The golden text .was, "Jesus saith anto them, Mv nieat Is to do the xiIi >f him that sent me, and ta finish uis work" (John 4:34). Arnong the citations, which comn- îrised the lesson-sermn ,,,as the FLY YOUUt OWN SHIP at $2 'au hoUr Curtise-Wirght h" developedà rmnp ownership pln that places filling withuu, the inleans of . everyone. For.-Pull Particulars WVriteor -Phone CURTISS -WRGHT FLYING--.SERVICE.'L GI.avaew, II., 'Ph. Gleuview -373 f)fly.Passenger Service t. Axrlington Race Taack $2m Rlound trip dftt ft ront Curti"-Re"uolcds Aiport *Pho ne for Reservtations tures," by Mary Baker nov:ý "To suppose that persecution for righteousness' sake 'belongs ta the past, and that Christianity today is at peace ivitb the warld because it is honored bv sects and societies, is ta mistake theë verv nature of religion. Error repeats itself.- The trials. en- counitered by' prophet, disciple, and apostle, 'of Whoni the world wa s not worthY,' await, in sanie form. every ýpioneer of t'ruth" (p. 28). Janet T.'Carr Learning to. Fly at Sky Harbor Miss Jane T., Carr- of Highland_ Park, whose father isa member of the. firth of Nimmons, Carr, and;-Vright, Chicago architeetÉ, is, learning ta fly àt Sky Harbor airport west. of Glen- coe. She took lier first lesson Fridav of last week. -If successful in abtain- ing ,ber privateý pilafts license, ýshe plans ta continue her studies, in the field afi aviation. Maj. R. -W. Schroe- der of Sky Harbor. air-port said this wéek that M.\iss Càrr's fâther had visited the airvort. recently and that he expressed an intention af taking up flying soon also. a A bout Stratosphere Maj. R. M,. Scbroeder of Sky Har- bar airport, west of Glencoe, spoke before the Highland Park Chamber af Commerce Tuesday on bis experiences in February, 1920. Wben hie flew toa.a lieight of 38,180 -feet, thereby penetrat- ing the stratosphere for, the first time in history. Interest -in the subject aif the strato- sphere' bas been aroused again in re- cent week s becauseai the fight of the E-uropean. .scientist, Picard, in bis me tal balloon., Pitard'flew ta a height of about :ten, miles. Major Schroeder*s record flight in 1920 was made at McCook field, Day- ton" O. He used a* LePere'biplane, two-place flghter, with a super-charged Liberty engine. At that time the major was :chief ,test,.pilot. f or the govern- ment at McCook field. He encountered the stratosphere up- on reacýbinig a beight o i1 36,000 ýf eet. At that beigbt the temperature was' ,sixty-eigbt degrees below zero. Two tbousand feet higher the officiai read- ings.i Major Scbroeder'*s plane sbowed. that' the temperature wvab sixty-five degrees. be/ouv' zero,. the interesting fact being. that as the plane pentrated. the' stratosphereý farther tbe temperature became warm- er. Plane Goes Into Nos. Dive W\hen the major had reachied a heighit af 38,180 f eet bis eye. balîs f roze. -He accidentlv knocked the oxygen tubc out of bis mouth, .and consequently smthered. The plane Wh enabout 1,,500 xeet rom the grouna .Major Scbroeder recovered consciaus- ness, brougbt the plane out ofit nase dive and landed safely. The majorî s verbal .*account aof bis brush withi, deatb is m'ost interesting'. He told the stary: several- weeks ago before the Highland Park Rotary club, and wvas asked 'ta repeat it before the, Higbland Park Chamber of Commerce. Major Scbroeder bas done consid- erable lecturing on bis experiences in the stratosphere. Varions Ihincheon Aviation Post of American Le gion to Hold Two-Day Program at Cuttis Airport July 25 and 26 Aviation Post No. 651, Amecrica- Legion, is -planning a two-day ait meet to be held at Curtiss airport, Glenvi ew, Saturday and, Sunday, July 25 and 26. The évent will' of the,,outstanding 'attractions of: the summer months for aviation menthusi- asts of the 'north shore villages. Officiaisof Curtiss airpart will turni over the field ta the aviation post for the twodays, and ail profits fromh the air mneet will be, used for the es- tablishinýg of a trust'fund forwido*s and children of meembers of the post wbo may be killed while flving. Two famous flyers, Wiley Post and" H{arold Gatty, who recently circle. the. earth. in, eight and. two-thirds daysi in their'.plane, *"Winnie . M\ae," have 'd efintitely promnised to fly ta' Chica go ta take part in -the-fw-ýAdav mieet, wliich is expected ta. attract thousands of visitors fromi Chicago and the north shore. Ail types of airplane races and con- tests will be on-the program. There mrill be parachute jumps, dead-stick landing contests, stunt flying,_ races for . pilots witb prîvateélv owoned planes, bomb dropping and , nany other similar attractions. Cups and Cash.Prizes Prizes will consist of cups ané numerous cash awards. Several planes irom Great Lakes are expected ta take part ini the two- day meet, and tihe -National Guard will be on hand, to add color ta the proceedings. *Advance sale of tickets for' the meet has started. The tickets, nay bepurchased 'inadvance at.a re'duced- rate, which entitles the hold to admis- sion ta the hangar, parking 'and dis- count on an airpiane-ride. For the canvenience of -residenits of the New Trier tow-nsip villages, the. tickets may be obtaineçl at the miai n office of Lloyd Hoilister Inc., 12,32 Central avenue,. Wiîmet'te, or f romn the brancb offices at 561 Lincoln ave- nue, Winnetka (WINNETKA TALK office.) and 341 Park avenue, Glencoe, :EVANSTON.- Wilmnette ý1100 AH tpes ofplanes for sale: Complet. aîvp.rt M fcl#th I muludImt storag. and, supplies tol, P'a. Arrangements 'for obtaining the plane for the use af Mrs. Andersen. and ber guest were made tbrough Apeit-Calvin Aircraft, Inc. Waork is stili in progress aon the paving.,aof'Lake avenuüe west, frQM' Waukegan, road to Curtis s airport. s Dai Street