Is Ready Just cal1 Wilmette 691 or 696,tell where you are and-weIll, the, resf. is our job. We always carry nW stock the proper type Ex id e Batteéry and a lire fol fit your car. EIT:AN Wilid(,Bte & lcrcServic e 74U TwS'elith StreetIVili-ette 691-696: A SAFE INVESTMENT' A basèment fuli' of, Consumers G uarà.nte.ed ýCoal or -Coke,- bought ai, foday's low. prces, is a safe and ýeconomical îhvesiment.- You get, n*otonly a bargan in price, but an uncondutbo>nal guaranptee',of high qu'ality .and an assurance of next wnter comfort. Why not take advantage of our summer prices and phone us to f111 your coal bin NOW? BY YOUR '.COAL O QN A PPýROV AL4 GUARANTEED COAL tFUEL OIL SOLVAYCOKE. L 1 V ESR Y, Y AR D-1 ,,,nsumers Qmany S A lL 0 OVER TH E OR THR, WINNTKA3381 LENCOE 75 S HOR E DI1S TRICTY B DRAUN "For Co* Telephone Wuinetka 3020, Robt. F.Doepel Pimil H Bran.Carl L.Bran. m 1ý\ý 1 ; Pbâ' He B