We exploded a popular belief that a morgue arod July in a store have some- thing in common. Ou r buyers hav e New York: with bought ai 1931I's just returned'from brand niew things Iowest. price lev-el.- On every floor, in every section, brand new, fresh merchandcise with that just- arrived look. An avalanche of: d.ramatic values--the. most startling min a decade. No wonder. we're pleased-. lVateh- LORD'»S Grow! Clarance" Highlght SILK GOWNS o'f pure dy. silk, ýevery stitch dlone by hand, teilored and lacey models. 25 that weré $7.95 now $5.951 8 thet were $8.95 now $6.951 2, that 'were, $6.9,5,now $4.951: RAYON LOUNGlNG PA- JAMAS, 3 - pc. models, smart for traveling be' cause they wilI fit in eny cornerof your bacg. Dark colors. Wbile they lest, V/2 PRICEI CLEÀRANCE 0F JACKETS làn this group, ther. are Golfiex 'jackets of feather-.. .weigkt woolens; s ma r t littl. silk jackets; and summier sweaters of These Clearanc.e Itecms lill Be fiouns inTthei RSpeVecn lo- tion oittherSpectndve S<- j LORD'S A n Important Clearance Event!. K n* iUed Suif price range.. lpi the Sportswcar Sec tion-LO RD'S-Secoltd Floor, usPo Fa mousequot heets and Cases At the Lowest.Prices iniRecent Years 63X99 $1. 14 63x108., $1.24 72x 99, $1I.é 72xl08ý, $1Il 42x36 Ca-ses, 35c ,24 8 1x 99*; $1.34 348lx108, $1.44. 45x36 Cases, 39C Thrifty 2 homemekers wUIlburry to tàe. advantay'e -of these savings for neyer' bey. Pequot sheets, and. cases been prced so. Iow. Snowy white and delightfully smootb. Buy a, big'supplyl In, the, Bedding Sectioz-LORDS-Pirst. Ploor, Conter 12'00ý '%~rds, F1ýt.Crepes ,and Crepe de Chine Printed 93dë. Flower Patterns Si k 1s: --Dots Geometric Designs,- -New Colors Tr uly sensational values! Look at the beautiful prints! Se the array of Iovely sumnier colors-white, blaick, every shade of blue, brighfAlgerian reds and greens, brown and white, black and.white, navy and whie. Fee-l theirqualityl You'll new rb. able.-to ress 1kn 0foko towenyuse them. 39 inches wide. Hnan Shantung Now 59cc An importnt reduiçtion on this popular summrti colors on ligbt backgr-ounds. Super-'po!ail In the Dayýlight PabrfiC Section-LORD'S-MO loor, North AND *1I 1' fl%!7I? Hundreds of Yards Gay Cretonne' in a great selling .at s unexc.IIed'et l7c yd. lIn the J2rapery Section- LORD'S--Pirst Floor, Center. 6JMÀ-Uýè-b. L.. 701q2