 or 3293. 74LTNS-4te 76 SUUNER RESORTO. FOR RENT DURING JULY AND August, 4 roorn furnished cottage, bath, runnlng water, electricity, acreeon porch, wonderfui beach on Michigan shore, near Saugatuck. Ph. Wllmette 1497. 76LTN8-lte TWO FURNISHED COTTAGES, ESTES Park, Colorado. For informatior cati Wilmette 1643. 761 .8-1t(, sa «FOR UALE-FARMU FOR SALE,-CALIFORNIA FARM 20 a4res, price $400 from owner-ternç, !iéautlful fertile valley Bert Bristol, 123 West Madison, Chicago. 82L1"N-lte w ILMETT LÀ FF AI , ,l 1,11 moi a mai JL