sleeveless Sweaters A spocial purchase of à quality usually much bigiier priced., lack, Vwhite,,,tanIFrench blue, n greeh, imaroon . .......... .. . i SECOND FLOOR Caunpers! Fis.hernieui Hors are . afew of the. things you'IIl find at 'Chanilr's-among a comf- ploie stock of first-class equipmentli loup TENTS*$4.50 CAP rovms.».S CAMP sr0OL6 * Toc 54 GOLO MEPAL CAMP COTa 4.5 - ~ CANTI LE VER TACICLE MANSFIELD LEVEL WINDIN@ GIEPRODS 5.à0.O LIGHTS $ 5.0 CHANDLERS- ,SECOND FLOOR Cool Glassware!. A glass of attractive color and shape makes iced drinks so much more attractive. Here are, two speciatly good values: 6 ICED TEK. GLASSES AND SIPPERS $1.50 set ai, rose and gren-with red spoon7-sip- Footed glass of graçeful. slencier shape, ..i..*l cia.A Main. Wilimette rcsidenits observed the Poind/z -ofJsdy. bY PaYlIl-g triblite to thse Ases'afi an .sd 'hi tise soldiers. In htissqper pîcturie is sisomc'stise f1lg paie deidica lion whichiiisakid thse Pres6 tation of a' fiag ta St. Jose ph scisoalnItihe Lakse aveèsue-Ridge roand corner. Tise fia.gpale zwos dossated by Peler .1.Iluserter Post No. 669, .4mericani Legioui, ansd thse flag î0ns' Oiven by thicomenws's aof ay ithse post. In the picîsire bciow uis slizwn a portion oa-f tise parade wlsicls Peter J. Huerter post arransged. iletePost ANo. 46, Anericani Leflions, presetited. a tlrilling se ries of. field t'ents aItie Village Green jin tie afterloonw Mathew-Francis Photo s -1 y l WA%.3m .»N And if you bringi a book, pubttshed withi fve y.ars and i fairy good condition,y ou cevI buy on. of thes. books for 75-the 2Ec aIIowance~ for, the book you brig. CHANDLERS--FIRST PLOOR I C rysti w 1 éciat ..èlàsses a.t nô