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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1931, p. 18

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Matrhed Clubso reditred te #22,50O Set. Six 'Ste.l-shafte d clubs of ex- cëIlent b4Ilrnce*'- fwo woods and four irons. Reduced from $29.50. Chiandler G~olf DaIIs 3 for'$I Perfect quallty, Mar ket e* FrOîn JIY19 through September , union services will be hield, with the t'ongregational church. The folloiving speakers Nvill be heard in the Congregationlal churéh, Sund'i3 mornings ut the il1.o'clock Nvoishiii) July 11): 11ev.GgD. AlIison ùf the wîlliette tla)tst chu'relh. Toph.e 11what Religion ('an Do for O * JuIy 26: 11ev.« Otto R. Loverude Great * August- 2: Prof. Williamn If. ]Roiber-t. University n idad,(aio 1. Aliunst9 : 1)lR.olwt 0U'ordo ,Im .g îng editor of the ',Biptist." Services wvillb li eld in, this chureih for theu four followin ' SinaV August 16: Pot.Frank MN. MvRibben of 'Nothlvesterii universit.1. August 23-.- Dr. Bryan Stoffei-,.presi- dlent of the Ainerican c<llege, Nl«dura, Inffia., August 3Q. R1ev. William E jý. v'- imick, Ne-w Enkland c'On-igregationllt Septelànhur 6, Rltv..Johi l. Ilindley of the Wilnîiette Cg< ngtvg:îtionaiil cii-til. plafnied to, last 'just one lionti-. Invite ,Votir sUlIlilVi gUusts t>P'i.Ptg) in theni. A diIwlnîi S*Xeie tb aIl. First-Congregationai edUvation We exteld -a crîm invitation to visitors anid stramiger.s in,. Wilnîette ,o attend <liii' survieve40f Nvi-si hel« u t. il Sundcay moning. Next Snda .ioning Dr. (ieor4e 1D. Allison wvilIopen t he iteries of union services beling Co»d)(u.ted by Oic 3q)i. and Cilngregatjoîîaî hîvîs 1ieI n on the subjeut, "Wat leligion l lin for You." -Tlle irst foui- of these union servic-es wil l e hekl iii this hu and tlie reinaiing fourý in the Kkptist chut-ci. l'lie nusical prograni fori îîxt Sunday is as follows: Prelude : "Nntturnçî(" . M,ý endelssohný Solo: "In Th.ee, t God, Do 1 Put My Trust".......... .......sîk-eî- Offertory: "Aiidtntino" .. c-I<inleY Solo : "Thoiu Wilt Keetp im ili Perfect Peave',.. . .......... -ý;..ýPatteh Po.sttiîde: '"Fanfaîre d'Orgue". . . Shelle.% Mrs. Ethl ,Heide. Wishover- wiIl liet the 4olnist, vîth Miss EmIlily LRober'ts ut the orga..m The churéh achool contlinues its suni- nier sclhedule 'with à one-hioui, sessio )n for the Begîn lners Pm-imarýy, Junior, ando I n telrrneid htte departments, beginni ng at 10 oeok Fridlay, July 17, is Nli,;bioniaryclay at D&esPaines camp n'ieeting. Mi . E. R. Tweed je Nvill speak at the nmorning se'v-* ic at 10:30 for. the W. F. M-S. Mrs. Robert Steffheonson Nvill mpeaîk ut the fi . M. S. service at >2.30. Sat.i'ay.isLaynien' day at the canip metig.. isopF. NV. Nrnýje %ý_vlI seal< atý the morning se rvié'e at 10 :30 and Blshop F. J. .MeConnell lviII preach ut, 2:30, and at 7:45. Sunday afterîîomn ut 2:(,Bislîof Mc- ('onneli ill be the speakcer, ind Siii- day evening at 7:45 Bishnp CI. W. Burnîs will prea'ch. The *,7hi-ch school i,nt.tins Cl:< raýteegronptlisfor *beginners, niar n junlior's throughonit the, su umimer. These illetat .il1o'elovk cdiSundày mo>rn- Presbyterian *Cliurch î Waf .avenue ;and Tenth stret, ('hrvhOtbe:State, B.nk b)uilding Tellîhne Winîete64 andl 68S WV vrîal .i-elc muestrng md&< ~lstor 4<<-Il urvvesnEthe chirch. CI linre li s~e t as nsual caeli Stnidiy morîhingat Il R~lc,1ev. Daniel I. Dyuî-Ili.P1., nof1Dayton, ()hlo, -il on- d.ut the sé1rvîcets âa reîhSîd, July IP andc126.. Juni<or churcli discoiint11ed d(u ring the There ivill lie n -1'rayeî' Meetinîg, dur- ing july and Anust. Snnav ehol wil J11muet at 9 :301O m thr<aîghiolit the stlliller 11nîonths with . I)<gaîadapted to tnltet . h, u I5 a n*il attelidance duing . et he vacation sutsoin. C'lasses foi, ail agus..iR. Il. ItcSnplt,. ('ails foýr sevie f 4îy kind, iinclîmd- jngý pastoral service. (-;i le funishied at aIl tinies bN- comîuuitathîg 'o, h( churh '~eCr ta () r W. G. Colvin, 70(o St. A ugustine's Sttidýt>- ;ftvtr Trinitv.Thr, 1 ~ A pretty, quiet Wedd*ing vas solmî 1101y Commnunion ut ~a.'i. and nîor-îzed Tuesday eveing, june 30,a8 Iiin- praver -,-vtihsermion atit.~ oclca h om ftebie groom s cotusin, Mrs. F. . Braucht, ýMrs. Fannie 1. Baàllard, 67Pr veuGut, OitarioCani- ada, vhenl Louise Price. of 1133 Cýeni- Illinois Pioneer, Dead tral avenue, Wilmette, %vas- united il, Mrs. Fanniie I. Ballard died at -the niarriage to Nathaniel Beam ,of WVatcr- homen of lier daugliter, Ms Robert loô, Onitarjo. The bride and bride- M. Birown, 221 Dupee place, Tuesdav groom were cliildhood f ricnds, 'and thie init, julv 7. Rev- M. L. Wing of. I(itchenier, w~ho Mrs. Balard wvas the last nienmber officiated, is an old friend of the ofÇ n e " .1il '* 'e ý , c - ride'-, iml seel~unday aller 'frlîîlty *9:1 .i Fjr.st service and sermon. 9 :30 ;i.m. Sunday school and Bib)le classes. Il a.m . Second service and sermon. Sermnt: "Shjbbolethi, IRecognlzeil by OesSp)eechi." *The foi.îth sermo of() a suries .on t11w monre unfantîliar inicidents (if biblical hi.sýory ivillihe given by thu pastor uux.-t Sunda y nîorning'. It will dell vitlian incident' reeor-ded .Judges; chapter 1, in Niih thie nmenmbelrs a tr'ibe be- traye(l therpselvcs by thelir speech. Me-n betiî-y thenselves by, their sp)eeh t U) this day. Yon arce invitcd to bea. the s3eril on ext Sunýid.ty morning au 1. -Mission Church' l'a rjsh lo(use, Oaîk stretit, Wnck John]3enigtsoli, jias'tor Phonme \1inl. 337 9 E've*ing on tdobor servb e .7 :4,5 . lu. W1 edliesday. Nli(l'%veek strviçu ?... p.. Fiday, A'rayier mleeting . ý..ý,. : p i. Svanjdina vÎan llalignage,.usud Stitda;Y, moîn).linlg, a ternloon anid 'dnsay ~u ni- glî ,Siinday uv-eing. Thursday. JulIy 23, Làadies' aid l i. lov yA. Thonipsii, pastor- SOL' .Cherr'y sti'eet, W.innetkl,; 23uý4 a uîday, uy1 ila.nî. M(1rziiig %worshijp. 1)P.11. Y. IP'. meeting. 7 :45 >v.Il. - î~ sr i(,(,. l'i ursday, July 2:3 j p.ni. Missi<inatry talk b>3 Mrs. ArtJlînrý G. lillîcblllît froni Capto'n, ('binaý. Louise Price Is i lie' preacher for next F'unday rnorn- ing fis. Dr. Frank MlcIibban, a membel. of the religlons education staff of NS'ortiî- westrn nivrs'tyIî. McKibban con- ducted the school of relîgious educa.- tion fi)" ail the VVilnmette churches last wlanter. lie will bring a splendid mes- sa ge. *Dr. R. D. Hollington 0f Oarrett Bib- uva istiut ~vlIpreachi July 26.. The q UEST OF HONOR Mýrs. john Boddie,1 formnerly- of Wilinett'e, gave a mîiscellanieotuF sho>ver yesterday in honor of Mrsý. Dan Burrili.,The-shower wvas given at Mrs. Boddie's apartnient. in Rogers Park. . . 1 .l**ff1ias ri.uri C LU er honme at Bufroad. Mrs. Thornpson, the former Elizabeth Muniro, is the daugh- ter of John G. Munro, 1119 Elmwooýd avenue, Wilniette. Edward and John Vale of Mich- igan, City,. Ird.,ar visiting their aunt,. Mrs. H. B. Lathalm of 430 M1aple aveiue.. a Iow prkicl. CHAN DIERS SECOND. FLOOR -oýê ýý 4ýd

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