f amily, was fortnally, opened Mondayta iehecsofmerl pd by E. G. Biechièr, president and -gen-. labor was much Iower. era maage ofFriidare orpraton. "Thé fifteenth anniversary jubiléee ercimanagerof tFrigidaiecoration asalso wilI mark the period of greatest Pýt asFrtiiaieofathelyubin athe iedas rssin f ood preservation in the thevas Frgiair failyinthéUniedhistoryof the world. Not only in the States is included in the. prograni, the w o nutybsti entubt announcement stated, and, evehts have vtismripoannthhme been arranged for every day and eeTe ih oem ortatfiny reze he ning of the week, save Sundays.durinTég omiae odýflyreiie h JuIly and August. Mr. Biechier'issued vital, necessity for- properly safeguard- a general invitation to the public to be ing the famil'y food supply. The devel- guests ofthis General Motors subsid-. opment.of the electric-refrigerator and iàr- a an Frgidireshoroo duingthe tremfendous ambunt of 1f ood pres- iaryat ny rigiair shwroo duingervation educational activityv that ac- the~ evn. onanied it played an impôrtant part Tells off Theu and Naw o ti. -Fifteen years ago,"' Mr. Biechier said in opening the jubilee, "there wereTOS ND M TH NRAC feweletrc rfrgerators. in use, ad these only in the homes of the wealthy. Caroline Clarke of 620 Forest ave- Today, there are more than 3,000,000 -nue,. with a group of other Wilinette in service and factories are Working residents, Mrs. E. L. Lange and lier overtime to stipply ýa rapidly incr ., -itng son,']EdWard, and Lois L"hleman, are demand. This household appliance is no leaving tomnorrow :îiglit for a dude longer in, theIuxuryclass. It is econom- r anch at Dayton- Wvo.', where ithey ical to own and to .operate and pro- Will spend 'a. month riding horseback. vides a range of household service un- dreamed of fifteen years ago. Mr. and 'Mrs. Herbert Lucas "Frigidaire bas been the outstand- children of 173 Fuller lane, Win- ing pioneer in bringing the electric re- netka, left july 2, to visit Mr. and f rigerator f rom the 'expensive ice box' Mrs. Walter Mfead of ?Wisconsin class to the economical home servant it Rapids, Ais_ They riemained, witii is today. Through apolicv of progres- them over the Fourth of July and sive engineering, this company h as per- then motored to Pike lake. fected refinements and improvemrents that have made the home electric re- Dr. and INrs. Donald, M. Gallie, f rigerator more serviceable, economical Jr., 1115El od avenue, have as and efficient. Through large scale pro- their bouse guest for two weeks, duction methods and hy purchasing ma- Mlrs. GaIlie's brother, Arthur dePass, teriaIs ini large quantities Frigidaire of Port Uion., Costa Rica. JULY, SPECIAL, Bernie AUl Captu.res Cliildren' I the for BEACH WALK BVBRY NIGHT (No D auting Sandaya) Tuesdsy, JuIy 14, HAWAIIAN NIGHT ADDEII FEATURE SATIJIWAYS-TEA DANrCE on BEACH WALK 2 :30 P. M-11oImluding choiee froîu a Spoclai Tea Neni EDGEW ATER BEACH« HOTEL. 500 iUock Sheridan, Road-Telephone LONgbeach M.0 PATRONIZE 0OUR*»A D VERTISERS KATHA 1RIýN,.EWALKER SMITH 704 Church S-troot in Evanston. and 270 E. DepfhScn Floor-:4n Lake Forest JULY CýLEARANýCE,' Late SprngMerchan>dise A varied selection of COTTON'DRESSES which were especially designed by the manufacturer for DOBBS-New York shop. Becaus, of the closfig of DOR8S we were able to buy them very reasonabe. There are, dimfties, batistes, linons. A group of SILK DRESSES ,cf exquIsiequaIity. Andi A group of EYELET DRESSES RONIE STUDIO ,"Better Pictures-Better Values" No R.turns 1623 Sherman Ave.,EvntnTlUN.89 or Exchangos AIIow.d q4 . $1 8.00 ,Tel..,Ul4I. 8998